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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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I jedna današnja sa zaključkom da su iz EU došli do stadijuma "Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende" tj. bolje užasan kraj nego užas bez kraja.

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Sveže ankete iz Grčke: samo 8% misli da će se pregovori završiti neuspešno - većina smatra da će se do dogovora doći pretežno ustupcima grčke strane, a 21% želi izlazak iz EU. Krivac za rastezanje pregovora su kreditori za 56%, a grčka vlada za 37% ispitanika.


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Pa ovo objavljivanje je samo namerno sjebavanje pozicije grcke vlade, sve i da misle to da urade. Sjajno.


Inace taj cin bi bio de facto grexit, ne znam jel neko vec prokomentarisao. 

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Pa ovo objavljivanje je samo namerno sjebavanje pozicije grcke vlade, sve i da misle to da urade. Sjajno.



To sam i ja rekao...


Jednostavno, idu na to da ih diskredituju, desilo se to ili ne...


Jebala ih vrhunska diplomatija, kao da operišu na otvorenom srcu mesarskim noževima...

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 I Španci upozoravaju Grke.


Greece runs a "real risk" of crashing out of the eurozone after crucial debt talks with its creditors broke down, Spain's Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo warned on Monday.

"There is a real risk that it will leave" the bloc, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told reporters, according to a ministry spokesman.

"That would not be good for Europe and it would of course be very bad for the Greek people."


For Garcia-Margallo, the eurozone "is a club with a set of rules and whoever breaks the rules runs the risk of leaving the club," the Spanish foreign ministry spokesman told AFP.



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Pa sto ih upozoravaju kad nikakvih posledica nece biti?  :fantom:



Syriza sources have told the Telegraph that Greece may seek an injunction from the European Court of Justice to stop the creditors and the EU institutions acting in a way that breaches Greek treaty rights. This would be an unprecedented move, greatly complicating the picture.


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Nemačka vlada "ne može da potvrdi ni da demantuje" pisanje Zidojče cajtunga o uvođenju kontrola protoka kapitala.




Sad i Grci vade oružje: možda će tražiti od Evropskog suda pravde privremenu meru kojom se zaustavlja kršenje njihovih prava kao članice EU od strane kreditora i institucija EU.


Germany’s Suddeutsche Zeitung reported that the creditors are drawing an ultimatum to the Greeks, threatening to cut off Greek access to the European payments system and forcing capital controls on the country as soon as this weekend. The plan would lead to the temporary closure of the banks, followed by a rationing of cash withdrawals.


Syriza sources have told the Telegraph that Greece may seek an injunction from the European Court of Justice to stop the creditors and the EU institutions acting in a way that breaches Greek treaty rights. This would be an unprecedented move, greatly complicating the picture.




Dragi upozorava da dogovor mora da se sklopi vrlo brzo:


Rojters javlja da je samo danas iz grčkih banaka podignuto 400 mil €.



Grčka obećanja o suficitu su mrtvo slovo na papiru, pošto su neostvariva bez mera sa kojima se grčka vlada ne slaže, tvrde kreditori za FT, a prenosi Gardijan.


    According to a copy of Greece’s counter-proposal presented to Mr Juncker’s staff at the weekend and obtained by the FT, Athens agreed to meet the creditors’ demands on budget surplus targets for this year and next year. For 2015, Athens said it would reach a primary budget surplus of 1 per cent and 2 per cent in 2016 — something the Greek government has resisted for nearly two weeks.

    But officials representing Greek creditors said many of the underlying fiscal measures — particularly the €2.4bn in savings attributed to “administrative measures” — were unlikely to be met, making the promise to achieve surplus levels meaningless.

    “It’s like you saying you promise to lose 20 kilos by next June, but you keep eating the same amount of chocolate,” said one senior official from one of Greece’s bailout monitors.




Grci čekaju poziv za nastavak pregovora:


Greece awaits an invitation by the institutions to continue negotiations, government sources said on Monday who pointed to a statement made by Government Vice-President Yiannis Dragasakis in Brussels who clarified that “the Greek side is ready to complete negotiations.” 

"We await the invitation of the institutions and we’re ready at any moment to respond to the continuation of the negotiations,” the sources said.



Samaras pozvao Ciprasa da počne da radi svoj posao i upozorio da će rascep sa kreditorima imati razoran efekat.


Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras on Monday called on the Prime Minister to assume his responsibilities because we cannot afford to lose any more time.

"The interruption of the negotiations is a very bad development. Rift is not a solution. Rift leads to destruction," Samaras added.


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Ja ne vidim kako u bilo kakvom tit-for-tat nadvlaćenju Grci (pre svega građani) mogu da "pobede". 


Pretnja nametanjem capital controla, Atina odgovara sa tražićemo sudsku zabranu, Brisel kaže.... šta? "Ok, ok, vi ste pobedili"? No way, zna se ko će izgubi u toj patkometriji, a što duže bude trajali više će boleti prosečnog Jorgosa.


Edit: pre nedelju i kusur je u jednom danu dignuto preko 900M evra, videćemo sutra šta će da bude.

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Pa...u jednom momentu vise nece moci da ih dizu...


Ali, ajde za trenutak da se spustimo sa olimpskih visina ideoloske rasprave :), jel zna neko poblize kako bi ovakav crni scenario uticao na nasu privredu zbog grckih banaka. Ono, dobro ne bi sigurno, samo - koliko lose?

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EU treba da obezbedi novac za policiju, lekove i gorivo za Grke, pošto sledi raspad od 1.7, kaže komesar Etinger iz CDU.


The European Union needs to start making plans for a “state of emergency” in Greece from July 1 if Athens fails to reach an agreement with its creditors, Germany's EU Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said on Monday in Berlin.


“We should work out an emergency plan because Greece would fall into a state of emergency,” said Oettinger, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society who is also a senior member of Merkel's CDU in unusually strong comments.


“Energy supplies, pay for police officials, medical supplies, and pharmaceutical products and much more” needed to be ensured, he said. He noted that the EU has “proven mechanisms” that can help states to fulfil essential duties such as with police protection and healthcare.


“I think that the Commission needs to work out a plan that could avert a worsening of the situation in the event that Greece leaves the euro zone, in the event of a bankruptcy,” said Oettinger, who is in charge of the digital economy for the EU.




Ciprasova besna referenca na petogodišnji period bailouta kao "5 godina pljačkanja" nije dobro prošla kod Nemaca, dosta medija je to prenelo, a neki su čak i stavili u naslove.


One can only suspect political motives behind the institutions’insistence that new cuts be made to pensions despite five years of pillaging by the memoranda.







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pa da, to je 1 divan plan. vidite u sta su vas uvalili ove koje ste izabrali, zato smo mi tu da vas spasimo 


Na sta li me to podseca...

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