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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Socijala je nekih bese 9 soma dinara mesecno, a kad ostanes bez posla imas silno drkanje da dokazes da i dalje mozes da imas o trosku drzave zdravtsveno osiguranje. Ne vidim sta je tu vrlo dobro, naprotiv

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Koliko ja pamtim citanje o tome, radno zakonodavstvo u recimo Danskoj (ne znam za ostale zemlje) jeste "surovije" od naseg, u smislu da je trziste rada prilicno liberalnije. Koliko ja shvatam, Danci imaju sistem gde je lako otpustiti (pa time i zaposliti) ali zato kao kompenzaciju imaju jak socijalni sistem, osiguranje od nezaposlenosti na visokom nivou, i biro rada koji zapravo sluzi necemu (a kako se secam, da bi se ljudi stimulisali da ne sede samo na birou, nakon sto odbijes 2 ili 3 ponude za posao koje ti biro nadje, ukida ti se ta naknada za nezaposlene i spadas na onu najnizu socijalu).


Uostalom to je slicno onome sto propagira DJB, daleko liberalnije trziste rada ali daleko vece socijalna zastita za nezaposlene (za razliku od trenutne situacije, koja je u Srbiji obrnuta).


valjanje od smeha je da cist bezobrazluk porediti Srbiju i Skandinaviju u smislu zakonske, socijalne i materijalne zaštite radnika. Kad u Srbiji primeniš još liberalnije radno zakonodavstvo nego što ga ima danas, a onda ćeš u 2-3 godine dobiti toliko nezaposlenih da to dve Srbije neće moći da plate socijalno za to. Najniža socijala u Srbiji je - nula dinara. Ponude za posao možeš da šalješ, ali ćeš ih brzo istrošiti i ostaće ti ogroman broj ljudi za koji država jednostavno neće imati para da plaća ni  7-8k dinara mesečno. Jer jednostavno - posla nema i nema tog radnog zakonodavstva koje će ga stvoriti. On mora da se stvori na drugi način. 

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A i ovu malu bi malo trebalo priupitati šta joj je to "nenarodno" i čemu služi takvo etiketiranje. Ničem korisnom, svakako.



U cemu je problem sa Svedskom?


2005 socdem ukinuli porez na nasledstvo.

Znam, jer ga ovde Korea uvodi - 45% marginalna stopa na vise od 800,000 dolara po osobi. 

U raspravama se potegla i Svedska i gazda IKEE.

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Ni današnji grčki predlog nije prošao:


Earlier that day, the Greek government had submitted a revised list of economic reforms to its European creditors — the second such submission in as many weeks. The European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank were reviewing the document, but there was an ominous silence.

The Greek government, the institutions say, hasn’t committed to paper the concessions it has promised. Its new proposal was not serious enough and “underestimates the complexity of what is being required from them,” said Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who took notes at the meeting where Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker exchanged their competing proposals to end the deadlock.

Even now, going into the fourth month of negotiations over a final €7.2 billion tranche from Greece’s second bailout program, it often sounds like the two sides haven’t been part of the same conversation. “There are a few finance ministers whose patience is running out,” said Finnish Finance Minister Alexander Stubb.

To start the month, Greece exercised a rarely-used IMF facility to buy itself breathing room, bundling its €1.6 billion in June payments to the Fund at the end of the month.



Portugalka dosoljava:


“One just has to compare [Portugal] with another country in Europe unfortunately close to us that instead of making IMF payments early is postponing them,” sneered Portuguese Finance Minister Maria Luís Albuquerque. Her country repaid €6.6 billion of an IMF loan early and is set to repay a further €2.2 billion. “The EU rules apply to everyone. The Greeks have to agree to abide by them,” Albuquerque said.




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To pokazuje zrelost. 


Meni, sa strane, recimo uopste nije jasno sta Vlada Grcke hoce. Sa jedne strane propaganda, sa druge strane mic-po-mic popustanje uz nejasnoce sta se zapravo zeli postici.

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I Tusk postaje nestrpljiv - Grci da prestanu da se kockaju pre nego što se nekom smuči i odsvira kraj:




Nemačka vlada protiv trećeg bailouta, a CDU/CSU-ovci sve nezadovoljniji popuštanjem Grcima pa je pitanje hoće li podržati to u parlamentu. Uz to, Merkelova skrajnula Šojblea - može da daje intervjue, ali ne i da pregovara.


Meanwhile, according to Bild, the German government is against a third bailout package for Greece and prefers extending the current programme with funds that were originally set aside for Greek banks as well as money from EU structural funds. German MP Carsten Schneider, deputy parliamentary leader of the SPD, told Deutschlandfunk that Merkel’s CDU-CSU faction “is divided [over Greece] and so is the government.” He added that the relationship between the German Chancellor and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble “is almost like the relationship between Tsipras and [Greek Finance Minister Yanis] Varoufakis. She has deprived [schäuble] of the negotiating mandate.






Vorsitzende des Europaausschusses, Gunther Krichbaum: Ich habe große Zweifel, dass nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand eine Mehrheit in der Union für eine technische Verlängerung des Programms zu Stande käme.


Predsednik Odbora za evropske poslove u nemačkom Bundestagu Gunter Krihbaum: Imam velike sumnje da u sadašnjim okolnostima može postojati većina u Uniji za tehnički produžetak programa.




Ovo je još pre nekoliko dana nagovestio briselski dopisnik FT-a:


Edited by vememah
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