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Grčka - enormni dug, protesti oko mera štednje


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Otkako su došli na vlast nemaju pare, pošto je reč o periodu od 4 meseca?


Dakle, Grci su izglasali to da neće biti stezanja kaiša, a onda je Sirizina vlada uštedela 94% na zdravstvu u odnosu na Samarasovu čija poslušnost prema kreditorima je po tvrdnji te iste Sirizine vlade izazvala humanitarnu katastrofu. Logično, nema šta.




Kako li se zove ovo sad, ako je ono od prošle godine sa 17 puta većim izdvajanjima za zdravstvo bilo humanitarna katastrofa?


Zacelo su tamo gde je bilo korupcije i klijentelizma uštedeli 250%, pa je ovih 94 za zdravstvo smešno u poređenju s tim.

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Možda prosto nemaju više pare.




ali ko jebe Syrizu kad je 40 godina negovala klijentelizam, zaduzivala se preko svake mere, nije naplacivala porez i posle 5 godine slusals sumanute planove kako da grcka izadje iz krize.


I to sve od januara!

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Kako li se zove ovo sad, ako je ono od prošle godine sa 17 puta većim izdvajanjima za zdravstvo bilo humanitarna katastrofa?


Zacelo su tamo gde je bilo korupcije i klijentelizma uštedeli 250%, pa je ovih 94 za zdravstvo smešno u poređenju s tim.



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Otkako su došli na vlast nemaju pare, pošto je reč o periodu od 4 meseca?


Dakle, Grci su izglasali to da neće biti stezanja kaiša, a onda je Sirizina vlada uštedela 94% na zdravstvu u odnosu na Samarasovu čija poslušnost prema kreditorima je po tvrdnji te iste Sirizine vlade izazvala humanitarnu katastrofu. Logično, nema šta.




Kako li se zove ovo sad, ako je ono od prošle godine sa 17 puta većim izdvajanjima za zdravstvo bilo humanitarna katastrofa?


Zacelo su tamo gde je bilo korupcije i klijentelizma uštedeli 250%, pa je ovih 94 za zdravstvo smešno u poređenju s tim.



Sasvim sam siguran da je vest lazna, tj. da ima nesto sakriveno do pune istine. Ovakvo kresanje je prosto nemoguce.

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možda su učili od nas, štednja u zdravstvu vrlo brzo dovodi do štednje na penzijama


mada mi ova vest deluje iskrivljeno

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@ Budja:


Nije to prvi put da se spominje dramaticno kresanje na zdravstvu, evo i iz kolumne jednog od najpoznatijih novinara, onog što je nedavno radio celovečernje intervjue sa Ciprasom i Varufakisom.


As the newspaper Agora revealed on Saturday, by the end of April, the government had “frozen” payments of over 2 billion euros to its suppliers, even in key and sensitive sectors such as health and education. It’s quite telling that to cover the hospitals’ latest deficits the government had paid 500 million euros in the first quarter of 2014 but only 43 million euros in the respective period of 2015. The payments to country’s main healthcare provider EOPYY decreased from 194 to 87 million euros. The state’s health sector (ESY) has not received its regular funding since February...





A evo i iz još jednog izvora, po svoj prilici se onaj Skynewsovac kojeg sam prvo citirao pozvao na ove podatke:


Greek state hospitals face serious financial problems making their operation extremely difficult, while debts to suppliers have reached 900 million euros.

In most instances, the operation of hospitals is based on the good will of staff and suppliers, as the National Health System (ESY) has not received any state funding between the months of February and April. According to  Proto Thema newspaper, state hospitals received a total of 43.4 million euros for their operational needs for the first four months of 2015.

During the same period in 2014, hospitals received 229.6 million euros for operational needs in addition to 400 million for the repayment of outstanding debts. This year, Greek hospitals have not received any funds to repay debts, and have received only half of the 87.7 million euros allocated for operational costs.



@ Dagmar:


Ukratko, Cipras drži celu državu kao taoca da bi mogao da se još koju nedelju cenka sa kreditorima.


Varufakis plače na ITV-u kako su kreditori prekršili sve njihove crvene linije i poziva kreditore da se „dovedu u red“ (sort themselves out) i iznesu razumne predloge.



Polovina Grka misli da vladine crvene linije mogu da se pređu ako predstavljaju prepreku dogovoru, 41% misli da dogovora ne treba da bude ako kreditori traže njihovo kršenje:





Po strankama:



Sleva nadesno: Siriza, Nova demokratija, Zlatna zora, Potami, Komunisti, Nezavisni Grci (ANEL, manji partner u vladi), Pasok


A evo i malo stanja na terenu:



“Since the elections, the market is completely frozen – people won’t spend a dime because of the insecurity. They don’t know what to do with their money, [whether] to spend it or to hide it,” says Efi Chrisolomou, a shoe shop owner who is in the process of closing her business in the central neighbourhood of Kypseli after nearly 20 years.




The lack of confidence in the country’s economic outlook has meant that Greece is excluded from credit lines for its trade industry. Foreign companies now demand that shopkeepers pay up front, making it difficult for recession-hit businesses to survive.


“We no longer have the credit we used to have. Everything needs to be paid on time. This is about the credibility of our country and that’s the real tragedy because there is no solution for us,” says Stamatios Tzanes, a shopkeeper in central Athens who has been importing luxury pens from the same company for the past 50 years.




“We’ve come to the point where we prefer a bad deal [between the EU and Greece] than this devastating question mark of what comes next,” he says.

Businesses across the country are closing at a rate of 59 a day, according to a study conducted by the Greek commerce confederation, at a cost of 613 jobs and €22.3m to GDP.




The tourism sector employs one in five Greeks, and the summer months are usually a time for optimism across the country. But the uncertainty projected abroad by doubts over Greece’s place in the euro has led many tour operators and holidaymakers to cancel their trips.


Hotel owners in popular islands such as Crete, Rhodes and Santorini have complained of an unusual number of cancellations for the past month; they fear the trend might continue unless a deal is reached.




Grci sve manje veruju da će im Sirizina vlast ulepšati blisku budućnost.

As for the economy’s future, 6 out of ten Greeks believe that the situation in Greece and their finances will be worse in the next 12 months.




Po jednoj anketi od pre mesec dana, većina kaže da vlada nije uspela da prevaziđe njihova početna očekivanja, što je potpuni obrt u odnosu na februarski medeni mesec:



Ostaje veliko pitanje hoće li na kraju par ustupaka koje će Cipras izboksovati u slučaju dogovora uopšte imati pozitivan efekat veći od štete koju je poslednjih meseci napravio svojom politikom.

Edited by vememah
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Pa naravno. Problem je mnogo vise u CDU/CSU, nego u narodu


I SPD (socijaldemokrati, manji koalicioni partner) kažu da Grcima neće više izlaziti u susret. "Apsurdni" predlog je na stolu i to je im je što im je (barem do tog američkog zavrtanja ušiju koje najavljujete).



Edited by vememah
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Junker otkačio Ciprasa.


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker declined on Saturday to take a phone call from Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras because Athens has not yet sent in reform proposals that it promised for Thursday, an EU official said.


"The Greek prime minister requested a phone call for 1100 CET on Saturday, but Juncker declined because there has been no progress in the discussions and proposals that the Greek side promised on Wednesday night to deliver on Thursday have not arrived," the official said.


"There have been no new developments so there was nothing to discuss," the official said.


Tsipras was also due to return to Brussels for further discussions in person on Friday, but didn't.


Instead he spurned "absurd" terms of proposed aid from lenders in Greek parliament and delayed a debt payment to the International Monetary Fund.


In a defiant speech aimed at winning parliament's backing for his rejection of the austerity-for-aid package, Tsipras balanced indignation with confidence that a deal was "closer than ever before" to keep his country inside the currency bloc.

"We know that it is in part theater, but we don't have to play a part in every scene of the drama," the EU official said.





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MOSCOW (Sputnik), Anna Liatsu — Greece is considering membership in the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), Greek Deputy Defense Minister Costas Isychos told Sputnik on Saturday.


"[Greece] is discussing its position to be a future member of the Development Bank of the BRICS," Isychos said.


Russia invited Greece to become the bank's sixth member on May 11, but discussions of Athens' ascension into the NDB were not due to start until the BRICS summit in July.


"Greece's bilateral agreement with BRICS countries has to do with what Greece and the BRICS countries are talking about on the question of development projects within Greece," Isychos told Sputnik.



Read more: http://sputniknews.com/business/20150606/1023034880.html#ixzz3cJe1pdE3

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Može da se posmatra kao warning shot Briselu, jer Grčka može da sabotira produženje sankcija Rusiji koje se očekuje na sledećem samitu EU za 15-20 dana. Niko realno nije siguran na šta je Siriza spremna u nadvlačenju sa trojkom.


via TT

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samo troskovi policijskog obezbedjenja dvodnevnog samita g7 u bavarskoj iznose 260 miliona €. jebi ga, nema se :cry:

Ma znam, samo hoću da istaknem da nije do nedostatka para koliko do politike alokacije sredstava. :)

ma ok, cela vlada. u narodu ocigledno vecinski postoji zelja da se nadje neki kompromis. 


Meni se cini da se ovde slabo shvata u kakvoj je ekonomsko-politickoj krizi EU - i to ne samo Grcka, nego i jace clanice ukljucujuci i Nemacku.


Na delu je masivan transfer para od produktivnog dela evropske populacije, firmi, organizacija i od mladih, ka delu populacije, firmama, organizacijama i drzavama (ovde ubrajam gotovo sve EU drzave) koje trose bez pokrica.


Nije ovde problem samo u socijalizaciji privatnih dugova nego u socijalizaciji svih dugova.


To postaje na srednji rok sve teze odrzivo a na dugi neodrzivo, posto niko politicki u Evropi nece biti u stanju da objasni onom produktivnom delu koji postaje sve siromasniji da je to dobro za njih.


Milioni koji su na minimalcu u Nemackoj ili Holandiji a gde socijalna nejednakost konstantno raste prosto nece birati vladu koja finansira u nedogled bahacenje politicara i izbegavanje poreza u Grckoj.


Sledeca ekonomska recesija je programirana i u jacim clanicama EU a onda ce doci kraj jer za Grcku je imao jos ko da garantuje dok za Nemacku ili Francusku na vrhu piramide nema ko.

Edited by Anduril
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