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    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to daughter

Edited by slow
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Jeste. No, cini se da Tories imaju neku ideju sta u slucaju ako su totalno "tied"...



If neither Mr Cameron nor Mr Miliband were able to put together a viable government, a second election would normally follow; but the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act 2011 complicates matters. It provides for a dissolution of Parliament only when there is a specific vote of no confidence in the government or if two thirds of all MPs vote for an election. This makes the prospect of another early general election less likely. In any case, the parties may have little appetite for one given the expense and the prospect of losing support in a fresh contest.

Without a dissolution we would have a legislature but no government, a bit like Belgium, where the prime minister resigned in April 2010 and no new parliamentary majority could be established for almost two years. The country was run by a former prime minister brought out of retirement and a caretaker administration. It didn’t do them much harm. A report by academics at the University of Leuven noted that the government continued to make “legitimate decisions” on urgent matters of public finance and national security while MPs squabbled. They concluded that “in mature democracies, a power vacuum is taken care of in a constructive, creative, and responsible way”. Do we have such virtues? We might be about to find out very soon.

One thing is clear: a minority Labour government, with fewer seats than the Tories, running the country while in thrall to a nationalist party that has only 2 or 3 per cent of the total UK vote, would test our constitutional structures to breaking point, and maybe beyond. More than that, it could test our creaking, centuries-old Union to destruction. That’s something to mull over this St George’s Day.


daily telegraph 


bice ovo, i vec jeste, zestoka borba za vlast. 

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upravo ide na BBCju 'Panorama' u kojoj su doveli Nejt Silvera u Britaniju da uradi analizu ko će da pobedi na UK izborima... autor ga voda po 'seaside' rezortima da opipaju puls običnog naroda...


ne znam jel premijerno emitovanje ili je već bilo


EDIT - Evo i prognoze koju je uradio NS i 5-38, http://fivethirtyeight.com/interactives/uk-general-election-predictions/, i analiza http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/six-lessons-nate-silver-uk-election/

Edited by akibono
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Jeste. No, cini se da Tories imaju neku ideju sta u slucaju ako su totalno "tied"...



daily telegraph 


bice ovo, i vec jeste, zestoka borba za vlast. 


Ako neko moze da izvede vladu bez vlade u belgijskom stilu onda su to Britanci :fantom:


Uostalom, imaju kraljicu koja po ustavu ima jako siroka ovlascenja. Mislim, kraljica je ta koja zapravo postavlja premijera i ministre (nije ih potrebno izglasati u parlamentu), parlament moze da izglasa nepoverenje vladi direktno ili indirektno (tj. da ne izglasa budzet ili throne speech). Ako kraljica postavi neku de fakto "vd" vladu ali ako parlament odobri throne speech, to je ustavno-pravno gledano potpuno legitimna i legalna "ful" vlada, zar ne?

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Ko li su ovi "other", za koje se npr. ocekuje da u jednom rajdingu u sred Engleske uzmu 99,8%? Neki nezavisni poslanici, ex-kon/lab, a jako popularni lokalno?


Konzervativci 278 + UUP 1 + DUP 9 je vec 288, sto je prilicno jak konzervativni blok, u poredjenju sa Laburistima sa 271 + SDLP 2 = 273. To je razlika od 15 poslanika, sasvim dovoljno da se kaze da Konzervativci imaju legitimitet da vode vladu. 26 poslanika LibDema onda daje 314...pitanje je da li je to dovoljno da se na njihovu stranu prevuce SDLP, da se uvuku zeleni i ovi "others"... 

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U Panorami mr.Silver reče da bi se manjinska Laburistička vlada najlakše napravila, ako bi se desilo nešto slično prognoziranom - mada je glavni zaključak da se stvarno ništa ne zna, toliko je zapetljano.


Na šta li će tek da liči period posle izbora kad krene 'dogovaranje'...... krle-keks.png

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Editorials u vidu preporuka za glasanje: skoro pa "class war"


Sunday telegraph 




After all, Mr Miliband may well be the most Left-wing Labour leader since Michael Foot. In the years following Mr Foot’s leadership, Labour reconciled itself to capitalism and slowly edged towards the centre ground – culminating in Tony Blair’s New Labour experiment. Now, for the first time in a generation, Mr Miliband has sought to shift his party back towards the Left. His manifesto does not contain a sound economic approach. Last week he even asserted on national television that he does not believe that the last Labour government overspent. Mr Miliband is rightly concerned with building a fairer society. But he wrongly believes that this means taxing success and aspiration and regulating the free market to the point that it is hardly free at all. If he becomes prime minister, there would be a tax on large houses, an increase in the highest rate of income tax, a hike in the corporation tax rate and so on. Energy prices and rents would be subject to counterproductive price controls. In addition – and this is something else for those attracted to Ukip to consider carefully – he offers no referendum on the EU.





But, under the prevailing orthodoxy, productivity has stagnated, but no matter – labour is cheap. A significant number of British workers are so poorly paid they pay no tax. Two thirds of the nearly three million children living in poverty are part of working families. Workers’ share of national income has significantly reduced in the last three decades.

Meanwhile, pay has exploded at the top – quadrupling in relation to average pay in a generation. The privileged live in gated communities, educate their young in private schools, are treated in private hospitals and feel no part of – nor obligation to – the common good. They feel no compunction in avoiding or even evading taxes: they share the conservative doctrine that taxes are in essence immoral – the state’s coercive intrusion into private lives, the confiscation of wealth to which it has no right and which it will squander. They have become a class apart, comfortingly justifying their wealth and position as a result of entrepreneurialism on which the rest of us depend.

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I najnovija prognoza ElectionForecast-a



suštinski ništa se ne menja u odnosu na prethodnu osim što su Tories dobili 1 mesto od LibDems i SNP 1 mesto od Laboura. Mrtva trka. 

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U zbiru se ne menja, samo se meni cini da je simoblicki vazno da li je 275:274 ili 279:270.


U tom smislu, sada bi dobre volje radi, SNP mogao da namigne u nekim marginals da nije bas toliko vazno da bude SNP, Lab je ok.


Lab bi time mozda postali najveci, ali bi i dalje mogli da se grupno slikaju sa LD bez SNPa.

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