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Pa ja ti o tome upravo i pricam, drzava nije nesto sto per se radi u javnom interesu, po sistemu eto kako helsinski aerodrom dobro radi jer je drzavni. Helsnski aerodrom dobro radi verovatno jer Finska jos nije potonula u korupciju, a UK ocigledno porpilicno jeste. U takvom setapu, i UK kao drzva sve i da uzme nazad zeleznicu i what not, nastavice sa korputivnom praksom.

S druge strane, da drzava UK nije koruptivna, postavila bi pravila za privatnike tako da bi to sasvim dobro funkcionisalo - regulacija poslovanja tako da mora toliko i toliko da se ulozi u infrastrukturu, kontrola troskova vs profit i subvencije itd. Ne letis jer nisi ulozio u neku opremu? Moze i to, ali fines ce ti biti 115% ukupne cene nedostajuce opreme svake godine, pa ako ti se ispalti ok, itd itd.


Helsinski aerodrom radi tako kako radi u zimskim uslovima jer je tamo gadna zima pola godine. Zato aerodrom mora da ima sve te skalamerije za ciscenje snega i sve ostalo jer bi bez toga mogao samo da se zatvori pola godine. I to bi bilo isto da li je drzavni ili privatni. U Torontu je jedno vreme aerodrom bio delimicno u privatnom vlasnistvu i ni tada zima nije predstavljala problem, jer je i u Kanadi zima 6 meseci pa to tera vlasnike aerodroma (bili drzavni ili privatni) da budu adekvatno opremljeni.


Slican problem sa zimom i snegom kao i Hitrou je imao i Frankfurtski aerodrom - i tamo je neko procenio da se "ne isplati" investirati u cistace snega i da je jeftinije putnicima i aviokompanijama isplatiti kompenzacije ako se desi neka velika oluja, jer je verovatno neki genije procenio da je verovatnoca takve oluje dovoljno mala (cika Taleb bi imao sta da kaze na to, jel). A pazi sad, firma koja je vlasnik frankfurtskog aerodroma, Fraport, je u vecinski drzavnom vlasnistvu. Vecinu deonica poseduju pokrajina Hesen i grad Frankfurt.

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Serdar-vojvodisanje :D

Security and prosperity: article by David Cameron and Barack Obama


Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street and The Rt Hon David Cameron MP

Written on:

15 January 2015

First published:

15 January 2015

Part of:

ISIL: UK government response , Protecting the UK against terrorism, Crime and policing, Defence and armed forces, Foreign affairs, Law and the justice system, + others

The Prime Minister and US President wrote an article for the Times about shared security and prosperity of the UK and the USA.


Two hundred years ago this month, Britain and the United States fought each other at the Battle of New Orleans. It was the last major battle where our nations met as enemies. In modern times, our special relationship as allies and partners has been the firm foundation of our shared security and prosperity.

Together we defeated the Nazis and hunted down the core al-Qaeda leadership. Our scientists collaborate to transform our world, from discovering the double helix blueprint of life to creating the technologies that power our digital age. Our businesses, investors and entrepreneurs fuel the largest foreign direct investment relationship between any 2 countries in the world.

Over the past few years, our governments have worked closely to restore economic growth, improve our living standards and make sure families get the help they needed.

Yet we know that progress and prosperity are never guaranteed. As we meet today at the White House, we reaffirm our belief that our ability to defend our freedoms is rooted in our economic strength and the values that we cherish — freedom of expression, the rule of law and strong democratic institutions.

We face pressing challenges, from promoting global growth, including growth and job creation in Europe, to combating global climate change. And as we were reminded so tragically again in Paris last week, terrorism, conflict and instability threaten the values that define us as free peoples. Today we recommit ourselves to our enduring mission: protecting our peoples, safeguarding our economies and defending our values. Once more, Britain and America stand together. Once more, we need strong and determined leadership to meet the challenges of our time.

First, we must do all we can to bolster our economies against another global economic downturn. This means continuing our efforts to spur growth and support good jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.

To start with, we must promote economic policies and reforms that will create jobs and promote growth that is sustainable and balanced. We are working to conclude a comprehensive EU-US trade deal that would significantly expand trade between our nations and support new opportunities for millions of workers in both Europe and the United States. We also have to make sure prosperity is shared broadly.

For economic growth to be sustainable and meaningful, it must reach everyone, not just a few at the top. So we are working to help families to stake their claim to a better future and buy their first home. We are supporting small businesses, expanding apprenticeships, improving education for all, and backing increases in the minimum wage. And we are co-operating to promote clean energy, reduce our carbon emissions and build our resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Second, we will continue to stand together against those who threaten our values and our way of life. When the freedoms that we treasure came under a brutal attack in Paris, the world responded with one voice. Along with our French allies, we have made clear to those who think they can muzzle freedom of speech and expression with violence that our voices will only grow louder. Whether we are facing lone fanatics or terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda, Islamic State (ISIL) or Boko Haram we will not be cowed by extremists. We will defeat these barbaric killers and their distorted ideology, which tries to justify the murder of innocents, whether children attending school in Peshawar, or girls forced to become suicide bombers in northern Nigeria.

There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority of whom are sickened by the evil these terrorists claim to perpetrate in the name of Islam. The United States and Britain will continue to work closely with all those who believe in peace and tolerance. The terrorists know only how to destroy, but together we can do something infinitely more powerful: build security, strengthen justice and advance peace.

Finally, we will continue to stand up to Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine. If we allow such fundamental breaches of international law to go unchecked, we will all suffer from the instability that would follow. Our strong and united response has sent an unmistakable message that the international community will not stand by as Russia attempts to destabilise Ukraine.

We will continue working in lockstep and putting pressure on Russia to resolve the crisis diplomatically. At the same time we will keep supporting Ukraine as it works to fulfil the economic and democratic aspirations of the Ukrainian people.

Security and prosperity go hand in hand. By confronting the terrorists who threaten us, standing together against Russia’s aggressive acts and continuing our efforts to advance our economic growth, we will continue to advance the security and prosperity that our people deserve.

Zli jezici se dohvatili onog boldovanog, pošto je kontekst celog teksta o speešl rilejšnšip duetu.

Došlo dotle da Spectator podseća na ulogu SSSR-a u 2SR.

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+ 1


U Engleskoj torijevci imaju prednost od par procenata, u Škotskoj laburisti skoro 10% više od njih ali ako izgube poslanike od SNP - ciao.


Uživam, kako će Salmond da ih sve šamara palamarom sa silom od 55 poslanika... Možda ih natera i na koalicionu vladu.

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According to Sky's figures, which look at the national figures and those just for Scotland, Labour will fall short of an overall majority by 44 seats, with 282 seats. The projections suggest the Tories will win 270 seats, the SNP 53, Lib Dems 20 and UKIP two, other parties will represent 23 seats.



Edited by Dr Arslanagić
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Kao sto rekoh, u tom slucaju my 2 pence :D - Labour-SNP government. Jedino sto su u SNP unapred otpisali je koalicija sa Tory. Za uslove za vladu sa ostalima su rekli da ce biti, pre svega, devolucija, trident (odustajanje), minimum wage i poboljsanje NHS i skolstva (od para koje bi se ustedele od tridenta). Naravno, u tom slucaju nema nista od referenduma za EU. Salmond je doslovce rekao - da, nama su interesi Skotske na prvom mestu "but we want to see a progressive policy introduced across these islands". 

Edited by MancMellow
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Kao sto rekoh, u tom slucaju my 2 pence :D - Labour-SNP government. Jedino sto su u SNP unapred otpisali je koalicija sa Tory. Za uslove za vladu sa ostalima su rekli da ce biti, pre svega, devolucija, trident (odustajanje), minimum wage i poboljsanje NHS i skolstva (od para koje bi se ustedele od tridenta). Naravno, u tom slucaju nema nista od referenduma za EU. Salmond je doslovce rekao - da, nama su interesi Skotske na prvom mestu "but we want to see a progressive policy introduced across these islands". 


Hm, pa ne znam bas. Ovde je dobra paralela sa Kanadom, gde je u ulozi SNP Bloc/Parti Quebecois (BQ je partija na federalnom, a PQ na provincijskom nivou, no u sustini ista je to organizacija), a u ulozi Laboura je Liberalna stranka. SNP i BQ/PQ su zapravo vrlo slicni - separatisti, nacionalisti ali u isto vreme levo orijentisani. Liberali su desnije od Laboura (oni su neki centar, ideoloski u UK odgovaraju najvise LibDemsima), ali u Kvebeku igraju ulogu kao Labour u Skotskoj - jedina nacionalna, unionisticka stranka koja tradicionalno moze da parira separatistima i na federalnom i na provincijskom nivou - otkako su se pojavili kvebecki separatisti godinama su izbori u Kvebeku (fed. i prov.) bili u sustini borba 2 partije - Liberala i BQ/PQ. Nesto slicno Labour-SNP dinamici u Skotskoj otkako je uvedena devolucija.


E sad, Liberali i BQ na federalnom nivou nikada nisu saradjivali, manje-vise su uvek nastupali kao zakleti neprijatelji - kada su Liberali imali manjinsku vladu, oslanjali su se na podrsku NDP (ideoloski ekvivalent Laboura u UK, ali u smislu pozicije na politickoj sceni, ekvivalent LibDemsa).


S druge strane, Konzervativci su sa BQ uspevali da pronadju zajednicki jezik. Dve konzervativne manjinske vlade radile su uz fakticku manjinsku podrsku BQ, tako sto su se BQ davali ustupci - Kvebek je proglasen skupstinskom rezolucijom za zasebnu naciju unutar Kanade, dobio je svoju odvojenu stolicu u Unesku, itd. itd.


Tako da mene ne bi cudilo da vidimo manjinsku vladu Konzervativaca u UK uz podrsku SNPa kada je to kljucno u zamenu za vecu devoluciju Skotskoj, ma sta god Salmond i ekipa pricali. Ako SNP moze da dobije svoju prciju gde ce svoje "progressive policies" da sprovodi bez mesanja Vestminstera, mozda pristane na to da Torijevce pusti da rade sta hoce u tom Vestminsteru. Uostalom, SNPu itekako odgovara politicki da se Engleska i Skotska sto vise udalje po tim pitanjima, kako bi na nekom buducem referendumu rekli ,,eto, ne mozemo mi sa tom uzasno konzervativnom Engleskom vise".


E sad, s druge strane, ta saradnja Konzervativaca i BQ u Kanadi se zavrsila tako sto se na sledecim izborima BQ raspao a njegove glasove preuzeo NDP, Liberali prvi put postali 3. stranka u parlamentu zabelezivsi najgori rezultat u svojoj istoriji, a Konzervativci su dobili svoju prvu vecinu od 80ih. E sad, nije to nuzno sve bilo vezano za dinamiku saradnje Konzervativaca i BQ, ali mozda ce i iz toga Labour i SNP gledati da izvuku neke pouke :D

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za SNP bi bilo samoubistvo da podrži torijevce, cijenim. Plus što im ovi nikad ne bi dali to što traže, a svakako manje nego Laburisti.


Prvo je tacno, drugo nije.

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