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  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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I ovde se usvajao neki akcioni plan za borbu protiv dzihadista u utorak, sredu, ne secam se. Bas tako se zvao.


Jedna odlicnost. Mislim da cu da se preselim u Latinsku Ameriku.

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ma nema ništa od toga ako torijevci ne budu mogli sami sastaviti vladu

Ako Škocka ode, oni će bit jedini mogući sastavljači vlada negdje do 2035. :fantom:

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Meanwhile, in Londongrad... :fantom:


Boris Johnson has now made it clear that he will be joining David Cameron in the power “doubles” match that Lubov Chernukhin, the wife of an alleged “crony” of Vladimir Putin, bid £160,000 for at a Tory fundraising event. Still, it looks as if they may have to look for a new ball boy.

A party official informs me that Lynton Crosby, the Australian charged with masterminding the party’s general election campaign, will have no involvement at all in the event.

He insists that earlier reports that Crosby had intended to be a ball boy on the big day had been based on a joke. It had been reported that Crosby had at the fundraising night been volunteered for the role to get a higher bid for the “lot”.


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Mass immigration will damage the living standards of everyone in the country as minor economic benefits are outweighed by the social pressures of a relentlessly rising population, one of Britain’s most eminent Left-wing economists declared yesterday.


Professor Robert Rowthorn, Emeritus Professor of Economics at Cambridge University and a longstanding adviser to Whitehall departments, said the economic advantages of immigration are ‘unlikely to be very large’.


But the downside – from building on the green belt to the overcrowding of cities – means that the consequences of large-scale immigration ‘are mostly negative for the existing population of the UK and their descendants’.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2712677/How-mass-migration-hurts-No-s-not-Mail-saying-verdict-Left-wing-economist-Cambridge.html#ixzz397gsnMAa



Chip Butty Time, Just around the corner, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

And this is exactly what the majority of the British public have been saying for many years, but have been shouted down by the political elite and accused of being small minded, racist, xenophobic etc?

+1869 -21



Edited by Hella
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  • 4 weeks later...

Jbt, šta se ovo dešavalo u Rotherhamu?

Rotherham sex abuse scandal: Victims seeking millions in compensation

Victims of child sex exploitation in Rotherham launch a class action against the local council and police for failings that allowed years of abuse
Victims of the Rotherham child exploitation scandal are suing the council and police for £14 million after a damning report condemned “blatant failings” that allowed Asian gangs to prey on 1,400 children as young as 11.
Council bosses were accused of turning a blind eye to 16-years of abuse for fear of being labelled racist, while senior police officers dismissed many of the victims as “undesirables” who were not worthy of protection, the report claimed.
Now solicitors representing some of those whose lives were blighted by the years of sexual exploitation are launching a class action, demanding damages which could run into tens of millions of pounds.
At least 15 girls, who were aged 13 and 14 at the time of the abuse, are seeking £100,000 each, but further claims are expected to follow in the wake of the shocking report by Professor Alexis Jay.
Lawyers are expected to launch legal action against Rotherham council and South Yorkshire police.

David Greenwood, of Switalskis Solicitors, said in each of the cases he was representing the authorities had clear evidence and opportunities to prevent the sexual exploitation.
He said: “The girls we represent were given gifts and phones by these men, taken for rides in fancy cars and once under their spell the violence and the sexual abuse began.
“One girl was forced to commit robberies, these were men who should have been on the police radar. They told the police and social workers and their cries for help were ignored. Their lives have been ruined and many of them are still in fear of these gangs.

“We have served letters on the council to negotiate a settlement. If the cases are challenged by the council they could take another 18 months, if not then it could be over in six-months.
“The victims could be compensated on average by around £100,000 based on other cases across the country. It is hard to say how many will come forward. I have a team of specially trained lawyers speaking with the girls. This is probably the biggest child exploitation case in the country so far.”
Professor Jay’s report was commissioned after a gang of five Asian men were jailed in 2010 for the grooming and sexual exploitation of teenage girls in Rotherham.

Since then there have been similar scandals in other towns and cities including Rochdale, Derby and Oxford.
In her 153 page report, Professor Jay described how young girls were groomed by gangs of mainly Asian men before being gang raped and beaten.
They were often picked up from school or children’s homes by men who pretended to be their boyfriends, but instead plied them with drink and drugs.
When they attempted to escape, they and their families were threatened with extreme violence, and in at least one case a teenager was doused in petrol and told she would be burned alive if she cooperated with the police.

At least a third of the 1,400 cases identified in the report were known to the authorities but little or nothing was done to intervene and prevent the abuse.
Three previous reports outlining the scale of the problem in Rotherham were suppressed or ignored by the council and police, but despite the failings no one is expected to be sacked.
Rotherham council’s chief executive Martin Kimber said he did not have the evidence to bring disciplinary action against anyone still working for the local authority.

The council leader Roger Stone resigned following the publication of the report, but the region’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner, Shaun Wright, who was the cabinet member responsible for children’s services in Rotherham between 2005 and 2010 has so far refused to take responsibility.
Downing Street has described the levels of abuse in Rotherham as “appalling” and Education Minister Nick Gibb has said those who made policy decisions that contributed to the scandal “should be held to account”.

Ekipa ludaka je 16 godina zlostavljala decu, njih 1400 na broju, u jednom gradu? WTF?

I sada je policija na tapetu jer se sumnja da nisu reagovali da ne bi ispali rasisti pošto je ekipa pakistanskog porekla?

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Jbt, šta se ovo dešavalo u Rotherhamu?



Ekipa ludaka je 16 godina zlostavljala decu, njih 1400 na broju, u jednom gradu? WTF?


I sada je policija na tapetu jer se sumnja da nisu reagovali da ne bi ispali rasisti pošto je ekipa pakistanskog porekla?

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  • 2 weeks later...

UKIP još malo i pod Westminster stiže!

Ukip can almost taste electoral success if yet another poll is anything to go by.


The Euro-sceptic party is apparently on par to win a landslide victory at the Clacton by-election on 9 October, after a Tory defector stood down from his post.

Douglas Carswell, who left the Conservatives last month to join the Ukip ranks, will be running for his previous post under his new party and could become Ukip’s first ever MP.

Lord Ashcroft, a Conservative peer, conducted a survey which found that Ukip holds a 32-point lead over the Tories in the Clacton seat.

Writing on ConservativeHome, he said that his Clacton poll showed how “more than half (59 per cent) of those who voted Conservative at the last general election said they would switch to UKIP, as did 45 per cent of 2010 Labour voters.“Most of the Clacton electorate, including nearly nine out of ten UKIP supporters and more than half of Tories, expected Douglas Carswell to hold the seat for his new party.”

Lord Ashcroft’s results follow a Survation poll by the Mail on Sunday, which recorded Ukip having an astounding 44-point lead over the Tories.

It showed 64 per cent of voters were heading for Ukip, with 20 per cent voting Conservative, 13 Labour and 2 the Liberal Democrats.

For Lord Ashcroft, these results were 56 per cent Ukip, 24 per cent for the Conservatives, 16 for Labour and again 2 for the Liberal Democrats.

I sad bi se Škoti ocepljivali, ih!

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Cenim da na sledecim izborima, pored mozda Farage imaju sanse i u Rotherhamu. Razbili na lokalu u maju + sex abuse skandal taman po njihovoj meri.


Gde ce se on kandidovati? Prosli put je izduvao za Westminster, valjda negde u Kentu...

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