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Politika u UK



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  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
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I ja mislim. Nabice podrsku za nezavisnost na kraju do 45%, i to ce iskoristiti da ispregovaraju "devolution max". Lukavi Kameron je namerno odbio da se neki devo max stavi na referendum (jer bi isti prosao sa bar 55% podrske), jer ce Vestminster biti u jacoj poziciji da o tome pregovara kada se prvo na referendumu odbije secesija, nego sto bi bio pre toga.


No, bas bi voleo da vidim izraz na licu kraljice babe™ te svih ostalih vestminsterovaca nakon sto izadju rezultati tipa 50,5% za otcepljenje...:D

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I ja mislim. Nabice podrsku za nezavisnost na kraju do 45%, i to ce iskoristiti da ispregovaraju "devolution max". Lukavi Kameron je namerno odbio da se neki devo max stavi na referendum (jer bi isti prosao sa bar 55% podrske), jer ce Vestminster biti u jacoj poziciji da o tome pregovara kada se prvo na referendumu odbije secesija, nego sto bi bio pre toga.


No, bas bi voleo da vidim izraz na licu kraljice babe™ te svih ostalih vestminsterovaca nakon sto izadju rezultati tipa 50,5% za otcepljenje... :D


Pa ne samo to, nego im je namerno gurnuo referendum pre nego sto su oni strateski planirali. A sto se Erzebet tice, sta nju briga, ona bi ostala suveren svejedno :D tek bi posle isao jos jedan referendum za ukidanje monarhije...

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Pa ne bih rekla da je bas briga, stavise mislim da je njoj mozda najvise i stalo. Ona je ipak mnogo manje suveren van UK (Kanada, Australija, Novi Zeland) nego u njemu, tako bi bilo i sa Skotskom, a u nezavisnoj Skotskoj gde bi politicki dominirali SNP i Scottish Labour bi bile daleko vece sanse da ostane bez krune nego u sjedinjenom UK. A da ne pricam da bi joj bilo nas neprijatno™ da ostane zapamcena u istoriji kao monarh koji je "izgubio" Veliku Britaniju...


Inace, da se Kameron pita, referendum bi vec bio odrzan :D ovaj tajming mu dodje kompromis...i fazon je s tim da ako se posle neuspelog referenduma usvoji devo max, prica o nezavisnoj Skotskoj zatvorena je na duzi rok (jedno 30-50 godina), tako da kapiram da u SNP postoji nedoumica sta i kako dalje ako na referendumu iscekivano izduvaju...

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ža dlaku, šinko:

Snowden case : British Secret Service threatened The Guardian with closure
Sami Klein
27.03.2014 - 10:51

The British government had threatened The Guardian with closure if the center-left newspaper published disclosures of U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden about the massive eavesdropping by the NSA (National Security Agency) and GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters). That's what deputy editor Paul Johnson said at the conference Radiodays Europe in Dublin, reports the Irish Times.

According to Paul Johnson, it was much more difficult to handle information given by Snowden than the Wikileaks revelations, as GCHQ, which works with the American NSA about the wiretapping, monitored the newspaper very closely. "We were accused of putting national security at risk," said Johnson. According to him, editor Alan Rusbridger wasn’t wrong to state in clearly terms that "the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice have a problem" with him.

For the United Kingdom, (national) "security" was more important than the freedom of the press and the newspaper was asked to not publish any letter from the Snowden documents.

Snowden currently resides in Russia, but he is accused by the American justice. In Washington, some people see him as a traitor who deserves the electric chair, others see him as a White House-critical human rights leader.

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(Reuters) - A group of Scottish financiers came out in support of independence on Thursday to counter a flood of warnings over Scotland going it alone, cautioning that staying within the United Kingdom could mean losing European Union membership.

George Mathewson, former head of the Royal Bank of Scotland and chairman of Toscafund, and five other current and former Scottish financial players raised the possible risks of remaining in the United Kingdom in a letter to a newspaper.

Their positive view of a solo Scotland comes after a string of banks and financial services companies raised concerns over a vote for independence at a referendum on September 18, citing uncertainty over the currency, regulation and EU membership.

Mathewson, a longstanding supporter of independence who has criticized the UK government for using "fear" tactics to sway voters, and his co-signatories said not enough consideration had been given to the risks of a No vote, such as EU membership.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, faced with eurosceptic factions in his Conservative party and voters defecting to the anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP), has promised to hold a referendum on whether Britain should stay in the EU by the end of 2017.

"In the case of Scotland after a No vote, there is no clear plan for or certainty around taxation, regulation or the wider business operating environment, and no guarantee of continued EU membership," the financiers wrote in the letter to the Financial Times, stressing these views were personal.

"There are certainly opportunities to attract more jobs and investment to Scotland with the powers of independence and significant opportunities in an independent Scotland for financial services."


Other signatories were Angus Tulloch of fund manager First State, James Scott, a former director of industry group Scottish Financial Enterprise, Frank McKirgan, founder of MLI Partners, David Simpson, a former economic adviser at Standard Life, and Jim Spowart, founder of Standard Life Bank.

Tulloch declined to comment beyond the contents of the letter, saying it was "personal".

Scotland's future in the EU has become a major issue in the independence debate, with questions raised over whether the 28-member bloc would allow Scotland to join and in time between a Yes vote in September and going independent in March 2016.

The support for ending Scotland's 307-year tie to England follows a string of companies warning about the potential impact of Scottish independence on the financial sector that accounts for 12.5 percent of Scottish GDP and up to 150,000 jobs.

Blackrock Inc., the world's largest money manager, was the most recent to speak out, warning this week independence could raise regulatory costs for banks and insurers that could move operations to England to avoid paying additional fees to a new Scottish regulator.

Rising numbers of companies have gone public with their views as opinion polls show support for independence rising.

A YouGov poll on Wednesday showed support for independence rising two percentage points over the past month to 37 percent, while opposition to a split fell one point to 52 percent.

The poll of 1,072 people found 10 percent of voters remain undecided.

A row over the currency has taken center stage in the debate in recent months, with the Scottish National Party (SNP) wanting to retain the pound in a currency union with the rest of the United Kingdom but the main British parties rejecting this.

But a YouGov poll on Thursday found 45 percent of Scots believed finance minister George Osborne was bluffing. Only 40 percent think he was being truthful when he said Scotland leaves the pound if it quits the United Kingdom.

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Pa ovako će odmah da izgube EU, jer moraju prvo da apliciraju za članstvo.



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Ništa oko toga nije formalno odlučeno, kako bi kancelarka rekla ovih dana.

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Ništa oko toga nije formalno odlučeno, kako bi kancelarka rekla ovih dana.

Rekao je Barozo da je nemoguće da Škotska automatski dobije članstvo u EU i da će neke zemlje biti kategorički protiv toga zbog sličnih situacija u svojim zemljama...



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Rekao je Barozo da je nemoguće da Škotska automatski dobije članstvo u EU i da će neke zemlje biti kategorički protiv toga zbog sličnih situacija u svojim zemljama...

Kao što sam rekao, priča se svašta..Kao i oko Rusije sada. Od odluke na referendumu do eventualne nezavisnosti predviđen je skoro 1-godišnji prijelazni period. Do tad se može iskristalizirati koješta.

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Kao što sam rekao, priča se svašta..Kao i oko Rusije sada. Od odluke na referendumu do eventualne nezavisnosti predviđen je skoro 1-godišnji prijelazni period. Do tad se može iskristalizirati koješta.

Pa ne priča se, nego je Barozo bio u Londonu i na konkretno pitanje dao konkretan odgovor, koji sad No Vote stranke masovno koriste u kampanji i trpaju Salmonda gde stignu. Zapravo, ta izjava i to što Salmond nema plan B ako UK ne pristane na monetarnu uniju, su dve stvari na osnovu čega NoVoteri zasnivaju i brane svoj stav.

Verovatno sam jedini na ovom forumu koji je pogledao sve emisije BBC Parlamenta i First Minister Questions, tako da znam o čemu govorim.


Realno, ne vidim kako će Španija npr dati pristanak za ulazak Škotske u EU na bilo koji način...



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