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Politika u UK



99 members have voted

  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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Malo providno i prenategnuto, ali nije lose. to im je jedina, i to veoma dobra, sansa: ko odlucuje o njihovim zivotima, ekonomijom, itd, i cijim se interesima bave? Za dobro svih ili samo za elitu u Londonu? Ako uspeju da dokazu ("dokazu") ovo poslednje, sanse su da ce uspeti. Jedva cekam da vidim kampanju za "ne".

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Ha, upravo nasao www.noscotland.net i na sopstvenom sajtu, treba li se Skotska izdvojiti, 83% kaze "da" :D (dobro, to je samo par hiljada glasova od ko zna koga). Video im je slabasan. Najzesci deo na kraju, dockworker kaze "I'm voting no for the future, for the kids" lol!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Kako gde. U mom selu tek u maju 2015.
Naravno. Kod tebe su beše pobedili LibDems?Filipenko, potpuno logično da je UKIP dogurao visoko, pitanje je samo koliko će općina osvojiti, ne verujem da će tu imati neki veći skok.
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  • 3 weeks later...
More than 80 state schools in England have no white British pupils, Government figures show. The number of such schools appears to have more than doubled over the past five years, and the findings will fuel concerns that some parts of the country are becoming increasingly segregated.The new figures follow research showing that white Britons are retreating from areas dominated by ethnic minorities, to be replaced by immigrants and other ethnic minorities.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nije neprikladno s obzirom na nezrelost ovakvih postupaka, usporediti iste sa školskim sakupljanjem sličica s kutija cigareta iz davnih vremena - naročito jer su duplikati ovih fotografija mijenjani sa samo tri ili četiri kolekcionara, koji također podržavaju ovakav tip nezrelog ponašanja. Iz tog razloga ovakva distribucija nije imala neke zle namjere. Ukoliko zanemarimo ovaj prekršaj, riječ je o neobično dobrim ljudima', rekao je sudac Lane i uzdrmao javnost.Sve bizarnija opravdanja britanskih pedofila na suđenjima pod patronatom odvjetnika izlaze u medije. Posljednji primjer je sudačka procjena da je Ok imati slike gole djece 'ukoliko je riječ o kolekcionarskom hobiju'. Na taj način je pedofil Oliver Brooke dobio pomilovanje.Bolesno priznanje banaliziranoBivši ravnatelj odjela za pedijatriju bolnice St. George u Tootingu pomilovan je na svega šest mjeseci zatvora nakon što je osuđen zbog posjedovanja tisuća slika gole i zlostavljane djece koje je pohranio u svom uredu. Priznao je 'skupljanje i distribuciju pornografskog sadržaja djece od 12 do 14 godina, međusobnih ili s odraslima', a daljnjom analizom otkriveno je kako najmlađe dijete ima svega osam godina.
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  • 1 month later...
Čekaj, zajebavaš da je Faraž dogurao do 16% ??? :0.6:
bumpzaboravili smo da se osvrnemo na rezultate. UKIP je na lokalnim izborima osvojio 23% glasova. nije mnogo odbornika ali trend rasta je veoma vidljivhttp://youtu.be/Rf6glIQd2GI
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The full impact of mass immigration on British life was laid bare last night by a Home Office report.It said that half the population lives in a town or city which has experienced high levels of immigration over the past decade.Ministers said this ‘uncontrolled’ flow had caused a number of problems for wider society, ranging from pressure on maternity services, high rates of infectious diseases and a squeeze on school places, to disproportionate levels of some types of crime, inflated rents and immigrants living in ‘beds in sheds’....The report was published as ministers promised tough action to reduce the ‘pull factors’ that draw migrants to Britain.Landlords will be fined up to £3,000 if they rent a property to an illegal immigrant. Homeowners who simply rent out a spare room to them could be fined £80 for a first offence.

Non-EU migrants will be expected to pay a health levy of £200 a year to access the NHS if they do not have private healthcare. There will be an extra charge for maternity care and sick migrants could even be denied access to organ transplants.Immigration Minister Mark Harper said: ‘This report highlights the significant impact high levels of migration have had on UK communities.‘It emphasises the importance of protecting our public services and taking a robust approach against those who come here to exploit our welfare system.’


They said that, in a single year, 73 per cent of TB cases reported in the UK, almost 60 per cent of newly diagnosed cases of HIV, and 80 per cent of hepatitis B-infected UK blood donors were from those who were born outside of the UK. It also says foreign-born women are having more children, an average of 2.28 each compared to 1.89 for UK-born women. Experts questioned by the Home Office agreed the ‘high birth rates of some migrant groups produce additional demands on midwifery, maternity and health visiting services’.Health staff said that appointments and visits could take twice as long where patients had poor English, putting significant pressure on other workloads.On schools, it said the presence of some groups of migrant children had helped to drive up standards, but warned that some areas were finding the ‘churn’ of pupils hard to cope with.Researchers also said that, in some areas, ‘demand for primary school places outstrips, or almost outstrips, supply’ for migrant children.Social services said that ‘interpretation costs for migrants who cannot speak English are high due to the need for confidentiality and accuracy’.In housing, large numbers of low-skilled migrants wanting to rent in the private sector is driving up prices.

On jobs, researchers highlighted findings by the Government’s Migration Advisory Committee of the potential for migrants to displace non-migrant labour. MAC found that for every 100 non-EU workers employed in the UK, the number of UK workers fell by 23.

Edited by Hella
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It also says foreign-born women are having more children, an average of 2.28 each compared to 1.89 for UK-born women. Experts questioned by the Home Office agreed the ‘high birth rates of some migrant groups produce additional demands on midwifery, maternity and health visiting services’.
Sto bi rekli za Albance devedesetih, "neprirodno se razmnozavaju". imigranti ne dozvoljavaju belim zemljama da na miru uginu od starosti, kao sto i prilici drevnim imperijama.
10 million people in the UK are over 65 years old. The latest projections are for 5½ million more elderly people in 20 years time and the number will have nearly doubled to around 19 million by 2050.
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