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iz balkanske vizure, javlja mi se da ce posle gradjanskog rata izmedju engleske i skotske uslediti serija filmova koja ce pruziti autorski osvrt na potresne dogadjaje iz nedavne proslosti i time pomraciti slavu trejnspotinga.edinburg:jedna pricahamis mekdaf, sin oficira hajlenderske brigade i bosanke koja je utociste pronasla u uk, samo je jedan od mnogih zavisnika od dopa koji zive na marginama edinburga. ni on ni njegova devojka prunela smit ne mogu da veruju da ce izbiti rat i potpuno nepripremljeni docekuju opsadu grada i bezobzirnu pljacku i raketiranje uneskove bastine koje sledi. zbog opsade grada hamis i prunela danima ne mogu da urade nijedan mic. sede u mracnoj gajbi i tresu se u zikri dok slusaju primal scream. napokon, odlucuju se da beze preko grane u midlsbro, odakle je Prunela, jer je tamo najjeftiniji dop u engleskoj a moze se i fino zaraditi od prostitucije. Nazalost, negde kod rusevina danfermlina padaju u ruke ozloglasenim paravojnim formacijama iz glazgova 'seltik 4ever'. Dok uplakanu Prunelu vracaju majci na severoistok engleske, zapenusene engleske paravojne horde Hamisa odvode na most preko zaliva forth i tamo ga nabijaju na kolac, uzvikujuci 'ovo vam je za Tolkina!'

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opet lupetas.salmond zna da nema sanse da pobedi na referendumu, podrska za nezavisnost nikad nije presla 40 posto. cilj mu je da dobije kontrolu nad svim novcem koji se generise u skotskoj i da zajednicki ostanu samo vojska, strani poslovi i slicne stvari koje bi bilo previse komplikovano razdruziti. kameron mu ovim ide na ruku, jer opet ce ispasti da se iz vestminstera mesaju u unutrasnja pitanja skotske, a na izborima je sasvim jasno bilo receno da referendum nece biti do 2014 i da ce odgovor ukljucivati 3 opcije: da, ne, vise moci za skotsku (ocekuje se pobeda trece opcije).
Referendum sa tri pitanja? Ali kako ce to da funkcionise?Sta ako bude rezultat 35%, 35%, 30% (nebitno kako za koju opciju)?Salmondu je najbolje da postavi dva pitanja:1. Da li ste za potpunu nezavisnost Skotske? Da / ne2. Ukoliko referendumski rezultat na prvo pitanje bude "ne", da li ste za paket "devolution max"? Da / neNarocito ukoliko jakom kampanjom uspe da privuce 40-45% za nezavisnost (nije nemoguce, ipak on je vlast) a "devolution max" dobije recimo 65% glasova, ima vrlo jak argument da prisili Westminster da mu da sve sto trazi a sto nije nezavisnost - jer moze vrlo realisticno da preti da ce tih 20-25% "dev. max" glasova da se pretvore u separatisticke na sledecm referendumu...
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iz balkanske vizure, javlja mi se da ce posle gradjanskog rata izmedju engleske i skotske uslediti serija filmova koja ce pruziti autorski osvrt na potresne dogadjaje iz nedavne proslosti i time pomraciti slavu trejnspotinga.edinburg:jedna pricahamis mekdaf, sin oficira hajlenderske brigade i bosanke koja je utociste pronasla u uk, samo je jedan od mnogih zavisnika od dopa koji zive na marginama edinburga. ni on ni njegova devojka prunela smit ne mogu da veruju da ce izbiti rat i potpuno nepripremljeni docekuju opsadu grada i bezobzirnu pljacku i raketiranje uneskove bastine koje sledi. zbog opsade grada hamis i prunela danima ne mogu da urade nijedan mic. sede u mracnoj gajbi i tresu se u zikri dok slusaju primal scream. napokon, odlucuju se da beze preko grane u midlsbro, odakle je Prunela, jer je tamo najjeftiniji dop u engleskoj a moze se i fino zaraditi od prostitucije. Nazalost, negde kod rusevina danfermlina padaju u ruke ozloglasenim paravojnim formacijama iz glazgova 'seltik 4ever'. Dok uplakanu Prunelu vracaju majci na severoistok engleske, zapenusene engleske paravojne horde Hamisa odvode na most preko zaliva forth i tamo ga nabijaju na kolac, uzvikujuci 'ovo vam je za Tolkina!'
Lepi Slamovi Lepo GoreFilmske vesti: Gordon Brown svečano otvara preuređenu železničku stanicu East Gorbals u čijoj se hali nalaze nova kladionica, pab i chippy. Nakon sečenja vrpce, odlaže makaze, ali nesmotrenim pripadnicima bezbednosti promiče lokalni pijanac Lachlan, poznatiji pod nadimkom Errhhh uzima makaze i pravi pokolj oko sebe. Krici užasa ispunjavaju ulicu, krv se sliva niz do tada čiste prozore kladionice, kroz staklo se još može videti kako na monitoru svitka ponuđena kvota za Forfar-Queen Of The South.Dve godine kasnije: dvojica najboljih prijatelja, Angus i Ričard, Škot i Englez, dva sveta različita a dojučerašnja braća stoje podeljeni ulazom u mračni tunel. Okolo se vijore tihi plamičci, poslednji ostaci žestoke borbe. -"Ričarde! Ričardeee! Što mi ukra naftu iz severnog mora, Ričarde?"-"A ti meni pare iz londonskog budžeta za razvitak, Anguse?"-"Nikakve pare ja ne uzeh, Ričarde"-"Ni ja tvoju naftu, Anguse"-"Pa ko je? Da nije Megi iz tunela, Ričarde?"----"Ričarde, oće l biti rata?"-"Ne seri, tvoja je runda, donesi još po jedan pajnt tenantsa i viski"
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England će ionako biti preplavljena, kaže Murdoch.

A BIG Issue seller from Romania has won a landmark ruling allowing her to claim housing benefit in the UK. Mum-of-four Firuta Vasile, 27, was initially refused the benefit because current rules say immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria cannot claim if they are jobless. But a tribunal judge decided that Vasile, who sells the Big Issue in Bristol, is self-employed. Now immigrants who sell the Big Issue stand to claim up to £20,000 a year in housing benefits after the ruling classed their work as a "proper job". She already receives £491 a week in tax credits and other benefits and is set to get £50 a week for housing. MigrationWatch UK said: "It's an open invitation for beggars from Eastern Europe to come here." Single mum Vasile - whose children are aged 11, seven, six and two - works between 16 and 24 hours each week, spread over up to five days. Speaking through an interpreter, Vasile said she came to the UK in 2007 to look for work, but could only find a post at the Big Issue in Bristol.
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izgleda da ce ipak pitanje biti samo jedno i jasno - da li ste za punu nezavisnost skotske?planira se za 2014. mada bi london to makar za godinu dana ranije.tako barem danas pricao sef indipendentista na sjednici skotskog kneseta.

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Kad bi ga sa tim istim pitanjem organizovali u Engleskoj možda bi i prošao...
:lol: toInače je malo ishitreno davati bilo kakve jače tvrdnje. Ja sam nekog blagog mišljenja da će se ipak izaći i sa srednjim "Mi bi hteli al da nam ne ulazi" jer će na kraju krajeva referendum raspisati vlada Škotske, a oni bi poprilično pukli sa otvorenim za/protiv izbornim pitanjem, što je otprilike i razlog zašto se o referendumu i nezavisnošću priča i naklapa već tolike godine, mahom pred izbore, ali da sama vlada Škotske beži od istog ko đavo od krsta. Ali do tada treba proći još mnogo vremena, dogovora, političkih daš mi-dam ti između Edinburga i Londona da ništa ne može da se tvrdi.
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Evo daću jednu smelu prognozu: šta god, ko god i kako god da raspiše ostaće zajednička vrhovna komanda vojske, moneta i spoljna politika. Pa onda novi referendum za 50 godina, a do tada od "naše nafte u Severnom moru" neče ostati dovoljno ni za rezervoar Yuga. Doduše, možda do tada usled globalnog otopljavanja Pertshire postane nova Toskana, a Costa del Ayr preuzme primat Costi del Sol pa se "di su naši novci" priča nakalemi na neku novu stvarnost, ali sumljam...

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koliko sam ja razumeo salmonda, london pristaje, ali pod uslovom da je njihova poslednja. hteli bi da im dopuste referendum, ali samo ukoliko kampanja bude trajala godinu dana, zakon o referendumu bude donet ove i usvojen u LO i ED ove godine, da imaju uvid u kampanju i sam referendumski proces, jedno, jasno i glasno pitanje itd. itd. inace nista od toga.salmond pokusava da stisne muda, pa da ne ispadne cava pred svojima, mada je jasno da mu ova situacija mnogo vise odgovara. na njihovom talasu je dobio i poslednje lokalne izbore. ne znam, kada padaju regionalni izbori u skotskoj? verovatno bi da prolongiraju jos jedan izborni proces, pa da na talasu ove price uzmu jos jedan mandat.salmond je izasao i sa genijalnom idejom o snizavanju starosnog praga, pa bi on poletarcima od 16 dina dao listic za pobjedu flower of scotland.eh koje su to cave, decenijama pokusavaju i ni blizu 50%. jedan je milo.

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decenijama pokusavaju i ni blizu 50%. jedan je milo.
Da je Westminsterska palata na Trgu Nikole Pašića Milo bi odavno sedeo u nekoj kafani na Cetinju i uz lozovaču pričao o "might-have-beens". Onima koje bi uopšte bilo briga da slušaju. Edited by MancMellow
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Nakon Brisela i Glazgova, jedna stvar se non stop vraća...Mysteries of Data Pool 3 give Rupert Murdoch a whole new headache

The arrest of four Sun journalists threatens to open a fresh phase of the scandal surrounding News International

On Saturday morning, the police arrested four journalists who have worked for Rupert Murdoch. For a while, it looked as though these were yet more arrests of people related to the News of the World but then it became clear that this was something much more significant.This may be the moment when the scandal that closed the NoW finally started to pose a potential threat to at least one of Murdoch's three other UK newspaper titles: the Sun, the Times and the Sunday Times.The four men arrested on Saturday are not linked to the NoW. They come from the Sun, from the top of the tree – the current head of news and his crime editor, the former managing editor and deputy editor.Nothing is certain. No one has been convicted of anything. The four who were arrested on Saturday – like the 25 others before them – have not even been charged with any offence. But behind the scenes, something very significant has changed at News International.Under enormous legal and political pressure, Murdoch has ordered that the police be given everything they need. Whereas Scotland Yard began their inquiry a year ago with nothing much more than the heap of scruffy paperwork seized from the NoW's private investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, Murdoch's Management and Standards Committee has now handed them what may be the largest cache of evidence ever gathered by a police operation in this country, including the material that led to Saturday's arrests.They have access to a mass of internal paperwork – invoices, reporters' expense claims, accounts, bank records, phone records. And technicians have retrieved an enormous reservoir of material from News International's central computer servers, including one particularly vast collection that may yet prove to be the stick that breaks the media mogul's back. It is known as Data Pool 3.It contains several hundred million emails sent and received over the years by employees of the News of the World – and of the three other Murdoch titles. Data Pool 3 is so big that the police are not even attempting to read every message. Instead, there are two teams searching it for key words: a detective sergeant with five detective constables from Scotland Yard working secretly on criminal leads; and 32 civilians working for the Management and Standards Committee, providing information for the civil actions brought by public figures and for the Leveson inquiry and passing relevant material to police.For News International, Data Pool 3 is a nightmare. Firstly, no one know what is in there. All they can do is wait and see how bad it gets.Second, the police clearly believe it may yield new evidence of the crimes they set out to investigate – the "blagging" of confidential data from phone companies, banks, tax offices etc; the interception of voicemails and emails; the payment of bribes to police officers.Third – and most nightmarish – Data Pool 3 could yield evidence of attempts to destroy evidence the high court and police were seeking. Data Pool 3 itself was apparently deliberately deleted from News International's servers.If proved, such conduct would be serious because it could see the courts imposing long prison sentences; and because it could have been sanctioned by senior employees and directors.The Guardian last July revealed police suspicions that a huge number of emails had been deliberately destroyed. Since then, high court hearings have disclosed more detail. Late in 2009, News International decided to delete old email from their servers. This appears to have been a simple piece of electronic housekeeping. However, the plan was not executed.During the summer of 2010, the actor Sienna Miller decided to sue the NoW for hacking into her voicemail. At the same time, according to evidence in the high court civil claim, internal emails were being sent urging that the deletion plan be executed. Still, it was not.On 6 September 2010, Sienna Miller's solicitor, Mark Thomson of Atkins Thomson, wrote to News International asking them to "preserve all the documents in your possession relating to our client's private life".On 9 September, an internal message pressed for the emails to be deleted "urgently". As Mr Justice Vos explained in a judgment last month: "Only three days after the solicitors for Sienna Miller had written their letter before action, asking specifically that the company should retain any emails concerned with the claim, what happened was that a previously conceived plan to delete emails was put into effect at the behest of senior management."In December 2010, the NoW's Scottish editor, Bob Bird, told the trial of Tommy Sheridan in Glasgow that the email archive had been lost en route to Mumbai. Also in December, News International's solicitor, Julian Pike from Farrer and Co, provided the high court with a statement claiming they were unable to retrieve emails more than six months old.On 7 January 2011, News International gained access to the evidence that had been assembled by Sienna Miller's lawyers. On 12 January, the company issued detailed instructions for the secure retention of relevant data. Later that month, News International handed three old emails to Scotland Yard, triggering the new police inquiry. In the same month, a second significant deletion is believed to have happened. By this time, the entire contents of Data Pool 3 had been deleted.However, under pressure from the lawyers involved in the high court civil actions, News International were compelled to allow technical experts to examine their servers.On 23 March 2011, Pike formally apologised to the high court and acknowledged that News International could retrieve emails as far back as 2005 and that none had been lost en route to Mumbai. He said he had been misinformed.In October, technicians started to restore the millions of deleted emails. By December, the entire contents of Data Pool 3 had been recovered. The implications are considerable.On Saturday, as police searched parts of the Sun office, a press release from News Corp referred discreetly to an "internal investigation into our three remaining titles." The Times is already under pressure from an allegation that a reporter hacked into a target's email to obtain a story. In an unexplained line in his statement to the Leveson inquiry, the Sunday Times editor, John Witherow, said "a freelance journalist/researcher who has done occasional work for the paper was arrested on suspicion of breaching the Fraud Act. The police investigation is still continuing."Whether more of News International's UK titles are dragged into the police inquiry remains to be seen. The threat is there: it may or may not materialise. Similarly, it is not yet clear whether police will find evidence that senior employees and directors did order the destruction of evidence. Equally important, the police may find evidence of more victims who may want to launch more legal actions.At the outer reaches of possibility, police may find evidence of illegal activity by other private investigators, which could conceivably lead them to other news organisations who also hired them. Since Saturday morning, nothing is certain.

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