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Andy Coulson has just left Lewisham police station, where he has spent more than eight hours after being arrested on suspicion of bribing corrupt police officers.He was immediately enveloped by a proverbial "media scrum" of the type which so often crowded around individuals who were subject of the News of the World's attention under his editorship.Before stepping into a car which quickly left the scene, he said little other than: "I am afraid I can't say any more at this stage. There is a lot I would like to say."
Jbt, ova Rebekah, koja je to Mira Marković. Totalna disocijativna autosugestija.
But one employee told her: "Can you see that by your actions yesterday, your calling our newspaper toxic, we have all been contaminated by that toxicity by the way we've been treated.""But can't you see the bigger picture? You're making the whole of News International toxic, and there's an arrogance there that you think we'd want to work for you again."Brooks replied that there was "no arrogance coming from this standpoint".She added: "I don't see there's anyone of you in this room here looking at me now that we wouldn't want to work (with) because we know there's no toxicity attached to you guys in the room."I mean that's the sadness. It wouldn't be sad, we wouldn't all be feeling like this if you guys were up to the neck in it like previous colleagues."She admitted that the company was in "a very bad moment" but declared it would continue to invest in journalism.
wacko.gifHail.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Moguće je da je nešto poveliko na pomolu. Izgleda da će Gordon Braun da organizuje konferenciju za štampu popodne gde će da uvede čak i Sunday Times u celu priču.Inače, po twitteru se šuška da Murdok razmatra da proda kompletan News International.

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Marvine, reci je li ima sanse da neko zaglavi robiju radio ovoga?takodje, koliko moze ovo da steti gazda mrki? moze li imati ikakve legalne implikacije na njegovog sina koji je vodio biznis grup ili je komanda odgovornost do glavnog i odgovornog urednika?

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Za sada definitivno Koulson ima najveće šanse da zaglavi išta. Ali teško da će po komandnoj odgovornosti doći dalje. Posledice za familiju će biti samo oštećeni biznis planovi, cijenim. A te posledice osim zatvaranja samih NotW mogu biti veoma opipljive:

Have just been told (unreliable source) that News International have pulled out bid for #BSkyB #NOTW #Scandal
Twitter, sve nezvanično, ali ovo bi moglo biti ogromno. Ovo je bio holy grail za porodicu.Ako Braun danas otkrije nešto bombastično a da se tiče Tajmsa i Sna toliko da i njih uplete u sve, možda će ići i dalje. Eventualno bi još i Rebeka mogla malo da nastrada, pošto se izgleda sve više konsoliduje mišljenje da ovakve prakse nisu bile samo ograničene na NotW, nego na sve listove pod agencijom.
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Sunday Times je isljeđivao Mr Beana.+Screengrab-of-Sun-website-007.jpg
David Muir, one of Brown's most senior advisers at No 10, said: "They were contacted by Rebekah Brooks, who told them that they had information that Fraser had cystic fibrosis, which was a matter that they, the family, were just getting their heads around at the time and dealing with. They didn't know how Rebekah came across this information and now, what's come to light, it was obtained by what appeared to be illegal methods."
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Jebo me ja, al ja ovo ne razumijem. Prije 4 godine Sun objavi, Brown popizdi, i tada nikom ništa, svi nastave svojim poslom.A danas, mećava EngBureaucratese-a:

It emerged yesterday that The Sun newspaper's then editor Rebekah Brooks, now News International chief executive, telephoned Mr Brown in 2006 to tell him she knew his four-month-old son Fraser had cystic fibrosis and that the tabloid would be running a story on it.Ms Sturgeon said today that the medical director of NHS Lothian, which manages Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where Fraser Brown was born, is ready to investigate if evidence of illegality within the health board is produced.She said: "Any tampering with a child's medical records, or indeed any breach of patient confidentiality, is a highly serious matter and is to be deplored in the strongest terms."Anyone with evidence of such a breach occurring within the Scottish health service should contact the relevant health board as a matter of urgency so that a full investigation can take place. And I urge anyone with evidence to come forward."The medical director of NHS Lothian has given a clear assurance that he stands ready to launch such an investigation. Should any illegality have occurred, it would then be dealt with by the full force of the law."Scottish Labour has already called for an immediate investigation to determine the source of the leak. Shadow Scotland Office minister Tom Greatrex has written to Ms Sturgeon demanding an investigation be conducted.The MP said: "These latest revelations have filled people in Scotland with revulsion and disgust. I, like other MPs, have been contacted by constituents today who are absolutely appalled at what has emerged in the last 24 hours."Each revelation is more incredible than the last, and it is disgraceful that the medical records of a four-month-old child were leaked to The Sun for the sake of an exclusive headline. Those in public life must accept that they have to make sacrifices for the privilege of serving those who elect them but this goes far above and beyond the call of duty."Medical records should remain private and confidential. And people in Scotland need to have confidence that those records are adequately and securely protected."I have contacted Nicola Sturgeon today, demanding that she immediately order an investigation to determine if these leaks came from the health service in Scotland."We must get to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible, and those responsible must be held to account for their actions."
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sta se desava... marvine, ovo bi trebao da bude play-by-play
Šuškanja su se obistinilaNews Corp pulls out of bSkyb bid
Rupert Murdoch's media group News Corporation bowed to pressure from the public and from parliament on Wednesday and withdrew its bid to take full control of pay-TV company BSkyB.All three main political parties were poised to call on News Corp to abandon its offer in a vote in the House of Commons later on Wednesday.The move leaves News Corp's key strategy for UK corporate growth in tatters. The proposed £8bn deal has been in train for more than a year, with the first offer tabled in June 2010.
Matori je popušio što se tiče Skaja. Prelepo.
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thumbup.gifĆe sad i ljude pod žrvanj bijesne mase, ili ne?edit: + jel sad i disinvestment u igri, bludući da im sad onaj stejk u BSkyB realno ne treba?edit2: aha, nije, znači još se mucice nadaju Edited by Roger Sanchez
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edit: + jel sad i disinvestment u igri, bludući da im sad onaj stejk u BSkyB realno ne treba?
Kakvi da im ne treba, ogromna je to lova u pitanju. Sky pravi čisti profit od više od milijardu £££ godišnje kako čujem, misli se da je Murdok mnogo više zbog čistih para nego zbog Sky Newsa želeo da ga otkupi, tj manje zbog vladanja medijima, više zbog profita.Ovo je nešto ogromno i do pre par nedelja nezamisliv razvoj događaja. Sada ostaje da se gleda da li će se nešto desiti sa Tajmsom i sa Sanom. Po onome što se priča po novinama, Tajms je debelo zabrazdio, pa me ne bi čudilo da News Int zaista razmotri da proda i Tajms i San i sve njihove publikacije u UK. Mada, to ne verujem da će se desiti zbog pritiska javnosti, ako Britanci išta vole to su krš novine, uopšte oni neće povezivati sve ovo sa recimo Sanom, jer jebi ga, San ima gole sise na trećoj stranici, i još važnije, Dear Deidre. Neće tu biti nikakvog masovnog bojkota. Ono što treba pratiti je pritisak javnosti na samog Murdoka dok je ovo sve još sveže, nije isključeno da će sa još nekim stvarima koje još nisu (i verovatno neće biti) puštene u javnost, da se na Murdoka izvrši pritisak institucija (policije, tužilaštva) da se reši svih publikacija, ali to bi značilo svođenje ogromne medijsko-društvene kontrole u UK koju sada poseduje na gotovo ništa.Ja ovih dana malo đavoljoadvokatišem po kancelariji. Murdokovo preuzimanje bSkyb-ja je bilo pitanje par nedelja. Da, par nedelja, a ova priča o nečasnim radnjama NotWa traje jako dugo, godinama. Sve se više pitam ko li je tačno napravio ovako dobar tajming da najpipaviji detalji izađu baš sada i da se sve ovako pefektno odvija, da se prvo otkrije za familiju Milly Dowler, pa za porodice žrtava 7/7, pa ya poginule u Iraku, i na kraju za Brauna, ono sve lepše od lepšeg. Možda malo Molderišem, ali nemoguće mi je da je sve slučajnost.
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Tajming je totalno konspikjuus, realno, izgleda da je bio isprovociran pravodobnim curenjem iz policije u Guardian. Jel se to elementi policije svete Murdocarstvu zbog zlostavljanja?

David Cameron has launched a wide-ranging inquiry into media standards. It will be head by Lord Justice Leveson and it will take place in two parts. The first part will cover the "culture, practices and ethics of the press" generally and Cameron wants it to report within a year. It will have the power to summon witnesses, and Cameron said that he expected politicians and newspaper proprietors to be called to give evidence. The second part will cover phone hacking and the bribery of police at News International and other news organisations, and the terms of reference say it will specifically look at "corporate governance and management failures at News International". The implications of this are quite profound. British newspapers have traditionally been resistant to having their working practices scrutinised by outsiders, but now they are going to be exposed to a Hutton-style inquiry. It could get awkward.Cameron has also that he is going to change the ministerial code so that all meetings between ministers and senior journalists have to be recorded. The exact terms of this have not been defined yet, but already some of my colleagues are worried about what this will mean for lobby journalists and their off-the-record contacts with ministers.
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Tajming je totalno konspikjuus, realno, izgleda da je bio isprovociran pravodobnim curenjem iz policije u Guardian. Jel se to elementi policije svete Murdocarstvu zbog zlostavljanja?
Moguće. Obilno mrzim teorije da "nekome" nije odgovaralo da Murdokovo prođe jer se time stiče onaj utisak o nekome još mnogo moćnijem koji iza kulisa vuče sve poteze, ali da, može se raditi samo o leaku Gardijanu, mada mi to deluje malko tanko. To bi poteglo pitanje ko je iz policije do sada sedeo na tome? Nisam pripremljen da poverujem da postoji institucionalna korupcija, tj zavera ćutanja da se nešto ove veličine drži u mračnoj fioci. Nekoliko korumpiranih policajaca ili doušnika iz policije svakako, toliko je do sada i dokazano, ali suviše ljudi bi bilo uoznati sa ovime da bih mogao poverovati u teoriju da je bilo organizovano zataškavanje kome je došao kraj kada je neki Deep Throat iz policije krenuo da daje informacije Gardijanu.A formiranje istrage je definitivno prajsles. Ima fantastičan citat iz Yes Minister kada Ser Hamfri kaže ministru "If you want to cover something up, form an inquiry".
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