vememah Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018 (edited) Ubedljivi su u pičku materinu. Edited September 13, 2018 by vememah
vememah Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018 Transkript celog intervjua na engleskom:
vememah Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018 Ipak još nije celog, ali će ga dopuniti kasnije.
vememah Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018 Telegraf ima ceo transkript: još nije celog, ali će ga dopuniti kasnije.
Marvin (Paranoid Android) Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018 Na vestima u Britaniji dosta jednostavna analiza sa CCTV-ja koja pokazuje da je tvrdnja da su išli (2 puta u 2 dana po sat i 15 i 2 sata) u Salisbury da posete katedralu smešna - snimljeni su na nekoliko tački u potpuno drugom smeru od onog gde je katedrala. Čudnom podudarnošću, baš u tom smeru u kojem su išli je neposredna blizina kuće Skripalovih.
vememah Posted September 13, 2018 Posted September 13, 2018
Marvin (Paranoid Android) Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 Juče je bilo sjajno slušati nekog matorog ruskog vojnog (ili KGB, zaboravio sam) generala koji sad radi kao konsultant, Channel 4 ga intervjuiše, joj koliko njih samo boli kurac. - "Ali generale, zar nije sumnjivo što su se redni brojevi pasoša ove dvojice razlikovale samo za jedan broj?" - "NE! To nije sumnjivo uopšte" - "Ali u ogromnoj zemlji poput Rusije..." - "Ne ne ne, to se stalno dešava. Vidite, errr, ja... i moja žena isto imamo pasoše koji su po rednim brojevima odmah jedan iza drugog. Da, ja i moja žena. To se dešava ako ih predate u isto vreme"
Marvin (Paranoid Android) Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 52 minutes ago, Host said: +1 mnogo su agresivni ti britanski novinari. Cudi me da nema ko da se zapita da li je to taj Zapad kome tezimo To uglavnom pita Najdžel.
vememah Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 (edited) Jedan od najtiražnijih tabloida u Rusiji raspisao nagradu od 100.000 rubalja (oko 1260 evra) za dokazima potkrepljene informacije o ovoj dvojici uz garantovanje anonimnosti uz konstataciju da je njihov jučerašnji intervju doneo više pitanja nego odgovora. Quote 100 тысяч рублей за информацию о Петрове и Боширове: «Комсомольская правда» объявляет вознаграждение для читателей Разыскиваются знакомые «туристов из Солсбери», которые могут подтвердить или опровергнуть их историю [видео] «Комсомольская правда» объявляет вознаграждение в 100 тысяч рублей для читателей, которые предоставят в редакцию существенную и подтвержденную фактами информацию о жизни Александра Петрова и Руслана Боширова - двух россиян, которых Великобритания обвиняет в отравлении Скрипалей в Солсбери.Вчерашнее телеинтервью Петрова и Боширова оставило больше вопросов, чем ответов. Если верить их словам, они - предприниматели средней руки, работают в фитнес-индустрии, в частности бизнес связан со спортивным питанием. В Великобританию приехали как обычные туристы, а Солсбери посетили по совету друзей. Вот, пожалуй, и все. Неизвестен даже город, в котором они живут в России.Но у каждого человека есть родственники, друзья, бывшие одноклассники и соседи. Есть они и у Петрова с Бошировым. Именно к этим знакомцам «КП» сейчас обращается: если вы готовы рассказать о жизни Петрова и Боширова и можете предоставить доказательства, то мы обещаем сохранить вашу анонимность (если она вам требуется) и, конечно, выплатить гонорар. Обращайтесь в редакцию по электронной почте: [email protected], [email protected] - или по телефону: (495) 777-02-82 (попросить связать с отделом политики). Edited September 14, 2018 by vememah
vememah Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 Iz podugačkog članka NYT-a o Skripalju: Mr. Skripal traveled regularly on classified assignments organized by MI6, offering briefings on the G.R.U. to European and American intelligence services. Such assignments may be devised as a way to keep a former spy busy, said Nigel West, a British intelligence historian. It is not unusual, he said, for defectors to feel bored and underappreciated, something he called “post-usefulness syndrome.” “Case officers are very aware of it,” Mr. West said. “When the time comes, and they say ‘Don’t call me, I’ll call you,’ you may well say, ‘I’ve got something very interesting to do.’ That’s what tends to happen. Their status has been slightly exaggerated and enhanced, and they start swallowing their own bathwater.” Contacts with fellow intelligence officers took him back to the old days. He made repeated visits to consult with the CNI, the spy service in Spain. He traveled to Estonia and the Czech Republic, among other places. “Basically they were meetings of people from the same field who used to sit on opposite sides,” said a European intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to characterize Mr. Skripal’s 2012 visit to Prague. “They had lunch together. It lasted for hours. It was great fun.” The British government, which helped arrange Mr. Skripal’s assignments, has said nothing about them, and British espionage experts shrug them off as unremarkable lectures. But it remains unclear what information Mr. Skripal was passing on. And Russian officials may have been more judgmental than their British colleagues suspected, said Aleksei A. Venediktov, editor in chief of the Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy, which has reported extensively on the case. “When you’re over there, you do not work against us, that’s the rule,” Mr. Venediktov said. “It’s not written anywhere, but it’s known. You were pardoned for your past and in the future, live on your pension, grow flowers, calm and quiet. These are the conditions. You do not use your military skills against Russia, against the Soviet Union. What did Skripal do? It’s confirmed, he violated that rule.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage
vememah Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 (edited) Pwned. Quote Original Russian documents reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider confirm definitively that the two men were registered in the central Russian resident database under the names Andrey Yevgenievich Petrov and Ruslan Timurovich Boshirov, respectively, and were issued internal passports under these names in 2009. However, no records exist for these two personas prior to 2009. This suggests the two names were likely cover identities for operatives of one of the Russian security services. Crucially, at least one man’s passport files contain various “top-secret” markings, which, according to at least two sources consulted by Bellingcat, are typically reserved for members of secret services or top state operatives. ...Aeroflot’s passenger manifest, reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider, discredits Petrov and Boshirov’s claims, made in the RT interview, that they had been planning their visit to Salisbury for a long time. The manifest records the times of booking, check-in, and boarding of each passenger. In the case of the two suspects, they made their initial booking – and checked in online – at 20:00 GMT (22:00 Moscow time) on 1 March 2018, the night before their short trip to London and Salisbury. ... The person using the name Alexander Petrov does in fact have a passport file, under the name Andrey Yevgenievich Petrov, born on 13 July 1979 in Kotlas, a small town in northern Russia. The birth date coincides with that of the Alexander Petrov who flew on Aeroflot flight SU2588 on 2 March 2018, as seen in the passenger manifest reviewed by Bellingcat. ...Mr. Petrov’s passport file contains peculiarities that are not found in any other passport file reviewed by Bellingcat and The Insider in this and prior investigations.Born in 2009? First, this person’s file lacks any history of address registrations or previous identification documents issued prior to 2009. A standard passport file – such as the files of the other 3 Russian citizens bearing the name Alexander Petrov and born on 13 July 1979, all of which were reviewed by Bellingcat and the Insider before identifying the person of interest – contain a history of previous, expired ID documents, international passports issued to the person (both expired and current), as well as previous address registrations. The first – and only – Russian ID document listed for Mr. Petrov under his file is an internal passport (mandatory for Russian citizens over the age of 14) issued on 26 November 2009, and valid until today. The passport file contains a field called “reason for issue of document”, which typically lists the previous (expired) ID document that the current one substitutes. In Mr. Petrov’s case, the reason for issuance of the new passport is listed simply as “Unsuitable for usage”, a marking typically used when a previous passport has been damaged or found to contain invalid data. A hand-written note in Petrov’s file makes a reference to a pre-existing national passport issued in St. Petersburg in 1999. However, no record of such a passport number exists in the central passport database. ...The Russian media outlet Fontanka has previously published information on Boshirov and Petrov’s passport files, indicating that they were separated by only 3 digits (-1294 and -1297), meaning that they were issued at nearly the same time. Bellingcat and The Insider also reviewed passport data for the other two individuals to whom those two passports were issued, with the the passport numbers ending in -1295 and -1296. These two individuals also had peculiar passport dossiers, with incomplete or time-capped data, similar to Alexander Petrov’s passport file. Additionally, Fontanka noted that Petrov and Boshirov bought two separate return flights back to Moscow on March 4. Additional information on these findings, along with other discoveries related to Boshirov and Petrov, will be published on Bellingcat’s site next week. Edit: Koji bolidi sa tim uzastopnim brojevima pasoša, sad će da im otkriju gomilu agenata na tu foru. Edited September 14, 2018 by vememah
vememah Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 (edited) Quote No less interesting are Russian passports. Firstly, they were issued to the Federal Migration Service 770001 in the city of Moscow - "simple" mortals do not receive passports there. Passports in this FMS receive either privileged persons for a bribe (for them this is a synonym for "criminal" numbers of the car), or representatives of the security forces. ... There are among the recipients of passports in this FMS and strange people, with a secret biography and not present in any social networks - probably the same "tourists" as Petrov and Boshirov. (Russian passports = lične karte, citat je Google translate sa ruskog na engleski) Edited September 14, 2018 by vememah
vememah Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 (edited) Od medija koje ruski Google News indeksira informaciju su dosad objavili samo Dožd i Meduza. Edit: u međuvremenu i Eho Moskvi i Novoje vremja. Edited September 14, 2018 by vememah
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