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  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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Bio je neki period od 2 dana gde se moglo za 25 kvida da sa učlani (ponovo), da li za bilo koga ili samo za one od već plaćene £3 koji su pogođeni tim sečenjem

Po prošlonedeljnom članku iz Gardijana za te pare se u toku 2 dana mogao registrovati bilo ko.


Can I vote if I am a Labour member?

Yes – provided you joined the party before Tuesday 12 January 2016. Those who joined the party after that date – including those who were part of the huge surge in membership following the EU referendum result – will NOT be able to take part automatically.


Can I become a £3 supporter like last time?

No. However, there will still be a way to take part in the election as a “registered supporter”. Details are expected to be announced fully on Thursday, and it is anticipated that there will be a two-day window to register next week, and that this time around the cost will be £25.


Can I become a £25 supporter if I am a party member who joined after 12 January?

There doesn’t seem to be anything in the rules preventing you paying the £25 to obtain a vote at the election, regardless of your current membership status.



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In the latest ICM Unlimited poll, the Labour Party share of the vote continues to drop steeply, now down to 27% – a figure not seen (in the ICM/Guardian) series since October 2009. It drops 2-points from our most recent published poll (13-15th July) with the Conservatives up +4 on the same poll, and again at a level not seen since the same October 2009 poll.


Clearly, the relative calm associated with the handover of power from David Cameron to Theresa May, allied to the current Labour leadership challenge weighs heavily on electors’ minds.



The shares are:


Conservative 43% (+4)

Labour 27% (-2)

UKIP 13% (-1)

Liberal Democrat 8% (-1)

SNP 4% (nc)

Green 4% (nc)

Plaid Cymru 1% (nc)

Other *% (-1)



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Dobro im idu ta istrazivanja.



Dosta čudno istraživanje Ipsos Mori


Labour 38%
Tories 33%
Lib-Dems 10%
Greens 4%
Ostali 7%


9-11 jul 2016

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pa napisao sam da mi je čudno


čudno mi je i ovo drugo, ne zbog pada laburista već zbog toga što torijevci imaju tako visok procenat.

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Nisam znao da je pitanje automatskog kandidovanja lidera kod Laburista (bez podrške MPjeva) došlo i do suda i da se čeka odluka:




High court challenge could derail Labour leadership race


Judge expected to rule on Thursday whether Jeremy Corbyn needs MPs’ nominations in order to run again

Jeremy Corbyn


The high court ruling could force Jeremy Corbyn to seek nominations in order to be a candidate in the Labour leadership contest.


Jessica Elgot Political reporter


Tuesday 26 July 2016 23.16 BST

Last modified on Wednesday 27 July 2016 00.10 BST


Labour could be forced to reopen its nomination process for the leadership contest if a high court judge rules on Thursday that Jeremy Corbyn must have the support of his MPs to appear on the ballot.


The court heard on Tuesday from lawyers for the Labour donor Michael Foster that the leadership contest rules make “no trace of distinction” between an incumbent leader and a challenger, and thus both should be required to seek nominations.

Labour donors express dismay but do not all want new party set up

Read more


Acting for Foster, Gavin Millar QC told Mr Justice Foskett that his client was not seeking to skew the result of the contest. “The claimant has no wish to deny the second defendant [Corbyn] a fair opportunity, which can be achieved in this way, of obtaining the requisite number of nominations,” he told the court.



Had the rules intended to suggest an incumbent leader did not need the support of MPs, “we would respectfully suggest that would have been so important it would be said in the terms [of the party rules],” Millar said.



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