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S Terezinog gledišta, ona je sve dobro izračunala. Cijela top-Brexiteer ekipica, BoJo, DD i Dr L Fox is set up to spectacularly underdeliver & fail, što možda neće biti dobro za Old Blightyja, ali ne vidim bolji način da se pogasi ili bar quencha to vatreno ždrijelo Nasty Tory zmaja.

E, ovako pisu mladi Euro lavovi!

Kratko, jasno, znalcima razumljivo.

Jebote, zivim za dan kad ce na ovaj nivo izrazavanja da dospe barem 50% seoskih prodavnica na Zapadnom Balkanu.

Koliko ce tada zivot da bude laksi i veseliji.

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E, ovako pisu mladi Euro lavovi!

Kratko, jasno, znalcima razumljivo.

Jebote, zivim za dan kad ce na ovaj nivo izrazavanja da dospe barem 50% seoskih prodavnica na Zapadnom Balkanu.

Koliko ce tada zivot da bude laksi i veseliji.

Ako ti ne razumiješ, to mi je čisti plus.
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Andrea dobila ministarstvo životne sredine  :0.6:


Tereza definitivno rešila da ih pokažnjava


Theresa’s phone rang. It was one of her special advisers, reminding her she had forgotten to appoint someone in charge of the Department for International Development. She groaned. There was just so much to remember. “Do we have anyone who has actively campaigned to abolish the department?” she asked.

“Yup. Priti Patel.”

“Great. Give her the job.”

By now it was getting late in the day, but Theresa had got her second wind. Besides, she had been saving the best till last.

“Bring me the head of Andrea Garcia,” she commanded.

Andrea Leadsom duly trooped through the door.

“You’ve been a right pain in the neck during the referendum campaign and since,” Theresa observed. Andrea tried to get in a word to explain how she hadn’t meant any of it, but Theresa just showed her the palm of her hand.

“It’s been brought to my attention that your extensive knowledge of farming has led you to state that hill sheep smallholdings should be converted into butterfly sanctuaries,” Theresa said. “As a result of this, I have decided it’s only right to put you in charge of the environment, farming and rural affairs. Now go and explain to the farmers how they’re going to be worse off without their EU subsidies.”

“But I hate the countryside...”


The perfect end to the perfect first day.


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Ala tupite, kao da je licno Nagel Farage dobio Foreign Office.


Osim ovog Francuza, na Borisovo ime se smeskaju ili kolutaju ocima. No, za razliku od raznih Vulina i Becica, covek je em inteligentan em ima managerial experience u Londonu koji se nije srusio i u kome nije izbio gradjanski rat.


Ideja da se Brexitovci kaznjavaju tako sto im se daju vazna ministarska mesta je, well, beyond me. A ako propadnu, naravno da ce da propadne i Tereza sa njima.


Stvar je u tome sto je Tereza podrzala Remain u najmanju ruku jednako kao sto je to ucino Korbin, pa jeste u poziciji  ujedinitelja sada.


Plus, otpustila je omrazenog Ozborna.



Sto se pregovora, legitimiteta, politikei ostalog tice, odlicno je takodje sto je Manuel otisao u Godlman Sachs.

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Ala tupite, kao da je licno Nagel Farage dobio Foreign Office.


Osim ovog Francuza, na Borisovo ime se smeskaju ili kolutaju ocima. No, za razliku od raznih Vulina i Becica, covek je em inteligentan em ima managerial experience u Londonu koji se nije srusio i u kome nije izbio gradjanski rat.


Ideja da se Brexitovci kaznjavaju tako sto im se daju vazna ministarska mesta je, well, beyond me. A ako propadnu, naravno da ce da propadne i Tereza sa njima.


Stvar je u tome sto je Tereza podrzala Remain u najmanju ruku jednako kao sto je to ucino Korbin, pa jeste u poziciji  ujedinitelja sada.


Plus, otpustila je omrazenog Ozborna.



Sto se pregovora, legitimiteta, politikei ostalog tice, odlicno je takodje sto je Manuel otisao u Godlman Sachs.


Mislim da ih ona uzima k sebi pre svega da je ne bi napadali od spolja


Sto se Baroza tice, to jeste dobro za London, ali ovo ce pre svega biti politicki pregovori odnosno sudar politickih volja. Svima je jasno da ce na kraju biti kompromisni pristup jedinstvenom trzistu i kompromisna kontrola imigracije. A mislim da im je Cameron dao najbolji predlog za bliskost sa EU - the closer the better. Postoji razlog zasto svi UK politicari pricaju svasta, a onda kada zasednu u No.10 postanu proevropski raspolozeni, slican je verovatno u glavnim crtama i sa ostalim politicarima (cak i srpskim, o norveskim recimo da ne pricam) - kad dodjes u posed svih relevantnih informacija odjednom ti sine da je to prosto to (osim ako nisi potpuni kreten).

Edited by MancMellow
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nastavlja se euforija sirom evrope.




France’s foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, who met Johnson when the two men were both mayors, was asked on French radio if he was surprised by Johnson’s appointment. “I don’t know if it surprised me,” he said. “It’s a sign of the British political crisis that has come out of the referendum vote.”



1 je način da se to reši:


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Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson booed at French Embassy

14 July 2016 Last updated at 21:13 BST


The new Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, has been booed by some of the guests at a French Embassy reception in London.


In his first public speech in his new role, Mr Johnson told the audience at the French Ambassador's residence that Anglo-French intergovernmental relations would be strengthened as the UK moves to leave the EU.

It was not clear whether the booing came from British or French guests, or both.

Mr Johnson stressed that the United Kingdom was in no sense leaving Europe, only the European Union.




Ima i video na linku, mada nije tako dramatično kao što zvuči iz naslova

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Britain to get absolutely everything it wants from Brexit negotiations



THE UK can get free access to the single market without any

concessions on freedom of movement, according to a man

with no idea what ‘negotiating’ means.


Warehouse operative Nathan Muir believes that if British

representatives tell the EU that they mean business and refuse

to back down they will get every single thing they want without

surrendering anything.


He continued: “It’s all about attitude. If we walk in saying ‘I’ll trade

this for this,’ or ‘We may agree some compromises’ they’ll make

mincemeat out of us.


“But go in there British and proud, tell them ‘Full access to the

single market, no immigration, and we keep all our subsidies or

I’m out that door’ and they’ll cave like the continental cowards

they are.


“Though obviously we do need to meet in the middle on freedom

of movement. They can’t come here but I still go wherever I want.

That seems fair.”


Friend Stephen Malley said: “I remember when Nathan went to

negotiate himself a pay rise. They cut his hours and moved him

to nights.”


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