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Evo vam ga DD ovde:


 Single countries, with the ability to be flexible and focussed, negotiate trade deals far more quickly than large trade blocs.  For example, South Korea negotiated a deal with the US in a single year, and with India, which is notoriously difficult, within three years.  Chile was even faster, negotiating trade deals with China, Australia and Canada in under a year.

The EU, by comparison, takes more than six years to negotiate trade deals

Mda, riječ je očito o djelcu sad popularnog pulp žanra brexshita...


Brzina košta

The EU gets the UK a better deal eliminating tariffs with South Korea almost 4 times quicker than Australia’s deal.

As part of the EU, Britain doesn’t just benefit from more deals but also from better deals. As a partnership of 28 countries, it can take the EU time to negotiate trade deals that are good for all member states. But, with the weight of a 500 million person market, the EU often negotiates better deals more comprehensive in scope than those signed bycountries outside the EU.The EU-South Korea deal is a good example of this, scrapping almost 99% of tariffs in just 5 years and including far reaching liberalisation of trade in services. iii The South Korea-Australia trade deal takes almost 20 years to reach this level of tariff reduction.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Takav dil je 99,99% nemoguc. Britanija ce morati necim da ,,plati" ako zeli pristup trzistu uz kontrolu migracije, a jedino sto ce ostatku EU biti prihvatljivo je zestoko ogranicavanje pristupa trzistu britanskim bankama - nema vise "passporting"-a. A to je politicki preskupo za London. No nesto sumnjam da ce na kraju EU biti ta koja ce ciniti velike ustupke


Jedina dobra stvar Brexita je što ćemo videti koliko su Berlin i Pariz ozbiljni sa EU. 

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Mda, riječ je očito o djelcu sad popularnog pulp žanra brexshita...


Brzina košta




Inače što se tiče teksta DD....don't know where to begin...

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to i ja mislim, ali videćemo


Videćemo. Strah me je da će biti softies prema UK čisto zato što i njih košta ako to ne urade, a onda će mnoge zemlje zaključiti da i njima odgovara takav aranžman...

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Pregovori ce trajati...ko zna na kraju koje vlade ce gde sedeti. Ali ovi sadasnji (Merkel recimo) su rekli vise puta da nece biti cherry-pickinga i bice im jako tesko da pogaze tu izjavu. 

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S Terezinog gledišta, ona je sve dobro izračunala. Cijela top-Brexiteer ekipica, BoJo, DD i Dr L Fox is set up to spectacularly underdeliver & fail, što možda neće biti dobro za Old Blightyja, ali ne vidim bolji način da se pogasi ili bar quencha to vatreno ždrijelo Nasty Tory zmaja.

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ode ozborn.  :cry:


meni srce prepuklo crko dabogda zli guster .


& BoJo making a comeback in a big fucking way.



foreign secretary - ale ale! 


p.s. sad komentarisu na vestima na channel 4 - utter utter horror, outrageous (ken loach masivno popizdjen) clown at the children's party... bice veselo. 



Ja i dalje sedim u neverici



Ode sve u Honduras ...


jebalo majku, odem na limunadu posle posla, ostavim vas da cuvate ognjiste, vratim se kuci BoJo ministar spoljnih poslova. 


i osta ono djubre od coveka, jeremy rhyming slang. najebasmo na svim frontovima. BoJo ce da zarati sa svima, a nece bit ni medicinskih sestara ni doktora da vidaju rane. 

Edited by MaryPoppins
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S Terezinog gledišta, ona je sve dobro izračunala. Cijela top-Brexiteer ekipica, BoJo, DD i Dr L Fox is set up to spectacularly underdeliver & fail, što možda neće biti dobro za Old Blightyja, ali ne vidim bolji način da se pogasi ili bar quencha to vatreno ždrijelo Nasty Tory zmaja.


Palo mi na pamet kad sam procitao onaj Daviesov spisak lepih zelja.

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nastavlja se euforija sirom evrope.


'Monstrous' and 'a liar' – Germany and France lead criticism of Boris Johnson


France’s foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, who met Johnson when the two men were both mayors, was asked on French radio if he was surprised by Johnson’s appointment. “I don’t know if it surprised me,” he said. “It’s a sign of the British political crisis that has come out of the referendum vote.”


In Berlin, there was dismay. Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, echoed the French critique of Johnson, suggesting that his conduct in the run-up to the EU referendum was deceitful and reckless. Speaking in Greifswald, Steinmeier called the new foreign secretary’s behaviour “ungeheuerlich” - monstrous or outrageous.

“People [in the UK] are experiencing a rude awakening after irresponsible politicians first lured the country into Brexit and then, once the decision was made, decided to bolt from responsibility, and instead go off and play cricket,” Steinmeier said


Edited by Takeshi
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