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Cloak & dagger

Robert Peston
1 hr ·
Facebook Mentions

Even by Labour's recent history of giving shambles a good name, today's meeting of the ruling NEC takes the biscuit.
Because at the end of the meeting, after a couple of pro-Corbyn members had left, and Corbyn himself had gone, a vote was taken on a motion not on the agenda, to exclude from the leadership vote anyone who joined the party in the past six months. So the 130,000 who signed up since Brexit, most of whom are thought to be Corbyn supporters, will be unable to vote.
Now whatever you think of Corbyn, this looks and smells like gerrymandering by his opponents.
Corbyn will definitely attempt to get the vote over-turned. And he may resort to the law, since Labour's website made clear that membership bought a vote.
As for those who joined since January, they will be revolting.
That said, if anyone wants to take part in the election, they now have two days to pay £25 and become a registered supporter.
Which is the first example of the much feared post-Brexit inflation, since till today it cost just £3 to be such a voting supporter.

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Ma jasna su i ovde pravila (registruješ se, platiš 3 funte i član si stranke sa punim pravom glasa i na izborima za predsednika) samo ih menjaju u krnjem sastavu. :lol:

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Ma jasna su i ovde pravila (registruješ se, platiš 3 25 funte i član si stranke sa punim pravom glasa i na izborima za predsednika) samo ih menjaju u krnjem sastavu. :lol:


I fixed that for you.

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Могуће да гледам из српског угла. Пренизак фи за учлањење може да олакша да неки донатор уплати чланарину за рецимо 10.000 људи. Није исто 30.000 и 250.000£



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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David Cameron's final PMQs as prime minister – video highlights

Highlights from David Cameron’s final prime minister’s questions as PM and Tory leader on Wednesday in the House of Commons. Cameron mocks Labour’s leadership battle and comments on his empty diary in the afternoon. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn pays tribute to Cameron’s work as leader, but also draws attention to problems facing the country
Edited by Prospero
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Cloak & dagger

valjalo bi neko pravilo da na stranackim izborima ne mogu da glasaju oni koji su se registrovali bukvalno dan pre izbora.


kako bilo, prilicno tupavo menjati to pravilo sada - ocit pokusaj da se potkopa Korbin.

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Owen Smith has set out his stall for the Labour leadership by saying he would offer the public a second referendum to ratify any Brexit deal Britain strikes with the EU.


In an interview with the Guardian, the Pontypridd MP accused Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, of acting selfishly and warned that his party was “teetering on the brink of being destroyed”.


Smith, whose entry into the race for party leader threatens to derail the hopes of Angela Eagle, who first triggered the contest, said it was clear people wanted both access to the single market and controls on immigration.


But, he added, the public wanted to know what deal would be struck, adding: “And then we should give them another chance. That does mean a second referendum or a general election when the terms are clear. The Labourgovernment should be committing to that.”

Edited by MancMellow
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& BoJo making a comeback in a big fucking way.

foreign secretary - ale ale! 


p.s. sad komentarisu na vestima na channel 4 - utter utter horror, outrageous (ken loach masivno popizdjen) clown at the children's party... bice veselo. 

Edited by adam
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foreign secretary - ale ale! 


p.s. sad komentarisu na vestima na channel 4 - utter utter horror, outrageous (ken loach masivno popizdjen) clown at the children's party... bice veselo. 


Ja i dalje sedim u neverici

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Want to show your support for Angela's campaign and offer help? Share this and click here http://angela4labourleader.org/im_in/

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Barbara Bartz Hahahahaaa
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 08:40
Greg Parslow I still can't believe she's going to put herself through this. She needs a new group of friends / team of advisors.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:32
Paul Bringloe Hahahaha


Ja i dalje sedim u neverici

i ja. gledam i pijem

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