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Politika u UK



99 members have voted

  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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iliti spike your CV to become PM, Torygraph will publish that crap (but also anything Theresa's people brief against y'a! :naughty: )!

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komisija za ispitivanje bombardovanja srj ce malo kasnije  :fantom:

(kad udjemo u eu)




dosta su duhoviti generali u ovom izvestaju.



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Radni naslov: Kako smo postali (bogata) Srbija, a da to nismo ni primetili



Right now it feels like the whole of British politics and society has been divided into two; the one half symbolised by ‘white van man’, the manual worker of low educational achievement, parading the national flag from the window of his work vehicle; the other half symbolised by the bearded hipster — his trips to Berlin for art, Ibiza for dancing, now in question, and the assumed cultural dominance of his social liberalism and anti-racism under threat.

Labour’s strategic problem has been how to unite these two sociological tribes across four nationalities. Now it is how to frame the offer of social justice and democracy to a population reeling amid uncertainty.

Britain has walked away from the global order before — in 1931, when its decision to leave the Gold Standard triggered its fragmentation and collapse. But at that time British society was united; the conflict between left and right, worker and boss, was always contained within a common cultural story.

This time it is a leap into the dark. Economically there is no design for a post-EU Britain but the near certainty of a short-term recession; socially Britain is divided so viscerally it feels like a culture war; and with Scotland on the way out, the United Kingdom is headed for breakup.



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