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 Korbinov zamenik nagoveštava da će tražiti ostavku od njega. U međuvremenu broj ministara u senci koji su podneli ostavke popeo se na 10. Špekulacije o vanrednim izborima sve jače.


Tom Watson, the deputy Labour leader, has issued a statement on today’s development. Here it is in full.

I was deeply disappointed to see Hilary Benn sacked in the early hours of this morning and equally saddened that so many talented, able and hard-working colleagues felt they had to leave the shadow cabinet. My single focus is to hold the Labour party together in very turbulent times. The nation needs an effective opposition, particularly as the current leadership of the country is so lamentable. It’s very clear to me that we are heading for an early general election and the Labour party must be ready to form a government. There’s much work to do. I will be meeting Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow morning to discuss the way forward.


Here are the key points.

- Tom Watson declines to endorse Corbyn’s leadership.
- He says Labour needs to be “an effective opposition”.
- He predicts an early general election.


Analysis: Tom Watson is positioning himself to replace Jeremy Corbyn this week as a caretaker Labour leader - perhaps with a view to grabbing the job permanently. At least, that’s what his statement implies. Talking about “effective opposition” is Labour code for “we need a new leader”, because it implies Labour is not providing effective opposition now. It is very noticeable that Watson does not defend Corbyn’s leadership, or urge colleagues to support him. And the reference to an early election is key too. On Friday the prospect of an early election was little more than speculation. Today almost all the Labour and Tory politicians on the political programmes have been treating it is a near-certainty, which is significant because forecasts of this kind can become self-fulfilling.

The Conservative party has its famous “men in grey suits” who are supposed to tell the leader when his time is up. Watson wears flash pin-striped suits, but his line about “meeting Corbyn tomorrow morning to discuss the way forward” suggests he is about to play the same role. He did not quite say he would have a bottle of whisky and a pearl-handled revolver for Corbyn in his briefcase, but that’s clearly the implication ...



Edited by vememah
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I Brajant podneo ostavku.


Navodno akciju protiv Korbina vodi Dejvid Miliband. Šuška se da se vratio u zemlju i da će biti određen za kandidata laburista u izbornoj jedinici ubijene Džo Koks.

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Korbinara je jedva dočekao Brexit, jer može da vodi svoju politiku i da diktira tempo.  :misko:


Corbyn office 'sabotaged' EU Remain campaign - sources
...There have been concerns about Jeremy Corbyn's performance for months and months. But it was his role, or lack of role, in the campaign to keep the UK in the EU, and his sacking of Hilary Benn in the middle of the night, that has given members of the shadow cabinet the final reasons to quit. Several have already gone; as many as half will be gone by the end of the day, I understand.

And documents passed to the BBC suggest Jeremy Corbyn's office sought to delay and water down the Labour Remain campaign. Sources suggest that they are evidence of "deliberate sabotage".
One email from the leader's office suggests that Mr Corbyn's director of strategy and communications, Seumas Milne, was behind Mr Corbyn's reluctance to take a prominent role in Labour's campaign to keep the UK in the EU. One email, discussing one of the leader's speeches, said it was because of the "hand of Seumas. If he can't kill it, he will water it down so much to hope nobody notices it".

A series of messages dating back to December seen by the BBC shows correspondence between the party leader's office, the Labour Remain campaign and Labour HQ, discussing the European campaign. It shows how a sentence talking about immigration was removed on one occasion and how Mr Milne refused to sign off a letter signed by 200 MPs after it had already been approved.

The documents show concern in Labour HQ and the Labour Remain campaign about Mr Corbyn's commitment to the campaign - one email says: "What is going on here?" Another email from Labour Remain sources to the leader's office complains "there is no EU content here - we agreed to have Europe content in it". Sources say they show the leader's office was reluctant to give full support to the EU campaign and how difficult it was to get Mr Corbyn to take a prominent role.



Edited by Prospero
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Bio Kinok junior na CNN-u večeras i rekao da je Korbin govorio na svega 10 skupova tokom predreferendumske kampanje i da laburistima u ovom novom vremenu treba neko ko je oštar pregovarač, a ne neko ko kritikuje sa strane.

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Plan je nesto sto Korbin nema, jer zivi i dalje u 70-im.


Naprotiv, mislim da je vrlo podlo sabotirao kampanju za ostanak u EU. Bojim se da je njegova logika da stvari odu skroz u kurac pa će tada da pobede na izborima.

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Naprotiv, mislim da je vrlo podlo sabotirao kampanju za ostanak u EU. Bojim se da je njegova logika da stvari odu skroz u kurac pa će tada da pobede na izborima.


A, to je vec (vrlo verovatno) moguce.

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Kinok jr. se baš angažovao, gostovao i na BBC-ju:


Stephen Kinnock, the son of former Labour leader Neil Kinnock and now the MP for Aberavon, rather sums up what many are saying. Speaking on the BBC's Westminster Hour:


I think there’s a real risk that if we go into a general election before the end of this year with Jeremy as our leader we will lose somewhere between 30 and 60 trusted and valued colleagues, and the critical question that we have to ask ourselves and our membership has to ask itself now, is given the fact that British politics has changed completely, the next 3, 5 and 10 years will be totally dominated by these Brexit negotiations, is Jeremy the right leader to take us through those and into a general election which will be dominated by that issue?

In my opinion we need a leader who is a hard-headed negotiator not somebody who has got a proud record of being very consistent in parliament but basically a record based on protest.



Edited by vememah
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