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  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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Za Severnu Irsku je najbolje da se odrzi nekakav status quo, jer ce u ovoj muljavini najvise govana da ispliva na sve strane. Nema sanse za referendum, ali neka se svi prave budale i nastave da odrzavaju veze kakvim jesu. Dace im EU neki poseban status ili barem Irska.

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Moguća protivkandidatkinja Borisu i raspored za izbor novog šefa stranke/premijera.


Theresa May, the home secretary, is emerging as the leading choice for a “Stop Boris” candidate among Conservative MPs who want a new prime minister to unify the party after Britain’s vote to leave the EU.

Boris Johnson, the former London mayor, is the clear favourite to succeed David Cameron, who resigned after the referendum result on Friday. Johnson’s decision to campaign for Brexit boosted his popularity with the party grassroots.

Some Tory backbenchers regard Johnson and Michael Gove, the justice secretary, as a dream ticket of popular appeal and strategic brains, particularly given surveys showing they are supported by rank-and-file members.

He is not, however, the clear choice of Conservative MPs, even among the 129 who supported Brexit. One senior Tory who backed leaving the EU told the Guardian they were not convinced Johnson had the gravitas and experience, and would considering backing May if she declares an interest.

May kept a low profile during the campaign, and may pitch herself as a unifying bridge between the Eurosceptic and modernising wings of the party. She burnished her credentials among Eurosceptics during the campaign by calling for withdrawal from the European convention on human rights.
Conservative candidates will be invited to throw their hats into the ring as early as this week after the 1922 committee of backbenchers meets on Monday to draw up the rules.

MPs will vote on those names to create a shortlist of two candidates by the end of July. That will be followed by around two months of campaigning and hustings over the summer, before it is put to a vote of about 150,000 Conservative members in September. The result will be announced at the Tory party conference in early October.

Remain supporters suggested on social media that they may join up as Conservative members to stop Johnson and Gove taking over in the same way that Labour membership surged so that people could vote for Jeremy Corbyn.


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Running: Boris, May, Morgan, Crabb, Freeman

Probably: Fox, Leadsom

Possibly: Hunt

Probably Not: Osborne, Javid

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