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Moguće da nije, mislim da sam i kod Vilsona čitao da je lično protiv EU, ovakve kakva je trenutno. Uostalom, oko 35% laburista će glasati za izlazak. 


Dobro je za partiju što će ostati po strani (partijski stav postoji ali neka cveta hiljadu cvetova), za razliku od škotskog referenduma, i što će pustiti torijevce da se međusobno kolju oko Brexita. 

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A UK's Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit has charged a man for operating several proxy sites and services that allowed UK Internet users to bypass local pirate site blockades. In a first of its kind prosecution, the Bakersfield resident is charged with several fraud offenses and one count of converting and/or transferring criminal property.


cityoflondonpoliceDuring the summer of 2014, City of London Police arrested the then 20-year-old Callum Haywood of Bakersfield for his involvement with several proxy sites and services.


Haywood was interrogated at a police station and later released on bail. He agreed to voluntarily hand over several domain names, but the police meanwhile continued working on the case.


One of the main services linked to the investigation was Immunicity, a censorship circumvention tool that allowed users to route their traffic through a proxy network.


In addition, Haywood was also connected to the Pirate Bay proxy list Piratereverse.info and KickassTorrents proxies Kickassunblock.info and Katunblock.com, movie2kproxy.com, h33tunblock.info and several other proxy sites.


These proxies all served as a copy of the original sites, which are blocked by several UK ISPs, allowing users to bypass restrictions imposed by the High Court. While Haywood wasn’t operating any of the original sites, police have decided to move the case ahead.


Today, after nearly two years, the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) formally announced the charges, which amount to one count of converting and/or transferring criminal property and six counts of possession of an article for use in fraud.


The charges relate to the operation of a Pirate Bay proxy and two KickassTorrent proxies.


Based on the charges the now 22-year old student potentially risks a long prison sentence.


Possession of articles for use in fraud is punishable by up to five years in prison under UK law, while supplying articles for use in a fraud carries a sentence of up to 10 years. Converting and/or transferring criminal property is money laundering, for which the maximum sentence is 14 years.


Speaking with TorrentFreak today, Haywood denies any wrongdoing.


The prosecution is the first of its kind, in that it targets a person who allegedly assisted Internet users to bypass High Court orders to block The Pirate Bay and other torrent sites.


Even though the blocking orders don’t apply to all UK ISPs, who continue to provide access to the very same sites, PIPCU alleges that Haywood’s sites were setup to circumvent the court orders.


Haywood is scheduled to appear on bail at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on April 21 for a preliminary hearing.



Preti mu 14 godina zatvora jer je držao proksi sajt. Koliko se dobija za grupno silovanje ili ubistvo u državi sa dugom legalističkom tradicijomtm

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Par zadnjih anketa o Brexitu:

Britain Elects ‏@britainelects · пре 19 сати

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 39% (-1)
Leave: 43% (-1)
(via Opinium)


Britain Elects ‏@britainelects · 31. мар

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 35% (-1)
Leave: 35% (-1)
(via TNS online / 24 - 29 Mar)


Britain Elects ‏@britainelects · 29. мар

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 41% (-3)
Leave: 45% (+4)
(via BMG online / 24 - 29 Mar)


Britain Elects ‏@britainelects · 29. мар

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 49% (-5)
Leave: 41% (+5)
(via Ipsos Mori, phone / 19 - 22 Mar)

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Inače, zbog podele kod konzervativaca oko Brexita i Ozbornovog fijaska oko seče benefita invalidima, laburisti su po najnovijim istraživanjima prvi put izjednačeni sa torijevcima još od izbora. Ovo sa čeličanama im još može pogodovati. Uz to, Korbin se, po meni, mnogo bolje snalazi na mestu vođe opozicije nego što je bilo ko očekivao.


Mislim da se The Guardian ne bi slozio sa tobom.

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E e jbg, po gardijanu i novom državniku on je veći fejlur od ong lika što je predao singapur japanciam. ALi nisam siguran koliko su oni baš objektivni...

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gardijan je, bojim se, otkako je otisao rostbridzer, perjanica novolaburista a oni imaju oho-ho razloga da blate korbina - i to egzistencijalnih. covek ih polako ali sigurno skida sa lukrativnih polozaja unutar parlamenta i partije a tezak je zivot poslanika bez dodataka za razne komisije i radne grupe. s obzirom da protiv sebe ima kompletni politicki establisment, korbin se zasad prilicno dobro snalazi, cak mnogo bolje nego sto su razni predvidjali.


a situacija mu ide na ruku. evo danasnjih vesti o off-shore muljanjima u panami, bice veceras na bbc-u u udarnom terminu program o tome. 





A huge leak of confidential documents has revealed how the rich and powerful use tax havens to hide their wealth.


among the revelations are that six members of the House of Lords and three former Conservative MPs had offshore accounts, although the only British politicians so far named are Lord Ashcroft (pictured), Tory peer Baroness Pamela Sharples and former Conservative MP Michael Mates. 

Dozens of donors to UK political parties had similar arrangements, the Mail reports.

Campaigners said David Cameron now faces a "credibility test", having promised to end tax secrecy four years ago, the report adds.




The leaked Panama papers have opened up the murky world of offshore finance as never before and includes the names of 140 politicians as well as business figures. 

Edited by adam
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Sve sami pederi i lezbejke u toj Skotskoj  :mad:



The leader of Scotland’s Labour party, Kezia Dugdale, has become the fifth key political figure and fourth party leader in Scottish politics to come out as gay. Giving an interview to a magazine, Dugdale said she had a female partner.

Ruth Davidson, the leader of the Scottish Conservative party; Patrick Harvie, the leader of the Scottish Green party; and David Coburn, the leader of Ukip Scotland, have also come out as gay or bisexual, along with Scotland’s only Conservative MP, David Mundell, the secretary of state for Scotland.

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Tja, perverzija severa, ništa novo :fantom:


Inače na koju foru ispada po anketama da Labour gubi, a da dobijaju Zeleni i Konzerve? Korbinovo levičarnje nije ništa pomoglo?


Btw, škotski zeleni su takođe separatisti, je l tako?

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Laburisti će ponovo početi da rastu u Škotskoj tek kada SNP nešto ozbiljnije zajebe. A Torijevci rastu u krajevima u kojima su tradicionalno bili jaki ranije - na jugu, uz granicu, i u bogatijim predgrađima gradova.

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