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EU drops proposed law to tackle illegal trade in wildlife and toxic waste

Cross-border monitoring and inspections regime to clamp down on environmental crime worth billions is stymied by fears of UK objections, EU officials say
Since the economic crisis many European states have dramatically cut back on inspection departments. 

Arthur Neslen Brussels

Tuesday 10 November 2015 06.30 GMT
Last modified on Tuesday 10 November 2015 06.32 GMT

The EU has quietly dropped plans for stronger environmental inspections to tackle illegal trade in wildlife and toxic waste across Europe, the Guardian has learned.

Senior levels of the European commission feared opposition from the UK to the proposed law on cost and red tape grounds, sources told the Guardian.



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ozbilnji poremećaji na strani laburista zbog glasanja o vojnom angazmanu u siriji


Jeremy Corbyn told to resign by Labour MPs as Syria vote engulfs his leadership


...Mr Corbyn cancelled the campaigning to hold meetings in London amid widespread reports that more than half of the MPs in his shadow cabinet might resign if they are told to vote against David Cameron’s plans to send in British jets to bomb Isil in Syria.




Ex-ministers Fiona Mactaggart and John Spellar have urged the Labour leader to take the "sensible" decision to stand down because of the damaging divisions his leadership is creating.

Former Home Office minister Ms Mactaggart said his position had become “unsustainable” while fellow ex-minister Mr Spellar said Mr Corbyn’s behaviour over the Syria vote had been “unacceptable”.


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Očekivano i neminovno. Međutim, vređa inteligenciju činjenica da je Korbin izabran ogromnom većinom glasova članova partije pre samo dva meseca a tokom kampanje on svakako nije krio svoje mišljenje o Bliskom istoku i britanskom vojnom intervencionizmu. Takođe, nije čak ni pritiskao poslanike da glasaju po njegovom već ih je podstakao da glasaju po sopstvenoj savesti.

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clanstvo je i izabralo korbina da bi razjurio ove blerove mandrile sto vec skoro dvadeset godina sisaju drzavu kroz razne masne funkcije po raznim komisijama i parlamentarnim telima bez obzira na to ko je na vlasti. e, sad, videcemo da li ce uspeti. jaki su, glasni su, imaju veze u medijima, podrzani su od politickog establishmenta i koriste svaku priliku da mu shuknu. mada, ako se ispostavi da nije tako lako oterati ga pa im je izbor ili podrska ili da sjasu s funkcija i ostanu samo na plati i dnevnicama, ne bih se zacudio ni da ga jednoglasno podrze kao da se nista nije dogodilo. videcemo...


edit - nepismen

Edited by adam
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Ja ne verujem da će Korbin pobediti. Verovatnije je da će ga smeniti u nekom trenutku. Međutim, to neminovno vodi do cepanja partije.

i meni tako deluje. sumnjam da ovde ima kapaciteta za bitnije promene.


a partija je odavno zrela za cepanje. videcemo.

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S obzirom da doticni ovo kaze u septembru



Jeremy Corbyn has to represent all of Labour, not just himself
Jonathan Freedland

After the national anthem debacle, new leader must reach out to the country or his agenda will never get a hearing


a ovo u avgustu




The Corbyn tribe cares about identity, not power
Jonathan Freedland

Telling supporters he won’t win is futile: elections are not their priority. They want to be true to themselves


deluje da se komentator malo ponavlja.


Tj. komentatori na Gardijanu koji su od pocetk zestoko anti-korbinovski (osim Harisa) i nisu neki reper.

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S obzirom da doticni ovo kaze u septembru


a ovo u avgustu



deluje da se komentator malo ponavlja.


Tj. komentatori na Gardijanu koji su od pocetk zestoko anti-korbinovski (osim Harisa) i nisu neki reper.


Pa ne znam evo ovo meni deluje prilično razumno, i ne toliko anti-korbinovski:



Take this week’s autumn statement by George Osborne. There was so much to criticise, so much to oppose. You could have begun with the trail of broken promises left by this chancellor, who swore he would eradicate the deficit by May 2015 and who did nothing of the sort; who solemnly vowed to be bound by a new “welfare cap” only to break it on Wednesday; who tightened the belt on the poorest in July only to reveal four months later that the public finances had been magically transformed by the sudden discovery of a hidden stash of £27bn. What possible credibility does this repeat promise-breaker have?


The opposition could then have moved to the choices Osborne makes. His instinct in July was to punish the hardest-working and the lowest-paid, by slashing their tax credits. He only ran scared when he realised his ambition to reach No 10 was in jeopardy, spooked by rebellions on his own benches, in the Lords and on the front page of the Sun.


Unrepentant, though, he continues to slash the money available to local councils, bleeding them dry. With a 56% cut, he is depriving them of the cash they need to clear the rubbish, maintain the parks and look after the vulnerable. Try as they might, and the best councils have been stretching every sinew, town halls will simply not be able to provide for the frail and the lonely, the adults who need social care, or the young people with learning difficulties who need a ride to school. Those services, along with the local library or swimming pool, will be starved of money until they are gone.


All of this needs to be opposed, just as Osborne’s autumn statement needed to be forensically dismantled line by line. This was why Labour people were furious at John McDonnell’s flourishing of Mao’s Little Red Book. It was for the same reason Osborne and David Cameron were so delighted by the stunt, the Tory benches lighting up with red faces guffawing in unison. Both sides knew that Labour’s critique would be forgotten, buried by the story of a shadow chancellor already lampooned as an unreconstructed communist appearing to vindicate his accusers in the most ostentatious fashion imaginable.

Edited by FERNOUX H
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ocekivano http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34989302



MPs have voted by 397 to 223 to authorise UK air strikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria.

Prime Minister David Cameron argued in a Commons debate that action against the "medieval monsters" of IS was legal and would "keep our country safe".

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the case for war "does not stack up" - but his party was split, with senior Labour figures voting with the government after the 10-hour debate.

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Jeste, ali je Gardijan dramio kako je to tezak test za Laburiste i Korbina.






Why Labour fears the worst in Oldham West Ian Warren
I have identified three distinct groups that will decide this byelection on Thursday – and it doesn’t look good for Corbyn


ili ovaj




Labour has good reason to feel nervous about its poll test in Oldham
Edited by Budja
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