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    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
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pfff, sredina, 2001-2005/6 (taj kraj je vec malo teže utvrditi, ali skupljeno sve zajedno 4 god)


Ilustracija? Pa ne, nema (sigurno ne ovako na brzinu) brojeva kojima bih sad odmah to mogao da dokažuem, jer, kao što rekoh, nije tu sve u ekonomiji. Ne znam, Sever mi se menjao pred očima. zgrade, celi blokovi, ulice, lokalci su pričali da they (severnjaci) never had it that good. Mislim da je u jednom momentu M'cr po kvalitetu života pretekao London, što je fantastičan podatak. E sad - ti ćeš mi reći, pa ok, ali to je sve samo regija, a i nije ceo sever, nego, ajde, duž M62. Jeste, ali dihotomija sever-jug je, kao što znaš, jedna od definišućih karakteristika Engleske. Imam osećaj da niko kao Labour tada nije napravio napor da se to bar donekle ublaži. Ali ok, vredi potruditi se naći nešto u pisanom obliku, siguran sam da je pisano, potražiću. 


Druga stvar, ne manje važno, čini mi se da je, da tako kažem, društveno nasleđe te Lab vladavine 1 izmenjeno britansko društvo. Ok, to je proces koji se odigravao na dosta mesta u svetu, ali...društvo jeste postalo tolerantnije, prema svim mogućim manjinama pre svega, rešena su (ne definitivno, ali tako da je nezamislivo potpuno vraćanje u prethodno stanje) neka pitanja šta je društveno prihvatljivo, šta nije društveno prihvatljivo. 


Naravno, ne želim da sporim jačinu uticaja Thatcher reformi i politika, ali meni se pre svega čini da je promena društva 1997-2010 na jednom manje brojevima izrecivom nivou nego njena. Široka je to tema. Zanima me time da se bavim i van foruma, ako nekad bude vremena. 


Naravno, na forumu su najpozvaniji da u smislu 1st hand iskustva o tome pričaju Adam i, možda, Marvin dakle oni koji su proveli ne samo duže, nego, čini mi se u slučaju Adama, i one Majorove godine u UK. 


Oko severa - to je pumpanje para u javni sektor, a povezano je sa ekonomijom i onim kreditnim bumom, a nastaje, je li, nakon sto su otisli rudnici. Sa druge strane, moguce je da komsije vole i ovoga

Michael Heseltine is given the Freedom of Liverpool
And he thoroughly deserves it. Defying Margaret Thatcher and other senior colleagues in 1981, he left London for Merseyside to start a change in its fortunes - and those of the English regions more widely


No, da vidimo sta je sada, recimo, ostalo u Sefildu i koliko je javnih bazena zatvoreno (znam za jedan u Bristolu).


Drugo, oko tolerancije, to se cesto poteze kao nesto sto je trajnije nasledje ali si lepo primetio sta je ogranicavajuci faktor u toj analizi. Da li je Bler bio trend seter i preduzimao nesto rizicno? Hm... Ima ta prica oko Obame, ali je Obama progurao Affordable Care Act against odds. Gde je Bler isao uzvodno, osim rata u Iraku?

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E pa to je fora sa Thatcher - ona je u stvari, jeste, izvršila blue revolution, pre svega u glavama ljudi, tako Blair, sve i sa 400 i kusur poslanika nije mogao da izvrši ništa drugo nego, faktički, jednu, ne "red", nego suštinski yellow-red (i to sa naglaskom na yellow) revolution. Ali i to je napravilo uticaj takav da je Cameron morao da ide sa onim sloganom "big society". Mislim "society" i cons... Tek sad kreće pravo razmontiravanje koncepcije i povratak na surovi individualizam. Videćemo. Ja npr vidim ove ideje Osborna u vezi sa davanjem veće autonomije (pre svega M'cr-u) kao jedan pokušaj da se neki rezultati unutrašnje Blairove politike okrenu tako da idu Torijevcima u prilog. Ali to onda i dalje ostaje na neki način rezultat onoga što se dešavalo za vreme Blaira. 


Ovo oko Obame - nije sporno da je Blair uglavnom failovao oko NHS-a. Ali u vezi ograničavajućih faktora u priznavanju Blairove vlade kao nosioca nekih emancipatorskih tendencija u društvu - oni stoje, ali stoji i to da je Britanija uz Clintonovu US bila i jedan od njihovih najvećih zagovarača internacionalno. I popularizator isto, ne samo direktno politikom, nego i na druge načine. Na isti način kako im se pripisuje učešće u stvaranju uslova za svetsku ekonomsku krizu, treba priznati i ovo. 


Ostaje da se vidi šta će i da li će (i u kom obliku će) preživeti ovu sada vladu, jer ovo sada su najave, onako, korenitih promena. Nije čudno što je Corbyn popularan - ljudi na levici žele jasnu ideološku opoziciju aktuelnoj politici. Ovi ostali kandidati to baš i ne shvataju u dovoljnoj meri. Politički potpuno logična stvar, nevezano za to šta ko misli o korisnosti ("electability"-ju)


Heseltine je zanimljiva figura, ali to je druga stvar. 

Edited by MancMellow
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problem s thatcher reagan momentom je taj sto je u njihovo vreme doslo do promene tezista odlucivanja sa vlasti na biznis (vlast je do njih kontrolisala biznis a od njih biznis kontrolise vlast, ne potpuno ali u dovoljnoj meri da se izmesti teziste) sto se jako negativno odrazilo na kvalitet zivota obicnog coveka a i dovelo do ovog divljanja na berzama diljem planete. laburisticke vodje pre blera su se opirale ovim promenama docim je bler 'prihvatio realnost' i zalegao ka biznisu. 


par stvari koje su zasluga blerove administracije (jako ga ne volim ali ovde nije omasio) su decentralizacija (devolution + dosta firmi i drzavne administracije prebaceno s jugoistoka u druge krajeve) i mir sa ircima, ovo drugo zahvaljujuci vrlo strpljivoj i sjajnoj mo mowlam. digao i zaposlenost i sigurnost, nije malo. 


videcemo sta ce biti u sledecih pet godina ali ja ne bih iskljucio laburiste iz igre, izdrzljivi su oni, pucali su oni i gore pa su se dizali, nije ovo uopste neobicna situacija za jednu od vladajucih partija. povratice se i libdemi a cim se to dogodi faraz ce da potone onoliko. pokazalo se to i na ovim izborima kad je faraz pukao jer se digla kuka i motika da slucajno ne uleti u parlament. 


edit - nepismen

Edited by adam
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Da, Irska i devolucija, to sam zaboravio.


Sto se poslednjeg pasusa tice, ako pukne, to ce biti zasluga konzervi  a ne Lab/LD tako sto ce referendum njegovu EU agendu uciniti potrosenom.

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par stvari koje su zasluga blerove administracije (jako ga ne volim ali ovde nije omasio) su decentralizacija (devolution + dosta firmi i drzavne administracije prebaceno s jugoistoka u druge krajeve




bold - to pomenuh, mislim razvijanje drugih krajeva, ali sam Good Friday Agreement i Devolution smetnuo s uma sinoc, jbg. Lepo rekoh, treba ozbiljnije o tome :)


U svakom slucaju, daju se porediti. E sad, kako ce poredjenje da ispadne...videce se.

Edited by MancMellow
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"Nisu nam ulice zlatne da dolazite kod nas"




Immigrants living in Britain illegally will face abrupt eviction from rental properties under new laws designed to make Britain a tougher place to live in, the government will announce as it redoubles its response to the Calais migrant crisis.

In a dramatic illustration of the warning directed at migrants, by the home secretary, Theresa May, that Britain’s “streets are not paved with gold”, the government will change the law to allow landlords to evict such immigrants without a court order.

Rogue landlords who fail to check the immigration status of tenants could be fined or imprisoned for up to five years under a new criminal offence to be included in a new immigration bill.

Greg Clark, the communities secretary, will also announce that the legislation will create a blacklist of persistent rogue landlords and letting agents to allow councils to know where to concentrate their enforcement action. “We are determined to crack down on rogue landlords,” said Clark.
The announcement by Clark, who will also announce new measures to prevent rogue landlords renting out sub-standard properties, comes as May and foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, prepare to take it turns chairing meetings of the government’s emergency Cobra committee in response to the Calais crisis.

David Cameron, who remains in Britain this week on the first stage of his summer holiday, has said that the government will leave no stone unturned as it responds to what he described as the “swarm of people” from Calais. A new fence to protect the entrance to the Channel tunnel on the French side will be completed on Friday.

The government was accused of acting in a “morally reprehensible” way after the Home Office confirmed it was planning to strip families of the automatic right to benefits if their asylum applications were rejected.

The Refugee Council expressed “grave concerns” as the Home Office minister James Brokenshire defended plans to remove automatic benefits from families who did not win asylum as a way of signalling that the UK was not “a land of milk and honey”.

The move is part of a government initiative to discourage migrants from leaving their countries of origin in the first place by showing that Britain is a cold place for those whose asylum applications are rejected. The home secretary joined forces with her French counterpart, Bernard Cazeneuve, to send a signal to would-be migrants that they will not necessarily face a warm welcome.

In a joint article for the Sunday Telegraph, the two ministers warned the world is facing a global migration crisis as they pledged to offer refuge to those fleeing conflict or persecution. But they said it is important to break the link between “crossing the Mediterranean and achieving settlement in Europe”.

May and Cazeneuve wrote: “Ultimately, the long-term answer to this problem lies in reducing the number of migrants who are crossing into Europe from Africa. Many see Europe, and particularly Britain, as somewhere that offers the prospect of financial gain. This is not the case – our streets are not paved with gold.”

Clark will intensify these warnings when he announces plans to make it easier to evict illegal immigrants from their homes. Under the forthcoming immigration bill, landlords will be expected to evict illegal immigrants soon after receiving a Home Office notice that their tenant no longer has the right to rent in the UK. In some circumstances landlords will be able to act without a court order.

A scheme in which landlords check the immigration status of tenants, which is currently being piloted in the West Midlands, will be extended across the country. Under the Right to Rent scheme, landlords will be obliged to see evidence of a person’s right to remain in the UK by examining their passport or biometric residence permit.

A new criminal offence will target unscrupulous landlords and letting agents who fail repeatedly to carry out the “Right to Rent” checks or fail to remove illegal immigrants from their properties. They could be fined, jailed for up to five years or face further sanctions under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

The government will also announce a new and tougher fit and proper person test for landlords of properties that have to be licensed to ensure they are safe for tenants, extending rent repayment orders to allow local authorities to claim back rent payments from landlords who abuse the housing benefit system by failing to maintain their property to a good standard and allowing councils to crack down on rogue landlords who rent out unsafe accommodation by allowing the sharing of tenancy deposit protection.

Clark said: “We are determined to crack down on rogue landlords who make money out of illegal immigration – exploiting vulnerable people and undermining our immigration system. In future, landlords will be required to ensure that the people they rent their properties to are legally entitled to be in the country. We will also require them to meet their basic responsibilities as landlords, cracking down on those who rent out dangerous, dirty and overcrowded properties.”


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pretpostavljam da ovo "eviction without court order" znaci da mogu da direktno primene pravo svojine i pozovu bailiffa da izbaci stanare.


imam utisak da se elite sebicnih skotova konsoliduju sirom Evrope, pored pocetnog zaprepascenja ovim talasom migranata i da slede vrlo zanimljivi propisi sirom Evrope.

Edited by Грешни Василије
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pre David Icke

neka, sto edit, reko sam reptili umesto skotovi pa sam se osetio kao crackpot na trenutak 

Edited by Грешни Василије
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