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evroskepticari su zapusili usi i pevaju i jebe im se za pregovore. taman da dobiju sve sto traze, oni bi isukali neki novi uslov tipa nek eu zemlje okrenu sve semafore ka trafalgaru ili odosmo. tako da to da li ce biti referenduma ili ne vise zavisi od unutrasnje borbe medju konzervativcima nego od pregovora sa eu. iz ovog ugla uopste ne cudi sto kameron zahteva jednoumlje u vladi pa onda mrsi da nije tako mislio i da su ga pogresno interpretirali. 

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Slusao sam predsednicu SNPa tokom posete USA. Tu je palo jedno ozbiljno uvlacenje Amerima. Maltene "Mi smo mnogo blizi sa Amerikom nego Engleska". Bio sam prilicno iznenadjen. Ocekivao sam tvrdji stav.

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Slusao sam predsednicu SNPa tokom posete USA. Tu je palo jedno ozbiljno uvlacenje Amerima. Maltene "Mi smo mnogo blizi sa Amerikom nego Engleska". Bio sam prilicno iznenadjen. Ocekivao sam tvrdji stav.


A sta tek kaze Dzeri Adams.

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Outrage, I say, outrage! Those rough eastern european mischief dinners  :nobles: 
Rešenje je brzo nađeno u parkiranju pandurskog kombija u sred parka kod spomenika, da se ovi prljavci ne bi vratili.  :isuse:
Bogami biće zidova i ograda na sve strane, kad se diže panika i nema rešenja zbog 7 rumunskih roma koji spavaju u parku pored spomenika (koji im baš nešto i ne liči na spomenik), ili što im 'bande' bugarskih i rumunskih zigojnera pretvaraju znamenite kvartove u kartonske favele...
Uništi ih načisto ova EU politika  :fantom:


7/7 bombing victims' memorial used as makeshift camp by rough sleepers in London's Hyde Park
Eastern European group using memorial plaque as dinner table


Rough sleepers have sparked outrage by camping at the 7/7 memorial and turning the plaque inscribed with the names of the 52 victims into a dinner table.

The memorial site in Hyde Park is also being treated as a makeshift toilet by the homeless eastern European group, triggering anger among survivors of the 2005 terrorist attack on London.

They have been captured on camera putting their possessions on the memorial with apparently no awareness of what it represents.

A series of 10th anniversary events to remember the victims of the suicide bomb attacks on three Tube trains and a bus in Tavistock Square are planned for next week, including a visit to the memorial by the Prime Minister.

The rough sleepers have been branded “deeply disrespectful” for the way they are treating it. They clutter the site with their sleeping bags, cases and black sacks overnight and move on early the next day to evade the authorities, according to witnesses.

One onlooker said: “They were there when this poor person went to pay their respects to the dead early one morning. What he saw was basically a rubbish heap and the rough sleepers did not move. They seem ignorant of what the memorial means.

At one stage they used the memorial plaque as a dinner table, it was disgusting. One of the group was even using the site as a toilet. This is just so out of order.

The group of around a dozen rough-sleepers was camped at the memorial all last week. Many also use nearby Marble Arch as a temporary home.

Jacqui Putnam, who survived the attack on a train at Edgware Road that killed six people, said: “This is shocking behaviour and deeply offensive to the families of those who died and the survivors. It does not matter where these people are from, this is obviously a memorial and they are being deeply disrespectful. More needs to be done to protect the memorial.”

Police van parks up at 7/7 memorial after rough sleepers set up makeshift camp



A police van sits just yards from the 7/7 memorial, sending a clear message to anyone who may be tempted to set up camp.

The transit van appeared to be guarding the structure this morning, following yesterday's revelations that a group of rough sleepers were staying in recent days.

Today's photo shows a very different scene at the Hyde Park site to those taken last week.






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ti zli, zli britanci, kako ne shvataju svo bogatstvo multikulturalnosti i svu raskos etnickih obicaja a ovamo nekada imali imperiju u kojoj sunce nikada ne zalazi :nobles:


The memorial site in Hyde Park is also being treated as a makeshift toilet


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Ovakav govor, za koji trebaju ogromna muda, onakvo samouverenje za nekog ko jos nema 21 godinu i odrzi onakav maiden speach - ne bih rekao da je rano. Ako ne usere nesto na licnom planu (The Sun je uhvati pijanu kako se vacara sa miralemom), onda joj predvidjam veliku karijeru.

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Ima potencijala velikog, slažem se ali još je jako mlada. Uletela je u veliku igru. Postoji ozbiljna šansa da se razočara ili nadje nešto što će je više zanimati. I ozbiljna šansa da napravi veliku karijeru :) 

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