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Politika u UK



99 members have voted

  1. 1. da sam podanik krune, glasao bih za:

    • jednookog skotskog idiota (broon)
    • aristokratskog humanoida (cameron)
    • dosadnog liberala (clegg)
    • patriotski blok (ukip ili bnp)

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Zar nije dovoljan prenos na BBC News,, ili se to ne vidi kod tebe? Dinosauruski mode on: nedostaje mi ono staromodno brojanje glasova iz osamdesetih i spiker koji posle svakog biltena vesti na BBC World Serviceu čita friške izveštaje o netom proglašenim rezultatima za svako poslaničko mesto. Dok stignu rezultati iz svake Upper Wookoyebine, umelo je da se debelo razdani.


Iplayer jok, ali ako otvore prozorce uz live vesti, onda se mozda vidi.

Teaheru, hvala.


Nego, vidim da ce Paxo da dominira na Channel 4.

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Finali pulovi:


YouGov: 34:34

ICM: 35:35


Zbog zabave radi, recimo, da vredi pratiti Faraga, Galoveja (Bradford), Salmonda.


Takodje, navijam da u mom bivsem prebivalistu (Bristol West) Zeleni sjebu Laburiste (posto incumbent LibDems nemaju sanse).


Bice zanimljivo i u Sheffield Hallamu ako takticko glasanje ne spasi Klega.

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realno, zeleni ili labour sustinski je svejedno za bigger picture, posto ce oni sto posto podrzati Labs ako im bude trebalo za koaliciju. Mogu samo jos malkice da ih pomere na levo. A i malo ka ocuvanju sredine (sto mozda i nije lose)

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realno, zeleni ili labour sustinski je svejedno za bigger picture, posto ce oni sto posto podrzati Labs ako im bude trebalo za koaliciju. Mogu samo jos malkice da ih pomere na levo. A i malo ka ocuvanju sredine (sto mozda i nije lose)


Entertainment value noviteta je u pitanju, ne strateski vazan constituency.

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Ludilo od pollova. Nemam ni neki gut feeling. Veca je sansa da Cameron stigne do minimalnog potrebnog broja (323). Jedino sto mogu da kazem da mislim je da ako Cameronov blok sa LibDems bude 323-326, da uopste nisam siguran da LibDems ne pretegnu na stranu matematike i naprave vladu sa Laburistima, koja bi uz precutnu podrsku SNP-ija verovatno ipak imala i vecinu od bar 10, a mozda i 15 poslanika poslanika i rezervu u vidu oko 7-8 poslanika P.Cymru, SDLP i Greens. Ali to i nije prognoza nego 1 kontemplacija, tako da - ko zna...

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U medjuvremenu, povodom eventualne konstitucionalne krize u UK, oglasila se i kuma Saveta 


(ako se uveca malo ekran da se procitati)



i 1 anti-austerity tekst iz pomalo neocekivanog izvora koji kritikuje vise manje sve partije





The success of the pro-austerity narrative is now so commonplace that, in many ways, justification of swift deficit reduction has become separated from many of the key points that were raised in 2010. Back then the argument made by many, including explicitly Osborne, was that if we didn’t cut now, interest rates would soar and bankruptcy would soon follow. Such apocalyptic predictions are now totally absent from political discourse, and are untenable due to historically low interest rates around the world. Yet, even though debt to GDP has stabilised, there seems now to be as much if not more concern about debt reduction in the media and public opinion than before the 2010 election. All of this suggests a success for the Conservatives’ strategy. Whilst David Cameron recently shifted the focus to the debt that would be left to our children, many articles simply write about it as if its importance was self-evident, withoutever explaining why. The Labour Party manifesto starts with a bold promise to reduce the deficit every year, but there is not a single line of substantive analysis on why deficit reduction is important.

Opinion polls show that the public do not like the austerity measures but believes they are necessary, thereby effectively accepting the dominant media narrative, against the views of the macro-economists. Therefore, clearly it is not the case that Labour can simply throw off the shackles of the Conservatives’ economic policies and arguments, as Krugman would have them do, for too many people believe them to be true. The polls also show that the public think the government has managed the economy well even though the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) shows us that the austerity measures have made households an average of £4000 worse off.

Maybe this discrepancy is partly because the public care about other economic outcomes too, but a lack of public knowledge and understanding about macroeconomic policy are also likely to be part of the explanation. Certainly a well-informed and healthy debate about macro-economic policy is important for democracy to work as it should.


vredi procitati ceo tekst.

Edited by MancMellow
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