pacey defender Posted August 23, 2010 Posted August 23, 2010 (edited) Vaso, evo ja bih prokomentarisao esej Nesrine Malik, a pročitao sam ga vrlo pažljivo. The French vote to ban Muslim women from covering their faces in public is just as oppressive as the Islamic law forcing them to do it in the first place.Ovo je iz naslova. Već sam naslov sugeriše pokušaj autorke da napravi nekakav veštački ekvilibrijum između naredbe da se nosi jedna jedina vrsta odeće, i zabrane da se nosi jedna konkretna vrsta odeće.Hajde sada da obratimo pažnju na terminologiju koju autorka koristi, kada piše o tome kako je uopšte počela da nosi sporne odevne predmete. four black abayas (full-length cloaks) and niqabs (full face-veil) were dispatched to me and my three sisters. were dispatched to me. Pasiv. Oni su to meni uradili. Nisam sama to uradila. Drugi subjekti su to meni, objektu, uradili.It was humiliating, violating, dehumanising... my body language immediately changed, becoming apologetic, withdrawn and subdued. Wearing it seemed to empower all the men around me and put me firmly in my place as inferior. Ponovo ista priča. Objekt, a ne subjekt. Pasivni reaktor na dešavanja u okolini, umesto aktera, donosioca odluka. Ko je čitao Paula Freirea, a vi levičari tu literaturu volite mnogo više od mene, setiće se nekih zanimljivih zaključaka u ovom smislu, do kojih ćemo doći docnije.I became anti-social...Interesantno. Treba izvući zaključke iz ovoga. Recimo, u smislu sputane sposobnosti da se objektivno sagledavaju društveni odnosi, što kasnije pokušava da učini.Over the next three years, however, my opposition gradually eroded. Initially an ugly burden, the abaya and niqab became a comfort and, eventually, a delight. It was a relief not to have to think about what to wear. U pitanju je internalizacija tuđeg mišljenja, koje je godinama nametano.To je ono što sama autorka naziva "infantilised" kada govori o tretmanu okoline; subjekti njenog potčinjavanja nju, objekat, posmatraju kao nedoraslo stvorenje. U međuvremenu, nakon intenzivnog drila i tretmana tokom kojeg je autorka bila svakodnevno podsećana da nije misleće biće, da nije samosvesna, ona je prihvatila poziciju da drugi umesto nje odlučuju i znaju šta je za nju dobro.Pored ovoga, obratite pažnju na poslednju rečenicu. It was a relief not to think what to wear. Sagledajte koliko je do desubjektivizujuće. A ovo odricanje (ili oduzimanje) subjektivnosti će biti vrlo bitno za nastavak priče, kada se dotaknemo autorkine tvrdnje da ona, kao subjekt jelte, tvrdi da je jednako desubjektivirajuće zabraniti nošenje burki. Ona, koja je do juće tvrdila da joj je super što više ne mora da brine šta će da obuče, obzirom da ima samo jednu opciju pred sobom.Nakon te rečenice, nije mi teško da zamislim da ista autorka napiše esej o tome kako su joj sa 18 rekli da od sada mora da konzumira samo jednu vrstu kiselih krastavaca. A nakon par godina je otkrila da je totalno olakšanje što ne mora da se zanima odabirom na rafovima. Ili, još gore, da su joj nametnuli da ima da živi u jednopartijskom sistemu. A nakon par godina je skapirala da je zapravo olakšanje što ne mora da misli za koga će da glasa. Imati jednu opciju nekada je bolje nego imati slobodu izbora; ne mora se mozak mučiti odabiranjem.The burka can be the most versatile of capsule wardrobes. The uniform black costume has a charming egalitarianism about it, and is both a social and physical leveller. Once social status or physical beauty cannot be established, all sorts of hierarchies are flattened. Čuvena bitka između slobode i jednakosti. Ja uvek biram slobodu. Jebo jednakost u neslobodi, a ovaj tekst me je u ovom stavu dodatno učvrstio.Obratite pažnju na poslednju rečenicu. "All sorts of hierarchies are flattened". Da, oni potčinjeni su međusobno jednaki. Jednako su neslobodni. Odnosno, neslobodne. Nema više hijerarhije među potčinjenima; one su jednako potčinjene, i među njima nema razlike. Sve su one, jednom rečju, iste. To je toliko dehumanizujuće i desubjektivizirajuće, da me čudi kako iko može da ovaj esej koristi kao argument za bilo šta u pravcu afirmacije ličnih sloboda, individualnosti i autonomnosti.Konačno, pomenuta rečenica je toliko dobra ilustracija onoga o čemu su pisali Albert Memmi i Paulo Freire, da mislim da njihovi sledbenici ovo mogu rado koristiti u savremenim debatama. Albert Memmi je pisao o nečemu što je nazvao "learned helplessness". Ukratko, radi se o internalizaciji inferiornog položaja. Potčinitelj nameće definiciju koju potčinjeni mora da usvaja. Ali, to se ne sprovodi isključivo prisilom, već i perfidno, putem indoktrinacije. Kim i Vasudeva su verovatno čitali Gramschija, pa znaju o čemu se radi. Nakon tog tretmana, osoba prihvata takve definicije i postaje poslušnik i slepi follower (koja je srpska reč?) potčiniteljevih svetonazora. U ovom slučaju, žena u ovoj radikalnoj interpretaciji islama je nesposobna da samostalno rukovodi sopstvenom sudbinom, ona je zavisna od muževljeve volje i samovolje, ona je poslušna, potčinjena, i konačno, ona nije subjekt već objekt.Fashion-wise, it was not as insipid a garment as I had feared. When there is little option in what you can wear, the smallest details start to count. I realised upon closer inspection that there was a plethora of abayas for me to choose from. Subtly embellished gowns and veils could be found in Riyadh’s glamorous malls. If none suited, bespoke tailors executed your particular design and preference beautifully. Light fabrics and slim-line empire silhouettes rendered the uniform elegant and feminine – regal, even. Ovde autorka neuspešno pokušava da ispegla prethodne tvrdnje, pokušavajući da čitaoca ubedi da ona zapravo ima izbor. Nakon što su joj drugi nametnuli ograničenja. Obratite pažnju na termin "feminine" u poslednjoj rečenici; u pitanju je baš ono što Memmi piše o prihvatanju podređenog položaja. Njen kulturno/religijski habitus kojem pripada je autorki nametnuo definiciju ženstvenosti koju ona sada mora, htela ne htela, da prati. Ona samo prividno ima kontrolu nad svojim odabirima, obzirom da je u tome ograničena onim što je i sama nazvala "ponižavajućim, nasilničkim i dehumanizujućim". Njen habitus joj baš i ne pruža priliku da se samoostvari, ma koliko ona, ovakva potčinjena, pokušava sebe da ubedi u suprotno.Eye make-up and footwear took on extra significance. As the feet were the only part of the body one could legitimately flaunt, a good pedicure was not only necessary, it was an integral part of the ensemble. All of a woman’s sexuality resided in how she carried herself, and how groomed her extremities were. In that context, the outfit became empowering, enabling a reclamation of one’s sexuality by not fulfilling modern commercialised definitions of what makes a woman attractive. Ovde imamo pokušaj da se ospori moderna definicija lepog i seksi. Što samo po sebi nije sporno. Ali ovde imamo obrt. Odeća koja je do juče bila dehumanizujuća, sada je osnažujuća. Naravno, ona je postala osnažujuća i emancipatorska nakon niza godina u kojima je odeća, baš suptotno, činila inferiornom u odnosu na muškarce. A ta odeća je, da citiram autorku, "empower all the men around me and put me firmly in my place as inferior".Ironically, Saudi Arabia did not feel a more chaste place. Indeed, imposing the niqab may have had the opposite effect, so starved were the two sexes of the flirtatious attention that we all take for granted in the West. I have never been so indiscriminately pursued by men. And I was therefore thankful for the anonymity the attire gave me – a privilege the men did not share. The niqab appeals to the voyeur in all of us, cosily secreted away behind a veil, but still able to view the world go by. Anonimnost. Sve smo mi iste. Egalitarizam o kojem govori, makar i po cenu gubljenja autonomnosti i subjektiviteta. Given the choice, I would never have embraced the niqab. My initial teenage revulsion was inspired by the fact that it was mandatory. Implicit in any law that proscribes women’s dress lies the most sinister, ideologically myopic assumption that a woman cannot be trusted not to succumb to pressure to dress a certain way. Ovo je pokušaj da se termin "proscibe" relativizuje, o čemu sam pisao na početku ovog predugaškog posta. Ovde počinje relativizacija pojmova "zabrana" i "naredba". Iako su oba pojma nesumnjivo autoritarne prirode, oni se razlikuju utoliko što prvi pojam dopušta sve osim zabranjenog, dok drugi zabranjuje sve osim naređenog. U slučaju odeće o kojoj govorimo, neuporedivo širu mogućnost izbora pruža evropska zabrana nego radikalno islamska naredba. Zapravo, radikalno islamska naredba je radikalna zabrana sprovedena do krajnosti; ona zabranjuje sve što nije niqab.In the same way that Muslim countries accuse the hyper-sexualised West of corrupting their women, European societies cannot fathom that a woman would want to wear a niqab or burka unless it is attributable to some brute influence either by a man or general social coercion. In that sense, I do not see a potential ban on the burka in the UK as any different to the oppression in Saudi Arabia in terms of how it assumes that the way a woman dresses is never really down to her. Opet pokušaj da se uspostavi veštačka ravnoteža između prinude koju suprug i otac sprovode, na način da se forsira samo jedan odevni predmet; i "društvene prisile" da se nosi sve ostalo. Žao mi je, ne mogu ovo da tretiram jednako opasnom prisilom.There is a deeply disturbing discourse developing in Europe, one that equates the niqab with Islamic radicalism, and which facilitates a witch-hunt of Muslims under the cover of concern for women – or “racism veiled as liberation”, as the writer Madeleine Bunting put it. There are indeed several ways in which Muslim women are oppressed, not best interpreted by what they wear. Konačno nešto opipljivo i uhvatljivo. Čim se pomene diskurs :P Ajmo ovako...Ako se već frljamo terminima kao što su diskurs i slično... Gde je diskurs, tu je i moć; rekao bi Foucault.Muslimanska žena jeste potčinjena (opressed), ako joj se protiv njene volje nameće vrlo precizno definisan način odevanja koji je dehumanizuje, infantilizuje i čini podređenom u odnosu na muškarce iz okoline. Ona može tu potčinjenost internalizovati, kao kod Alberta Memmija, i prihvatiti definicije koje je potčinitelj nametnuo; ona dakle može prihvatiti svoj nametnuti i neodabrani položaj, ali to neće umanjiti značaj onih početnih primedbi, dok je još ta osoba pokazivala želju da bude samosvesna, samostalna i autonomna. Čak i kada se ugasi otpor moći i potčinjavanju, što se dešava vrlo često, ostaje na nama posmatračima da primetimo da potčinjeni često ume da se prepusti nadmoći potčinitelja.Da se radi o svetovnim temama, u ovu diskurzivnu priču bismo mogli da ubacimo pouvoir-savoir Foucaultov doprinos; no kako kod religije nema onog savoir, ostaje nam da diskurzivnu teoriju prilagodimo modelu pouvoir-croire.Mislim, kad se već frljamo diskursom...A mix of Islamophobia, busy-bodying feminism and resurgent nationalist sentiment has contributed to this demonisation of a minority of Muslim women. The niqab and burka are indeed powerful symbols and reminders of the ongoing fissures between the West and Islam. Indeed, it is understandable that something as final and ostensibly exclusionary as a face veil would be alienating. But surely that lies more in the realm of social inappropriateness? I would never permanently cover my face in the UK, but by the same token nor would I wear a mini-skirt in Dubai. Most people, men and women, self-regulate and dress in a way to conform to convention. To legislate against the extremes would be a highly intrusive extension of authority. To mobilise the mechanism of the state to tackle Islamic fundamentalism via cracking down on the face veil is not the answer. To force a female to remove her veil is just as subjugating as forcing her to cover. There is depressing similarity in the way different cultures view changes in women’s dress as the first harbinger of national invasion and subsumation. It is a heavy burden for women to bear. I sincerely hope that no 18-year-old Muslim girl will ever arrive in the UK and be forced to take off her niqab.Ja mogu da razumem prigovor da zabrana burke nije rešenje. Problem je mnogo dublji od toga, i tu Vasudeva katkad ume da ubode poentu. Povlačenjem te potčinjene žene u četiri zida, sad kad joj lice mora biti otkriveno ako želi izaći na ulicu, nećemo rešiti problem. Ali apsolutno ne prihvatam argument autorke da je ona autonomno i samosvesno donela odluku da nosi povez preko lica, obzirom da je i sama u uvodu to eksplicitno negirala, a kasnije u tekstu dodatno napomenula. I to je bio moj prvenstveni razlog da se odlučim da ostavim ovako zamoran komentar.Već sam napisao na ovom topiku da zabrana burke, što je naizgled paradoksalno, nije sekularna, već upravo suprotno - religijski motivisana mera. U pitanju jeste strah od nepoznatog (ksenofobija). To što neki ateisti podržavaju ovu meru, ne čini je manje religijski motivisanom. Zapadna Evropa, to jest njen značajan deo, pokazuje tendenciju da zapadnu kulturu gradi na hrišćanskoj tradiciji, što ne bi bilo toliko loše kada se pritom ne bi u ime sekularizma obrušavali na neke manjinske tendencije unutar nekih manjinskih religija unutar sopstvenih država.Izvinjavam se što sam odužio. Edited August 23, 2010 by pacey defender
kim_philby Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) predomislio se. Edited August 24, 2010 by kim_philby
Schmeling Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 Postmoderna je na strani burki! Drzhite se zajedno, jahachi magle!
gagorder Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010
Jolly Roger Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 to je tzv. metafora sto bi rekao aca radivojevic.:)Naravno, i cilj joj je da pokaže dokle može da ide sloboda. Međutim, treba li da ide tako daleko, na to skrećem pažnju? Ko maše pesnicama će:- Pre ili kasnije nekome razbiti nosi/ili- Pre ili kasnije će dobiti batineU oba slučaja, kada stvari obavezno odu ovoliko daleko, je kasno. Zato treba preventivno delovati.
pt 2.0 Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 Naravno, i cilj joj je da pokaže dokle može da ide sloboda.metafora previdja reakciju ljudi kojima se mase pesnicom ispred nosa. metafora je losa, da ne kazem glupa.pretnja je dovoljno ozbiljna stvar, a mahanje pesnicom ispred nosa je pretnja.ako o slobodama pricamo.
gita og Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 Негде пре око 10-15 прочитаних страница сам почела да увиђам да је, без обзира на моју нетрпељивост према бурки као врсти одеће, ипак неприхватљиво да држава забрањује ношење такве врсте одеће на улици, уз одређене модификације. На крају крајева, бурка је одлука пунолетних жена, па ако оне саме бирају тако да живе, а држава у којој су има механизме да их заштити од евентуално насилних мужева уколико их они приморавају на ношење бурке, онда држава не сме да се меша на право жене да хода по улици у чему год хоће. Таман то хтедох да изнесем, када сам прочитала онај цитат о добровољном ношењу бурке у сред Лондона, јер је то згодније, мада је женска са 18 година била приморана да носи бурку у Арабији па је после 3 године почела да увиђа њене ''предности''.И опет помислим, ако је то најбољи аргумент - што је девојци са 18 година испран мозак, онда је боље забранити бурке.На крају, боље размисливши - ако пунолетна жена жели да носи бурку у цивилизованом свету, не само да је носи него да прихвати и све оне ствари које уз бурку иду, онда заслужује све што јој се уз то и деси - и немогућност да се запосли, да се уклопи у друштво и тиме помало побољша свој социјални статус, и да се муж према њој односи као према објекту.
Jolly Roger Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 Негде пре око 10-15 прочитаних страница сам почела да увиђам да је, без обзира на моју нетрпељивост према бурки као врсти одеће, ипак неприхватљиво да држава забрањује ношење такве врсте одеће на улици, уз одређене модификације.Burka nije tek odevni predemet, ona sobom nosi jednu groznu simboliku. Dobrovoljno pristajanje na tu groznu simboliku nije tek sloboda izbora u oblačenju.
gita og Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 Burka nije tek odevni predemet, ona sobom nosi jednu groznu simboliku. Dobrovoljno pristajanje na tu groznu simboliku nije tek sloboda izbora u oblačenju.Наравно да носи једну грозну симболику. Због те симболике сам у почетку и била за апсолутну забрану бурки на улицама. Ипак, промених мишљење, јер ми се ипак чини да већина бурки , због испраних мозгова у детињству, колико толико жели да носи бурку.Е па онда, дозволити им. Али, само пунолетним женама. Држава има право да легитимише бурке да би се утврдило да ли су малолетне. Ако су малолетне, правац социјални радници. Ако су пунолетне нека их.У основи не може се ништа постићи забраном ношења бурки, још ће бурке испати највеће мученице јер им сви јаднима нешто забрањују.
morgana Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) u pristini su neki protesti protiv zabrane nosenja zaraedit: sad bio prilog na bbc-ju. moguce je, doduse, da se osvrcu na skorasnje proteste tj da oni nisu ovog momenta aktuelni. dvije klinke koje su snimili kako beru paprike ispred nedovrsene kuce u kojoj valjda zive kazu da nece vise ici u skolu ako ostane zabrana nosenja zara.nesto je govorila i neka kosovska ministarka za nesto, dosta je zgodna. Edited August 24, 2010 by morgana
Halvard Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 ^Članak o tome, protesti su bili u junu zbog zabrane nošenja marame u školama. Gledao sam neke muzičke spotove raznih kosovskih Ceca, pa mi je malo teško da povežem nošenje marame sa kosovskim Albankama, ali dobro, to je samo jedan segment populacije.
steins Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 jel mozes ovo da argumentujes malo, cisto zabave radiinace ovaj tvoj antropoloski pesimizam delim gotovo u potpunosti, da ne mislis da mi je smesan ceo tvoj post. danasnji islam, eshatoloski i eticki, jeste retardirani mladji brat na primer, islama iz doba Fatimida. nece ovo sve izaci na ajde nemoj da si na kraj srca....ako bi već morao da se poslužim anatomsko-kvantitativnim poredjenjem nivoa islamizacije evrope, onda bi rekao da je negde oko umbilikalne regije, eventualno kukova....odnosno, taman je onoliko islamizovana koliko treba da ne-islamskim evropljanima to počinje da smeta.da ne sirimo temu ja bih rekao pre da su pristalice obraezivanja devojcica & pobornici zabrane burki na slicnijim pozicijama nego sto to mozda na prvi pogled izgleda.i jedni i drugi vrse prinudu nad nekim u ime nekog apstraktnog dobra. obrezivaci to cine kako bi te devojcice spasili od zla seksa i tako im obezbedili 'dobar' zivot dok burkoklasti zele za dobro tih zena (emancipacija) da im odredjuju sta ce i kako da oblace. jedni nanose trajne ozlede a drugi infantilizuju odrasle ljude.@stains: ovo je rasizam. nema sta da cekas. srecom zbog beckog soboslikara danas smo svi oprezniji a oni su prinudjeni da se kriju iza satro 'feminizma' u ovom konkretnom slucaju. na kraju krajeva tvoj odgovor je da ce se evropa spasiti fasizma ako se preventivno malo fasizuje. splendid. inace kali-yuga? fan dragosa kalajica i julijusa evole?inace jedan mali savet: kada napises nesto bedasto poput masovna islamizacija sto jednostavno nije tacno malo zastani i razmisli. pa obrisi.nije moj odgovor. To je ono što Evropa /i USA/ upravo radi. Da me ne shvatiš pogrešno, mislim da nema ništa loše u malo fašizma, naročito si Ti fašista. Zapravo, po mom skromnom mišljenju to je jedino uredjenje /uz podvarijante staljinizma, maoizma, titoizma kao i džamahirija i tvrda monarhija.../ koje odgovara ljudima. Nije paradoks, čim se raji skine malo ular oni odmah udaraju u raznorazne nepodobštine, seksualno i ino oslobadjanje, traženje boljeg standarda, mleka u tetrapaku i low nicotin cigareta,...uopšte teže da se vrate u stanje potpune entropije i anarhije gde se ne zna ni ko pije ni ko plaća. Još kada je fašizma pomešan sa zaštitom najsvetijih od svih ideala današnjice - gradjanskim slobodama, onda je to gotovo idealna varijanta. Pogledaj sve one aerodrome po svetu gde se šetaju policajci sa mašinkama, kerovima i pogledima punim osude. Fašisti su išli samo korak dalje pa su se bavili i presudjivanjem. I jedni i drugi su imali osećaj da brane slobodu većine. A većina im je bila na tome zahvalna. Čak ako pogledaš slučaj bečkog soboslikara izvan istorijskog konteksta, on je zapravo bio jedan od najvećih zaštitnika gradjanskih prava - radio je u korist većine, tako što je skidao glave prethodno satanizovanoj manjini. Manje više je isto i danas, zabrana burki da bi se većina osećala bolje i udobnije. isto što sam rekao Vasudevi ću reći i tebi - masovna islamizacija je krajnje subjektivna karakteristika. Možeš a ne moraš s njom da se složiš. Eto da ti ugodim, odričem se pojma "masovna". Ali da je islamizovana, i to do one mere kad očigledno oseća potrebu da uradi nešto povodom toga, to stoji, svidelo se to tebi ili ne.glede idola.... dragoš kalajić, dragoš kalajić, jel to beše onaj plejbojevski lik što je drugovao sa ruškom jakić, usput se boreći za spas srbije? Ako je taj, onda ne.Sa Evolom se nalazim u nekim crticama, ali ipak premalo da bi se proglasio za ljubitelja. PS ubačeni spojleri da ne bi previše trolovao temu
kim_philby Posted August 24, 2010 Posted August 24, 2010 mrzi me da pisem. citajte nevernici! Islamizationby Ali EterazNicholas Sarkozy takes her burqa-ed consort for a walk in Paris.Sarkozy by Môsieur J. [version 3.0a] via FlickrWhen I was in Paris, one of my numerous sex partners and I came up with a kinky cross-dressing fantasy which involved me wearing a burqa and her dressing up like Nikolas Sarkozy. Then she would take me out to an intellectual cafe, bend me over her knee and sanctimoniously tell me what an unenlightened little wench I was, all while spanking me lightly. Given that I was a philosophy major, being referred to as unenlightened would be really humiliating and I would get turned on in the process. With this game in mind, we dressed up accordingly, left our hotel near the Invalides and began walking towards the Seine.At first it was difficult for me to get adjusted to walking in heels. (They were a parrot green Dior set.) Every few steps on the cobblestone I kept reaching out and holding my “boyfriend.” After a while my equilibrium figured itself out and I was able to walk just fine.The next major hindrance was the burqa itself. It covered my entire body and I became very hot. I kept trying to let air in from various street-side exhausts, but that simply made the cloth billow out and prompted a rebuke from my companion.“You are supposed to be modest and demure,” my She Sarkozy barked. “What is this slutty Marilyn Monroe behavior?”“I’m sorry Mister Sarkozy,” I said with my eyes lowered to the ground, in the way that every Muslim woman, ever, has been trained to do.“That’s President Sarkozy to you,” said my companion and began walking six feet ahead of me. “Now follow me as chattel must.”I smiled underneath my veil. This game was really turning me on. I loved the way my companion was being bossy and authoritarian. It was like she knew exactly how to channel the Bonapartist component of Sarkozy’s diminutive stature.*We walked for a little while, passing small cafes with brown curtains and red awnings where nine dollar Cokes were being served in wine glasses. In the window of the electronics shop next to the cafe, a model-turned-singer was butchering a song once performed by Edith Piaf, and in her video she was eating pint-sized men, breaking their penises and then their noses. We passed by two performance artists. One was a mime who started screaming as soon as he saw the depth of my servitude. The other was an accordion player who started belting out a French liberation song to remind me about the oppression I was under. My companion gave both men a scornful look and we continued moving forward.We cut through a small square where pencil sketch artists were drawing the cityscape. Upon seeing me they pulled out a fresh pad and started making inkblots. Then they held up their pads up in the air and wiggled them at me to remind me how I looked to them. That, based solely on the fact they could not see my face, they could render me inanimate and intangible—and otherwise deny my agency as a human being—really turned me on. This was the kind of arousal that my companion and I had wanted to evoke. My erection became pronounced.Such a reaction by me brought even more attention to us—after all, in the entire country of France there were only 432 total women who wore the burqa. Soon, a pair of police officers, named Le Hen and Blinders, came toward us. Le Hen was old, almost undead in appearance, while Blinders was younger. Even though he was clearly of dark-haired Indo-European heritage he had bleached his hair blond, and the big bush blocked his eyes and prevented him from seeing anything.“Halt,” said Blinders putting his hand to my chest.Since I was still in role I shrieked—because aside from squawking that is all Muslim women are capable of—in some unknown guttural language.“You are in violation of City Ordinance 1789. You are violating your own liberty,” he said.I did not know how to respond.Thankfully my companion, still in her Sarkozy state of mind, came back towards the officers and rapped them both on the back of the head. “What is the meaning of this? You buffoons!”“President Sarkozy?” Blinders stared.“The same!” replied my companion.“Wh-wh-what are you doing here?”“I am escorting this fine Muslim woman to the river so that I may bend her over and spank her.”“S-s-sir,” said Blinders. “We had no idea! You know this woman?”“Indeed! She is my whipping post.”This brought a gleeful chuckle from both Le Hen and Blinders because like me and my kinky companion they also approved of humiliating Muslims. Now all three of us had erections. Both the officers began looking to compare who was longer. They couldn’t figure it out and turned to Sarkozy and asked him to adjudicate.With her hands folded behind her back, my companion walked around us thoughtfully, looking down to inspect our comparative lengths. “I find that this Muslim woman has the longest penis among you.” She Sarkozy made this pronouncement very loudly and the entire group of people gathered around us began laughing.“How in the name of…!” shouted Le Hen, visibly ashamed.“Impossible!” said Blinders. “She is a woman…how can her…be longer…!”“It must be something her parents did to her when she was a youngster,” said She Sarkozy, unwilling to rouse the officer’s wrath.As my companion was saying those words, one of the clips that was holding her long brown hair pinned underneath her wig snapped off, and suddenly it was revealed that she was not really President Sarkozy, but a woman wearing a disguise.“Imposter!” shouted Le Hen.“Arrest her!” said Blinders whipping his hands to the handcuffs.Underneath my veil I tried to form words but nothing came out. One of the consequences of being a Muslim woman is that you become incapable of speaking for yourself and have to let others represent you. Thankfully my companion still had her wits.“There is no need to arrest us,” she said to the officers. “My partner and I are simply engaged in a game of erotic roleplay. I am a woman, you see, and my partner is actually a man. From America. An unknown and unread writer from New York. I would tell you about his books but no one has heard of them. We were simply playing out a sexual fantasy. We are headed to a cafe near the Seine for some public.…”“What sort of sick sexual fantasy is this?” Blinders said.“How the world has sunk since my youth!” Le Hen said with a hint of sadness in his voice.“This is a clear case of Europe losing its way to the Muslim savage!” Blinders said. “Next thing you know they will be telling us that our well-regarded directors cannot rape 13-year-old-women! Or that our ministers cannot go to Thailand to pay boys for sex! This is a clear case of Islamization!”“No, no,” replied my companion deferentially. “This is not Islamization. My male companion is wearing a burqa for purely sexual reasons. It humiliates him, which in turn arouses him.…Why do you bring Islam into it?!”“You lie!” said Le Hen, becoming even more strident. “I was not aware that Islamization had gone so far that even men were wearing burqas now! What is next? You Muslims will convince pure European men into changing their genders so they can then have female genital mutilation performed upon them?”“So what must we do?” I finally managed to croak.“Remove your burqa at once!” said Blinders.“I am naked underneath!” I squealed. “There are children all around. They will see my long flopping phallus!”“It does not matter,” said Le Hen. “By covering yourself you are damaging our enlightened European values. Next thing you know you will be bringing the Ottoman Empire back to rule over us.”“Do you have any other solutions?” I inquired.“You could pay a minor fee to the city,” Blinders said. “A sort of tax for the veil.”I spread my hands to inform him that I had no money. This prompted Blinders to take out his handcuffs and throw me against the wall.“Wait,” said my companion, trying to prevent any further escalation. “Please! Is there a compromise possible? I understand that our erotica is not allowed in your wonderful city. We will take our sex elsewhere. Tell me, is there somewhere else we can go where people can wear what they like?”Le Hen and Blinders thought over the offer. They looked at each other and then back towards my companion and me.“If you would like to wear the burqa then you should go to a Muslim country. How about Egypt?”I shook my head. “Not possible. The burqa has been outlawed there.”The French police officers uttered a humph and then consulted with one another. They eventually came upon a solution.“America!” they said with a hint of contempt on their face. “The Yankees do not make a distinction between veiled and unveiled. Backward people! They are the only ones left that think all people ought to be treated the same.”
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