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Holandska vlada zavisi od protivnika islama Gert Vilders ostvario dobar rezultat na izborimaGroßansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Gert Vilders ostvario dobar rezultat na izborimaGert Vilders je prvo uzburkao svet svojim kratkim filmom o islamu, onda pobrao simpatije holandskih birača oštrim stavovima prema doseljenicima, posebno muslimanima. Sada taj Vilders treba da podržava manjinsku vladu. Gert Vilders je na cilju. Od njega, protivnika islama i imigranata, sledećih godina će zavisiti da li će vlada imati većinu u parlamentu. Desni liberali i demohrišćani nameravaju da formiraju manjinsku vladu koju će tolerisati Vilders. Pregovori o tome će početi sledeće nedelje. Mark Rute, šef desnoliberalne Narodne stranke za slobodu i demokratiju, koji će najverovatnije biti sledeći premijer, vidi dovoljno zajedničkih elemenata za uspešnu saradnju: „Razgovarali smo o najvažnijim pitanjima, od kresanja budžeta, preko bezbednosti, do doseljavanja. Pregovori još nisu počeli, ali došli smo do zaključka da je među nama zavladalo poverenje koje će i to omogućiti.“ Demohrišćanima, manjem od dva partnera u mogućnoj manjinskoj vladi, nije lako zbog toga što će zavisiti od Vildersove milosti. No, šefu njihovog poslaničkog kluba (dosadašnjem ministru spoljnih poslova) Maksimu Ferhagenu nije preostalo ništa drugo nego da pristane na formiranje manjinske vlade, nakon što je demohrišćane na to – po nalogu kraljice Beatriks – naterao bivši premijer Rud Lubers. Konzervativci se sa Vildersom ne slažu oko uloge islama; desni populisti islam nazivaju „političkom ideologijom“, čemu se demohrišćani protive. Oni Vildersov predlog da se zabrani nošenje marama smatraju protivustavnim. Protest zbog pregovora Bildunterschrift:I pored svih razlika u mišljenjima, sam Vilders je posle prvih razgovora nastojao da ostavi utisak pomirljivog partnera: „Pokazaćemo“, veli, „da smo pouzdana stranka i da se sve odvija kako treba. Ali, i dalje smemo da kažemo ono što hoćemo. Naš cilj je da vlada uspe, kako bismo od Holandije napravili bolju, jaču i sigurniju zemlju – sa manje doseljenika i azilanata.“ Ipak, tokom proteklog vikenda, brojni demohrišćani su izrazili nezadovoljstvo zbog formiranja manjinske vlade. Bivši premijer Vejsglas optužio je partijski vrh da se prodao Vildersu. Jer, manjinska vlada će, sa Vildersovim glasovima, imati većinu od – samo jednog glasa. Autori: Peter Hajlbruner / Saša BojićOdg. urednik: Nemanja Rujević
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A Turkish man accused of beating his wife has told a court in New Zealand they were actually performing a traditional danceAllaetin Can said witnesses mistook the dance for domestic violence as it involved moves that resemble punches, kicks, slaps and choking.The dance, named the kolbasti, is thought to have been first performed by drunks in a Black Sea resort town.The name translates as "caught red-handed by the police".Mr Can said he and his wife Elmas were dancing outside his family's kebab shop in Hawera on New Zealand's North Island, to celebrate a good day's takings when a passer-by called the police.He pleaded not guilty to an assault charge."We're always dancing, I'm happy to dance with my wife and family, but people here understand fighting not dancing," he told New Zealand media outside the court.
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Michael Bloomberg delivers stirring defense of mosqueNew York mayor chokes up defending "ground zero" Muslim center by citing religious freedom, private property rightsBy Justin Elliott *Mayor Bloomberg delivers stirring affirmation of religious freedomNYCmayorsoffice/Edward ReedMayor Bloomberg joins Speaker Quinn and religious leaders to discuss Landmarks Preservation Commission vote on 45-47 Park Place.Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has emerged as the unlikely but passionate defender of the planned Muslim community center near ground zero, today traveled to Governors Island off the tip of Lower Manhattan to deliver a stirring plea for sanity in what he called "[as] important a test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetimes."The Daily News' Adam Lisberg reports that Bloomberg choked up at one point as he delivered the speech surrounded by religious leaders of different faiths, with the Statue of Liberty in the background.Rather than attack the bigotry of the opponents of the so-called "ground zero mosque," Bloomberg made several positive arguments for building the center. He traced the struggle for religious freedom in New York and affirmed the rights of citizens to do as they please with their private property:
ostatak ovde Edited by kim_philby
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A i sta ce im gace kad imaju burku.
Jeremy Clarkson, Britain's top bloke, is in the dog-house over a cartoony incident he claims to have witnessed in Piccadilly. He told viewers of his BBC TV show Top Gear how a woman wearing a burka tripped and fell as she crossed the road in front of him, tumbling head-over-heels, to reveal a red G-string and stockings.Clarkson claimed he was sitting in the back of a London cab when it happened and, if you don't believe him, he said, ask the taxi driver. (Quite how we're supposed to do that is a mystery - and anyway, why not ask the woman?)As far as Clarkson was concerned, this was just another excellent example of how female pedestrians pose a hazard to male drivers trying to keep their eyes on the road in summer: girls everywhere are revealing more leg and cleavage.As far as the Daily Mail is concerned - a paper that specialises in drumming up public rows over broadcasters' faux-pas (just think Ross and Brand) ­ it's an appallingly insensitive remark that "outraged" television viewers.Well, as uncomfortable as it may feel to defend Jeremy Clarkson in public, I have to say he's said nothing wrong. It's not insensitive at all. He is simply re-telling a truth known to all Muslim women and a lot of their men friends - that a woman who chooses to wear a burka in public may also choose to wear gorgeous lingerie in private.
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