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cekaj, zasto report? zbog trollovanja? pa nisam ni jednom pomenuo mumua, ni stavio zelene stvorove koji pevaju vesele pesmice?a sad ozbiljno, slobodno pritisni gumb. nije ni daleko, niti ce se neko ljutiti. recimo da bi ovaj report bio opravdan, unlike the other.

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cekaj, zasto report? zbog trollovanja? pa nisam ni jednom pomenuo mumua, ni stavio zelene stvorove koji pevaju vesele pesmice?a sad ozbiljno, slobodno pritisni gumb. nije ni daleko, niti ce se neko ljutiti. recimo da bi ovaj report bio opravdan, unlike the other.
jel sam reko da mene treba postedeti gumba? jesam sklon trolovanju, priznajem. kada bi se taj gumb cesce koristio imali bismo pregledniji forum i bolje odnose na njemu, ali eto. iz nekog razloga se to smatra drukanjem. dobar troll nije grehota ni da ostane ako je razresen, ali moderatori, sa porastom broja clanova i, sledstveno tome, topica i postova, bi trebalo da imaju malo bolji uvid u tematska racvanja itd.i ne svadjajmo se ljudi, gledajmo Gummi Meduhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uSSLkuq30M Edited by vasudeva418
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i ne svadjajmo se ljudi, koristimo Silu
Job centre ejects Jedi knight
A Southend Jedi Knight who refused to dehood in his local Jobcentre was escorted from the premises by security stormtroopers, the Sun reports.573998.jpgChris Jarvis, 31, is described as a Star Wars fan and member of the International Church of Jediism. Said church's intergalactic hoodie uniform is at odds with the strict doctrine of the Department for Work and Pensions, which may require Jobcentre "customers" to remove crash helmets or hoods for "security reasons".Following his ejection, Jarvis filled out a complaint form and within three days got a written apology from branch boss Wendy Flewers. She said: "We are committed to provide a customer service which embraces diversity and respects customers' religion."Jediism was officially "recognised" as a religion back in 2001. At the time, no one could have suspected the potential pitfalls of acknowledging this apparently harmless sect, but Jedi hoods may now join burqas on the list of possible threats to national security.Regarding burqas and the like, Jarvis protested: "I was just standing up for my beliefs. Muslims can walk around in whatever religious gear they like, so why can't I?"Fair enough, but here's a handy suggestion for avoiding aggro: the next time you're confronted by security operatives, just dismiss them with a wave of the hand and a "this is not the hoodie you're looking for" and go about your job hunting in peace. ®
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  • 3 weeks later...

Belgija je gotovo Francuska, tako da se usudjujem da postavim ovo i mislim da necu reportovati samog sebe.Ova mala i pitoma zemlja ce, izgleda, odluciti da zene sa burkama emancipuje tako sto ce ih sa ulica odvlaciti pravo u zatvore. Molim apologete da sada pocnu svoje totalitarne tirade o tome da drzava mora da u svakom trenutku vidi lica svojih gradjana posto je svako od njih potencijalni terorista, i da su muslimani, brate, opasni i biju zene i zato te zene treba hapsiti kako bi se sto brze emancipovale. Takodje se nadam da ce i liberali, koji se zalazu za sve vrste sloboda i za malu drzavu, umeti da mi objasne kojom se liberalnom dogmom pravda ovaj drastican udar na slobodu pojedinca.Belgium set to become first EU country to ban burqas 2010-03-31 21:20:00Belgium Wednesday moved a step closer to becoming the first European Union (EU) country to punish Muslim women who hide their faces in public, as the interior affairs committee of its parliament passed a resolution against burqas.Burqas are full-length, head-to-toe garments which obscure a woman's face completely, usually with a semi-transparent section that allows the wearer to see out.Belgian media reported that according to the draft law approved by the committee, anyone caught 'in public places with their face completely or partly covered or masked, so that they are no longer identifiable,' should be punished with a 15 to 25 euros fine ($20 to 34) and/or serve from one to seven days in prison.The draft law would also allow local authorities to slap offenders with administrative fines of up to 250 euros, in case they are let off by the criminal justice system.Exceptions are to be made for policemen, firemen and motorcyclists wearing helmets, as well as for people taking part in public events authorised by the police.The proposal - presented by socialist, liberal and conservative parties - was approved unanimously. Only the Greens expressed reservations, warning that the new law could fall foul of the Belgian Constitution or of the European Convention of Human Rights.Similar concerns have been expressed by a top administrative court in France, where a similar ban is being debated.Critics say that burqas should be banned because they are symbols of female submission. Opponents of a ban stress that they are a religious symbol, and should be respected as such.According to a poll published in early March by the daily newspaper Financial Times, outlawing Muslim face veils is a popular measure in Western Europe.Around 70 percent of the population in France, 65 percent in Spain, 63 percent in Italy, 53 percent in Britain and 50 percent in Germany are said to support the move, compared to 33 percent in the US.Muslim face veils were banned from French state schools in 2004, when a law against wearing religious symbols was passed. But Belgium would be the first member of the EU to introduce a total ban.The burqa ban is expected to enter into force before the summer, as the full assembly of the Belgian parliament is set to give its final assent to the new law in mid-April.

Edited by vasudeva418
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brate Vaso, ti si preterani car. svoje zapenuce zbog necega sto se desava u Belgiji (NE Francuskoj, dodacu ;)) si uspeo da preusmeris na forumase.

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brate Vaso, ti si preterani car. svoje zapenuce zbog necega sto se desava u Belgiji (NE Francuskoj, dodacu ;)) si uspeo da preusmeris na forumase.
bice Belgija u Francuskoj jednog dana. a na koga cu, nego na forumase da preusmerim? malo da se raspravljamo, zasto da ne...free for :ph34r:uostalom, odustajem. pola foruma danas je na sedmom nebu. nasao sam i ja kada cu da palim vatru. Edited by vasudeva418
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Васудева је одувек имао осећаја за такт - Велики Петак је у Србији познат као један од најбољих дана у години за расправе о правима муслимана у ЕУ.

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Васудева је одувек имао осећаја за такт - Велики Петак је у Србији познат као један од најбољих дана у години за расправе о правима муслимана у ЕУ.
:lol: Vaistinu !:lol:
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u Kvebeku je u martu ove godine zabranjeno nošenje velova preko lica zaposlenima u javnom sektoru, kao i privatnim licima prilikom korišćenja ili traženja usluga iz javnog sektora (posete medicinskim ustanovama, pohađanje škole i univerziteta,podizanje vozačke dozvole, keširanje loto premije itd.):Bill 94

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pre 20-ak dana u Nantes-u policija zaustavi zenu koja je vozila kola a na sebi imala burku i kazni je sa 22 EURO zbog toga sto je svojom odecom dovela svoju voznju u opasnost, vidno polje joj je burkom smanjeno, rece policajacDanas se gospodja pojavila u halal restoranu u Nantes-u da odrzi konferenciju za stampu zajedno sa advokatomrekcija vlasti nije se dugo cekala: gospodjin muz je optuzen za poligamiju i za prevaru socijalnog sistemaNaime, gospodja je jedna od 4 supruge (sve 4 nose burke), vozachica je inace francuskinja iz Pariza, a sve 4 su bile prijavljene kao samohrane majke i tako dobijale socijalnu pomoc....Ministarstvo Untrasnjih poslova trazi da se Gospodinu muzu/ocu 12-oro dece oduzme francusko drzavljanstvo....Inace Francuska sada broji oko 2000 zena koje nose burku a na Srakozijev/Fionov predlog Zakon o Zabrani Burke bice stavljen na ubrzano odlucivanje....sprema se predsednicka trka i pochece sranja po Francuskoj...

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22 eura? Ovde takve kazne ni ne postoje, mislim da je najmanje sto te rebnu cca 150 eu (ili tu negde). I to za mnogo manje prekrsaje nego za voznju sa kesom na glavi. I za to se poteze advokat?! Ima se, moze se. (Mislim, imaju Saudijci/Iranci i ostali koji imaju pune kofere za takve namene.) Kako od malih stvari mogu da nastanu sranja, to je fascinantno. Uostalom, gledali smo to uzivo 1991, pa na dalje.

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