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i sada će oni da sede u svojim kućicama i da se prave kao da im niko nije došao u komšiluk


nema dezurnih moralista ali kada dodju, jao nama, optuzice nas da smo ljubitelji ranih radova huga bossa jer ovako komentarisemo novogodisnje radosti u kelnu




cela evropa je sada kao nemačka od 45 do 89, izdrogirana, ustondirana i pod lekovima za smirenje


to je ustvari posledica zla nacizma u proslom veku koja se tek sada polako manifestuje. evropljani su bili toliko sokirani, izmrcvareni, poubijani u drugom svetskom ratu koji je pokrenula nsdap i treci rajh sa svojom ideologijom i moralnim normama da je to izazvalo kolektivnu traumu kod evropljana i zestok strah da im se totalitarizam vise ne ponovi jer su posledice bile toliko bolno ocigledne i tako od nekada drcnih, ponosnih, hrabrih i zestokih evropljana dobismo njijhove njanjave i zastrasene potomkle koji su svi, jel te, fini i civilizovani


kazem ja, limes™ po drugi put pao samo sto stu sada germani u ulozi nekadasnih rimljana. nista, pad zapadnog carstva je imao i dobre posledice, to se polazalo samo nekih nekoliko stotina godina kasnije, bice i sada sve dobro a narocito kroz nekoliko vekova u evropi, nastace novi svet, renesansa novog milenijuma i tako dalje, negde sredinom sledeceg milenijuma

Edited by Pontijak
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uostalom, i iz nekadasnje sfrj su u nemacku i skandinavske zemlje odlazili nekadasnji jugosloveni sa istim motivima, arkan i slicni likovi


Kažu da su Šveđani počeli zaključavati svoje kuće tek kada su Arkan i jugovići došli u posjetu. Dotad je bilo sve "na izvol'te".


i da budu mirni kao bubice tokom cele godine, pa za silvestrovo 16/17 ajmo jovo nanovo a posle izbora - "pogrom"


Nadam se da će narod izaći na ulice i ponovo reći istorijsko "ne", ako im padne na pamet da ih vraćaju nama.

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e nemoj tako, ja mnogo volim one njegove kolekcije za tenkovsku posadu


nema dezurnih moralista ali kada dodju, jao nama, optuzice nas da smo ljubitelji ranih radova huga bossa jer ovako komentarisemo novogodisnje radosti u kelnu

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Kažu da su Šveđani počeli zaključavati svoje kuće tek kada su Arkan i jugovići došli u posjetu. Dotad je bilo sve "na izvol'te".



Nadam se da će narod izaći na ulice i ponovo reći istorijsko "ne", ako im padne na pamet da ih vraćaju nama.


imaju oni erbasove, ja verujem da će ih direktno prebacivati

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moze da ga zaustavi mnogo toga ali evropa nema vise stomak za to jos od sredine proslog veka







i to ne kabinetskih analiticara nego onih koji istrazuju na terenima germanije



ima da zasene i vučićeve aktiviste i kokošare

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e nemoj tako, ja mnogo volim one njegove kolekcije za tenkovsku posadu


gradjanine, tebe nece poslati u kinsasu nego na istok i to po ovoj zimi i to sa komentarom, volis tenkovske kolekcije, hajd sad na istocni front usred zime :D




ima da zasene i vučićeve aktiviste i kokošare


a pomenuti ce jedva docekati priliku da se prislepaju na seobu naroda kada se limes™ potpuno razglavi, uostalom to je u dobroj tradiciji juznih slovena, tako su i dosli na balkan kada su se prislepali mnogo drcnijim plemenima, takoreci kokosari svog doba

Edited by Pontijak
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Erdogan brani Rijad: Pogubljenja u Saudijskoj Arabiji unutrašnje pitanje te zemlje

Beta | 06. januar 2016. 

Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan odbio je danas da osudi pogubljenja u Saudijskoj Arabiji rekavši da je to "unutrašnje pitanje" vlasti u Rijadu.

"Pogubljenja predstavljaju unutrašnje pitanje Saudijske Arabije", izjavio je Erdogan lokalnim zvaničnicima u Ankari, što je u suprotnosti sa izjavom portparola turske vlade Numana Kurtulumusa koji je u ponedeljak osudio te egzekucije, prenela je agencija Frans pres. 

Erdogan je rekao da je iznenadjen "velikom reakcijom na pogubljenje" šiitskog imama Nimra Bakera el Nimra, žestokog kritičara saudijskih vlasti. "Tog dana je bilo 46 pogubljenja, od kojih 43 sunita. Samo su trojica bili šiiti", rekao je turski predsednik.


"Imali smo na hiljade osudjenih na smrt u Egiptu posle vojnog puča 2013. godine i niko nije ništa rekao. Zašto sada svet toliko reaguje", rekao je Erdogan koji je podržavao svrgnutog egipatskog predsednika Muhameda Mursija.


Turski predsednik je osudio napade na saudijsku diplomatsku misiju u Iranu ocenjujući je "neprihvatljivom".


Kurtulumus je u ponedeljak uveče pozvao Teheran i Rijad na smirenost osudivši pogubljenja u Saudijskoj Arabiji, navodeći da je taj region već "bure baruta".


Turski premijer Ahmet Davutoglu je u utorak ponudio pomoć u smirivanju tenzija.


Odnosi izmedju Turske i Saudijske Arabije znatno su poboljšani poslednjih nekoliko meseci. Obe zemlje, sa sunitskom većinom, smatraju da sirijski predsednik Bašar el Asad, koga podržava Iran, treba da ode s vlasti.

Edited by slow
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izgleda da je cela nemačka ispoštovala kulturne različitosti za novaka  :fantom:


Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf… New Year’s Migrant Sex Assault In Every Major German City


by OLIVER LANE6 Jan 20167,009

German capital city Berlin has joined the sad parade of cities touched by migrant sex violence on New Year’s Eve, with hundreds of assaults now reported to police in Cologne and other cities.

Although on a smaller scale to the unrestrained and un-policed sex attacks in Cologne, the Berliner Morgenpost has now reported on assaults taking place on the street “in front of the Brandenburg gate”.


The revelation may prove difficult for the German media, which until now has stressed in most reports on the new year’s rapes that Berlin was not caught up in the scandal.


The paper reports four separate incidents around the cite, including a tourist being sexually assaulted by a group of “three to five men”, and two women being “sexually harassed” by men from Pakistan and Iraq.


Another woman came forward to police on Tuesday following national press coverage of the migrant rape scandal to report being “touched” at a music event by “several immoral men”.


More analagous to the Cologne attacks were events in Hamburg, where groups of “southern or Arab appearance” men aged between 20 and 40 sexually assaulted dozens of women.


Police have recieved 53 complaints of harrasment relating to new year’s eve so far, including 39 of sexual harassment. One 19 year old girl identified by the pseudonym of ‘Lotta’ went out to celebrate the new year in a ‘chic’ dress and high heels.


Spiegel reports their comments when they related while walking between two clubs, they were warned by a bouncer not to go down a particular street, to do so “would be your death”. Despite the warning Lotta and her girlfriends walked down the road but became separated by the men. She said: “I was suddenly alone… 20 to 30 men were standing around me… every time a hand went away, already arrived the next… I felt helpless”.


Having been assaulted under her dress, her hair pulled, and finally thrown to the ground, Lotta met up with her friends, who had all been treated similarly by other groups of men. The girl told Spiegel she thought they were “foreign origin”.


In Stuttgart two 18 year old women were assaulted and robbed by a gang of 15 men reports the Stuttgarter Zeitung, as well as an unspecified number of other “mostly young women” victims. The state prosecutor warned against making comparisons between Stuttgart and Cologne, remarkng “The incidents in both cities vary greatly in their dimensions”.


Düsseldorf saw at least eleven sexual assaults in the historic city centre by “North African” men. In contrast to Stuttgart a police source here was less reticent to admit the scale of the problem, admitting “The nature of the offenses with which is comparable in Cologne”.


Breitbart London was the first English language news site to report on the Cologne sex attacks this week, the events having been obscured by German news media until large numbers of women coming forward to report rapes and sexual abuse and on-line discussion forced events.




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kulturno obogaćeni kolonjski rvat o novogodišnjem performansu pogledajte   :fantom:


How a Doorman Experienced the Horror Night of Cologne


It all started right around 19:00 hours: “Groups of six, of ten, and of twelve North Africans. I have never seen anything like it in my life before,” says Ivan Jurcevic. “They looked like a real army.”


Jurcevic has been a doorman since 1989. Every year at Silvester he protects the entrance to the Hotel Excelsior in Cologne. The hotel is located to the west of the Dome [cathedral] within eyesight.

“They came with beer and schnapps bottles in hand. Most of them were already staggering,” he remembers.


“Come with me”


Problems began immediately: hotel guests who were smoking cigarettes outside in front of the entrance were verbally accosted: “Give me cigarette,” they muttered. “Come with me,” they loudly propositioned women.


At the exact same moment, Peter Erkelenz and his wife were walking across the Dome plaza. Erkelenz is the brother of the CDU city council member Martin Erkelenz. He calls himself an original Cologne native. He was wondering about the mass of Arabic-speaking young men. The mood was aggressive. Erkelenz got worried, and he and his wife quickly moved away from the Dome plaza.

At around 10pm, as the situation escalated completely at the Dome plaza, fireworks and small rockets were fired into the crowds, and east of the Dome the owner of the “Kunstbar” bar, Paolo Campi, was watching: “It was totally antisocial,” he says. “There’s always chaos in front of the dome on Silvester every year. If it was worse this year, it’s hard to tell.” He also can’t tell if it was mostly North Africans who caused the chaos.


But where Ivan Jurcevic was standing in front of the Hotel Excelsior, things got increasingly bad: “Two women came running, they were fleeing a mob of North Africans and asked him for help.”

I’m not one to be tangled with


The men in pursuit of the two women threatened the experienced martial-arts trainer: “I am 1.98 meters tall (6’ 6”) and weigh 130 kilos (285 lbs). I am not the kind of guy you want to mess with,” the otherwise calm, collected and friendly Jurcevic mentions.


When one of the pursuing men attacked him, he drop-kicked the man off his feet and then immediately retreated inside the hotel. The men came closer. “So I went back out, and kicked one in the chest so that he flew back three meters. After that they retreated,” said the Croatian, who’s lived in Germany for forty years.


As the attackers retreated they verbally threatened him: “We will come back and ice you,” they called to him in English. At that point the director of the hotel had already told all guests not to stand in front of the doors anymore for a smoke. The guests accumulated on the first floor and were watching the chaos with horror written in their eyes.


Rioters were beating each other up


Meanwhile, a police force of a hundred showed up. Jurcevic could see how they were shot at with fireworks. Even the police officers seemed to be intimidated.


After midnight: Several fights in front of the hotel had broken out. Jurcevic observed one knife fight.


The Arab North Africans seemed to also chase black Africans who came from countries south of the Sahara.


The rioters were also fighting amongst themselves: In front of Jurcevic’s eyes one man was beaten with a bottle until he passed out. When the man with the bottle started to kick the passed-out man’s head, Jurcevic and a doorman from the neighboring restaurant stepped in.


No time for filing police complaints


Police walked up and arrested the man — only to let him go again in a few minutes, because all of the police jail vans were hopelessly overfilled. As a farewell, the man spat on the squad car’s window. “ The police,” he yelled in Jurcevic’s face. Jurcevic lost his nerve and punched the man to the ground.


At 1:30 in the morning, Peter Erkelenz and his wife left the Silvester party they had been attending. They wanted to take the subway home. But the subway at the main train station was closed.


There was a policewoman who was standing right in front of Erkelenz. Suddenly a man jumped her from behind, grabbed for the pocket inside her coat, then fled. She gave chase and managed to wrestle him to the ground. Then she lectured him. And that was it. There was too much chaos to make arrests or police reports; the cops had to put out too many fires all at once.


Erkelenz then learned why the subway wasn’t operating: dozens of men were walking on the tracks. They attacked subway passengers, and were chased around by the police. The subway was not going to operate anymore that night. Erkelenz and his wife, who emerged from the chaos without harm, took the streetcar instead.


“I was very afraid,” Erkelenz said. “Especially now that our annual Spring Festival is coming up, and what all could happen then.”


It was only between five and six in the morning that the chaos started to die down. The vandals started to disappear. Only a few drunks remained. In the meantime, the police had gotten the first nauseating reports of women who were molested and harassed. One woman was raped. Many didn’t immediately go to the police because they were in shock. It took until Tuesday for 90 reports to be registered. Apparently only a handful of perpetrators have been arrested.




rvat je inače priznao da je bio glup kada je mislio da su to desničarska lupetanja i čini mi se da mu je u neku ruku lakše posle doživljene katarze



Edited by Hella
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ajmo još malo...

En direct - Attaque à Paris : l'assaillant abattu portait une ceinture d'explosifs factice


L'individu, qui tentait de pénétrer dans un commissariat du XVIIIe arrondissement de la capitale jeudi matin, a été abattu par des policiers. Le quartier de la Goutte d'Or a été bouclé par les forces de l'ordre.

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