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školski primer umerenog muslimana koji je dobro razumeo islam :fantom:


Sack the Mufti now. No, the Paris massacre wasn’t the fault of the West

Andrew Bolt November 16 2015 (10:14am)


The Mufti explains why Muslims shouting “Allahu Akbar” slaughtered at least 129 people in Paris:




The statement is a disgrace. Worse, it is dangerous and ominous.


According to the Mufti and his imams, the main “causative factors” behind the kind of terrorism visited on Paris have nothing to do with the Koran. They have nothing to do even with interpretations of the Koran.


In fact, even the Islamic State - which claimed credit for the mass-murder - is not mentioned as a “causative factor”. There is no mention of Muslim agency in the slaughter whatsoever. No mention even of the Muslim countries, like Iran and Saudi Arabia, which sponsor extremists and terrorists.

There is only that familiar and lethal victimology - an accusation that the horrors unleashed in Paris and elsewhere are driven by the cruelty the West inflicts on Muslims.


And so, according to this statement, to defend ourselves we must abandon the Jews of Israel, and - it seems - stop fighting the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. We must drop our security guard. We must stop being suspicious of the faith followed by the Paris terrorists and so many others. We must blame ourselves, and not them. Nowhere in the statement is any obligation imposed on Muslims to change, reform their faith, assimilate or show loyalty to their fellow citizens.


Sack the Mufti now. Sack the national council of imams. Those who hope for our Muslim leaders to take responsibility for reforming their faith are hoping in vain.


The Prime Minister must address this scandalous response.




Paul Sheehan factchecks the Human Rights Commission’s absurd suggestions that we’re riddled with Islamophobia and racism.  And he notes:


    Of the 20 organisations proscribed by the federal government as terrorist organisations with links to Australia, all 20 are Islamic. The most spectacular race crimes in Australia over the past three years, involving murder, attempted murder, threats to kill and plots to kill – the highest form of racial discrimination – involved Muslims planning or carrying out attacks against non-MuslimsMore Muslims are fighting for Islamic State than are enlisted in the Australian Defence Force.


Yet Paula Mathewson on the ABC’s The Drum blames our own jihadist threat more on Tony Abbott’s language than the Koran:


    During his time as PM, Abbott resorted to whipping up fear ... While Australia continues to face a terrorist threat that is at least partly driven by the alienation created by divisive language, our nation can only benefit from the ex-PM finding his inner statesman.


Astonishing. Vile, too. And so the cultural Left joins forces with Islamism.





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kad god se desi džihadistički performans sled događaja je u dlaku isti prvo čujemo izveštaje o alahuekberu ali policija ne zna motive niko u džamiji koju su revnosno pohađali nije propovedao neku mržnju rodbina je naravno šokirana i nemojte ih ništa pitati jer su u 1 tuzi a jedine prave žrtve svega ovoga su jadni muslimani


e tu negde nastupa brigada korisnih idiota koja će da objasni kako rešetanje i raznošenje nevernika ima veze s cenama na sirijskim pijacama getoizacijom omladine islamofobnim antiterorističkim merama nezaposlenošću i kolonijalizmom ali nipošto s mohamedovim priručnikom za istrebljenje nevernika


“British Muslims and indeed Muslims worldwide have said very clearly  :unsure:  these events are abhorrent.

“The attacks have nothing to do with Islam which is followed peacefully by millions of people around the world.

“The terrorists seek to divide us and to destroy our way of life but theirs is an empty, perverted and murderous ideology.

“They represent no one :isuse:  and they will fail.




kod nekih careva relativizacija ide do dubina burundija


A candidate for the Minnesota legislature campaign ended less than 24 hours after a tweet expressing an unpopular opinion about terrorist organization Islamic State.


'ISIS isn't necessarily evil,' Dan Kimmel of Burnsville posted Saturday evening, when the world was still coming to grips with the Paris terrorist attacks that killed at least 129 people.


'It is made up of people doing what they think is best for their community. Violence is not the answer, though,' he added.




Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3319764/Minnesota-politician-drops-election-slammed-Twitter-saying-ISIS-isn-t-necessarily-evil-doing-think-best-community.html#ixzz3rjxF4Iil


a neki se čak ohrabreni psećim strahom većine pred pc batinom usuđuju da tuže svakog ko nazove stvari pravim imenom :fantom:


Right-wing national daily Libero led on Saturday morning with the headline ‘Bastardi Islamici’ above a story about the Paris terror attacks. Anger about the headline quickly spread on social media, the editor of the paper is being sued, and is the subject of a petition to have him stripped of the ability to work as a journalist in Italy.


Hard-left agitator, sometimes United Nations-backed aid worker and former editor of the now defunct  PeaceReporter ‘news’ website Maso Notarianni announced his legal challenge against Libero on Saturday, reports Il Fatto Quotidiano. Posting his legal documents to Twitter, Mr. Notarianni articulated his view that the front page reporting the murder of over 120 civilians by Islamic terrorists had been “criminal and dangerous”.



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već smo citirali korisnu idiotkinju terezu mej kako laže napaćeni velikobritanski narod


British Muslims and indeed Muslims worldwide have said very clearly these events are abhorrent.




vrlo jasno uistinu


Around 30 Muslims, all of Bangladeshi origin and living in Paris, felt they had to take a stand against Islamic extremism because – as they saw it – few other Muslims were willing to raise their voices. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3322064/We-need-wage-jihad-against-jihad-French-Muslims-join-mourners-condemn-Paris-attacks-late.html#ixzz3s14GRq5b


kao i svaki put dosad :fantom:


Up to 50 people took part in a rally organised by the Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council to protest over the actions of the so-called Islamic State. http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0726/717314-is-rally/


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has posted a video of their rally against ISIS. As far as I can tell from the video, somewhere between eight and ten people showed up. http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2014/10/check-out-cairs-rally-against-isis.html



About 25 young Muslims rallied in the Boston Common Sunday afternoon in an effort to protect their religion from what they said are misperceptions stemming from violent acts others have committed in the name of Islam. http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/08/18/young-muslims-gather-boston-common-promote-peace/EfHNyM5QpeqmqtDgSEAEhI/story.html


Mighty but small, it was not quite the turnout the newly formed Progressive Muslims Institute Canada had in mind for their first rally, held last week. As one of the organizers mused with a chuckle, there were more white faces than brown in the crowd of roughly two dozen. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/06/17/progressive_muslims_group_launched_in_toronto_to_reclaim_hijacked_faith.html




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Одлично, да су то радили од почетка, уместо што су западне владе подржавале муслиманске екстремисте, не би било оваквих проблема. Алахе, па Израел је створио Хамас да се бори против секуларног-левичарског ПЛО. Стратегија у Вашингтону средином седамдесетих је створена: коришћење исламских екстремиста у борби против комуниста.






“To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom,” Reagan declared




How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas




Israel's experience echoes that of the U.S., which, during the Cold War, looked to Islamists as a useful ally against communism. Anti-Soviet forces backed by America after Moscow's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan later mutated into al Qaeda.



The Palestinian cause was for decades led by the PLO, which Israel regarded as a terrorist outfit and sought to crush until the 1990s, when the PLO dropped its vow to destroy the Jewish state. The PLO's Palestinian rival, Hamas, led by Islamist militants, refused to recognize Israel and vowed to continue "resistance." Hamas now controls Gaza, a crowded, impoverished sliver of land on the Mediterranean from which Israel pulled out troops and settlers in 2005.

When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and '80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government officially recognized a precursor to Hamas called Mujama Al-Islamiya, registering the group as a charity. It allowed Mujama members to set up an Islamic university and build mosques, clubs and schools. Crucially, Israel often stood aside when the Islamists and their secular left-wing Palestinian rivals battled, sometimes violently, for influence in both Gaza and the West Bank.

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А, што се тиче последњих напада у Паризу


France funding Syrian rebels in new push to oust Assad

Friday 7 December 2012 19.58 GMT

Money delivered by French government proxies across Turkish border has been used to buy weapons and ammunition

France has emerged as the most prominent backer of Syria's armed opposition and is now directly funding rebel groups around Aleppo as part of a new push to oust the embattled Assad regime




Је л треба да стваљам извештаје западних медија и њихово умерено одушевљење након пада Ал-Раке у руке различитих исламистичких/џихади група?

Па да вас питам: У чему је тачно проблем?


Или боље овако


Explaining why the US has just begun striking at the oil pipeline supplying ISIL with funding, Carter pointed out that "the oil infrastructure is something that the civilian population benefits from. You don't want to punish peoplе



Неће да повреде људе, а санкције уводе да повреде људе да би скинули режим који им не одговара, попут Ирана, Ирака... СРЈ бомбардују, убијају, да би повредили људе да би ти људи схватили да им тај режим не ваља да би га скинули. Али овде, код Исламске државе, неће да повреде људе, као што повређују људе(убијају) у нападима из беспилотних летелица у Јемену и Афаганистану.

Нешто су ти Амери много нежни кад је ИД у питању. Они су за 14 месеци наводних напада на ИД извели укупно налтеа авиона колико над СРЈ за 7 дана, то је толико ишло да их је Ирачка влада оптужила да се уопште озбиљно не боре против ИД а да је присуство међу Курдима више потез контроле Курда него ли борбе против ИД.

Па да вас питам: У чему је тачно проблем?

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Не бих рекао да га није било брига, штавише, покушао је више ствари одједном да одради али се то сада све распада. Напад на Асада је корисио као притисак на Иран да се договоре око нуклеарног програма, али да ИД остане и даље активна да би вршила притисак на Асада. Затим је користио ИД за унутрашњу потребе пред изборе за Конгрес и Сенат 2014 али му то није помогло. Проблем је што Асад није пао када су се они надали и све је метастазирало и сада Руси улећу, то и није лоше са становиште САД, зависно од брзине и успеха Руса, то је сада коцка за Обаму. Ако Руси одраде Сирију релативно успешно у наредних 9 месеци Обама ће имати велике проблеме на унутрашњем плану, ако не, онда ништа, пребацује лоптицу на другу администрацију.

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Saudi court sentences poet to death for renouncing Islam 


Friends of Palestinian Ashraf Fayadh believe he is being punished for posting video showing religious police lashing a man in public


A Palestinian poet and leading member of Saudi Arabia’s nascent contemporary art scene has been sentenced to death for renouncing Islam. 


A Saudi court on Tuesday ordered the execution of Ashraf Fayadh, who has curated art shows in Jeddah and at the Venice Biennale. The poet, who said he did not have legal representation, was given 30 days to appeal against the ruling.


Fayadh, 35, a key member of the British-Saudi art organisation Edge of Arabia, was originally sentenced to four years in prison and 800 lashes by the general court in Abha, a city in the south-west of the ultraconservative kingdom, in May 2014.


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Fayadh denied the accusations of blasphemy and told the court he was a faithful Muslim. According to the court documents, he said: “I am repentant to God most high and am innocent of what appeared in my book mentioned in this case.”


onda umri muški a ne cvileći protiv volje alahovih izaslanika na zemlji  :fantom:

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