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danci su presrecni sa ovim performansima po svojim ulicma. kada kazu multikulti, to se odnosi na humus, durum, balkavu, kadaif itd. ostali spojleri multikulti razvoja zajednice se kaznjavaju na izborima u vidu glasa za stranek koje imaju planove da se prave blindirani vozovi. demokratija


pošto je levica decenijama bežala od razuma normalno je da će ljudi iz očaja glasati za stranke koje bi da spreče kulturno obogaćivanje klanjem čerečenjem i bičevanjem :fantom:


Belal El-Khatib, 25, thinks that democracy’s time has passed and Denmark should be ruled by Islamic law.


Nevertheless, the Islamist went through the democratic process of formally applying for Danish citizenship. Democracy, however, worked against his favour on Monday as a majority of parliament’s Naturalization Committee (Indfødsretsudvalg) voted to reject his application.


“Belal El-Khatib should not receive citizenship because he is an Islamist. And someone who wants to turn the Danish democracy into a caliphate shouldn’t have citizenship in Denmark,” the committee’s chairman, Christian Langballe of the Danish People’s Party, told news agency Ritzau.






i naravno šta bi islamista u celoj priči bio nego žrtva loše demokratije



“I haven’t done anything illegal. I contribute to society in many ways, but because one doesn’t have the exact same outlook on life and values as certain politicians, it becomes a hindrance. It reminds me of a dictatorship. This is not democracy,” he told Radio24syv.

Edited by Hella
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i naravno šta bi islamista u celoj priči bio nego žrtva loše demokratije


naravno da je islamista zrtva zle zapadne hriscanske demokratije, zlo je taj zapad i to veliko zlo, nema tamo ni pravde ni prava ni pravde ni demokratije kao sto je ima u jednoj pravoj islamskoj kraljevini


Devetnaestogodišnji Ali Muhamed osuđen je na smrt u Saudijskoj Arabiji, što podrazumeva raspeće i odsecanje glave. Njegova sudbina slična je sudbini njegovog strica, šeika Nimr al Nimra, čija fotografija sa prepoznatljivom prosedom bradom i sa turbanom na glavi krasi transparente i plakate na protestima u istočnoj Saudijskoj Arabiji već više od decenije (ako ne i duže)... Baš kao i njegov nećak, šeik Al Nimr čeka smrtnu kaznu. 


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naravno da je islamista zrtva zle zapadne hriscanske demokratije, zlo je taj zapad i to veliko zlo, nema tamo ni pravde ni prava ni pravde ni demokratije kao sto je ima u jednoj pravoj islamskoj kraljevini




Niko da pomene da je u toku priprema za egzekuciju momka koji je imao 17. godina kad je uhapsen u toku demonstracija i pod torturom priznao da je clan "kriminalne organizacije"...


Detalji su ogavni : ima mu se odrubiti glava, telo zakucati na krst (!?) i ostaviti na trgu dok ne istrune...


Nije ISIS...

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hajd sto ja kasnim ali sablja pravde u kraljevini nece kasniti na svoj susret sa vratom saudisjkog mladica


to je drzava, to je pravo, to je pravda. koja suprotnost od zle, degenerisane i lazne zapadne demokratije koju imigranti tako vole da kritikuju :fantom:

Edited by Pontijak
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izgleda da je i štokholmski sindikat u fazonu ubiubiubi šiptara


A Swedish journalist attempting to make a movie about the residents of a Swedish no go zone and their habit of throwing stones at police has herself been attacked and had stones thrown at her as she attempted to film.


“They thought we crossed the limit and that we were standing on their land,” journalist Valentina Xhaferi told Swedish newspaper Expressen.


Ms Xhaferi planned on investigating police reports that any officer trying to patrol the Stockholm district of Tensta – with its foreign born population now over 70 per cent – would be pelted with rocks. She wanted to get behind the black headlines and find out what was really troubling the poor residents.


So along with a cameraman, she traveled into the suburb to film their report last week. They had set up their recording equipment in a small, central square, and spoken to a man who had agreed to be interviewed.


But as they waited, another man, who appeared to be upset, approach to ask why they were filming. He went away only to return with his gang.


“Then he became very, very angry and said he’ll get stones and show us what stoning is. When I saw that he was armed with a stone I just wanted to get out of there,” said Ms Xhaferi.


At this point more three men appeared from a subway and demanded to know what they were doing. The camera was recording, and captured the moment the men kicked the equipment to the floor, shouted insults at Ms. Xhaferi and poured coffee on the cameraman before running off.





u ostalim vestima videćete kako je sveštenstvo pogrešno razumelo tretman žene u islamu i takvo učenje prenelo borcima islamske države


“I would look them in the eye and ask, ‘Why are you doing this? Don’t you fear God?’ I told them, ‘We are the same age as your daughters. There is no mercy in your hearts. You hit me. You rape me’.”


She said the ISIS fighters would say, “Islam allows it and we will do it.”



Hind was also left heartbroken and ashamed.


“Before ISIS attack, I was in love with a guy. After I returned, he told me that he is not interested in me anymore because I was raped,” she said.




i još jednog uglednog imama koji uprkos godinama izučavanja kurana nije baš najbolje shvatio religiju mira :fantom:

A Libyan man who lived at a mosque in Wrexham and sometimes led prayers as an imam has been jailed for six years after admitting his part in a network plotting an £18.6m arms deal.


Abdurraouf Eshati admitted collecting information for terrorist purposes.


The 29-year-old was sentenced at London's Old Bailey over the bid to get arms to the war-torn country.


The charge related to two documents on the purchase of ammunition and cargo plane hire.


Judge John Bevan QC said on Tuesday: "It's obvious that his involvement means that it was felt he could be trusted as a confidant in relation to large-scale arms supply."




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Saudijski glumac uhapšen je od strane religiozne policije nakon što je bio u centru pažnje u jednom tržnom centru, a obožavateljke su htele selfije sa njim.


Abdul Aziz al-Kasar, popularni glumac i TV lice, reklamirao je svoju posetu određenom šoping centru u glavnom gradu Rijadu preko društvenih mreža.


Kasar je rekao za medije:


"Nisam očekivao da će biti toliko ljudi koji me čekaju. Želim samo da razjasnim da prisustvo mladih žena u tržnom centru nij enešto što je pod mojom kontrolom. Kada sam ušao, nekoliko obožavatelja mi je prošlo i okružilo me dok se nije pojavio čovek koji me je odvukao u jednu sobu za koju sam kasnije saznao da je rezervisana za Komisiju koja promoviše vrednosti i očuvanje mladih unutar tržnog centra", rekao je glumac i dodao:

"Čovek koji me je odvukao bio je član komisije i nisam se opirao zbog mog poštovanja prema njihovom radu."


Prema pisanju medija, Kasarov telefon je konfiskovan, pušten je uz kauciju dok je u toku istraga za optužbe remećenja javnog reda, "mešanje sa ženama koje nisu bliske sa njim" i zloupotreba društvenih mreža.

On je rekao i da mu religiozna policija nije naredila da ostane dalje od tržnog centra, ali da su trebali da ga upozore na veliki broj obožavatelja koji se tamo skupio.

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reče ovde jedna naivčina da svako ima pravo da ide gde hoće u potrazi za boljim životom valjda da bi finansirao pogoršanje života domaćinima

Australia's anti-money laundering agency says reports of suspected "terrorism-financing" tripled in the past year, with over A$50 million ($35.92 million) which could be used to support Islamist militants being investigated.


The financial intelligence agency, AUSTRAC, said in its annual report released this week that it had recorded a trebling of "suspicious matter reports" that could be linked to funding of militant groups. It recorded up to 367 reported cases in 2014-15 from 118 a year earlier.


Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/04/us-australia-militants-funding-idUSKCN0ST03G20151104#863px1oJBrWw7oqK.99


u ostalim vestima videćete laureata za pokal korisni idiot 2015

Teodor Stig-Matz wrote on Nyheter24 that he would “honestly fill the land with IS soldiers” if it meant the sort of people who vote for the Sweden Democrats (SD) disappeared.


He wrote his column as an open letter to Kent Ekeroth, a senior SD MP who has previously said that mass immigration is “Islamising” Sweden.


The firebrand politician told Breitbart London in an interview in September: “Hand grenades, rapes, violence, it all comes with immigration, to put it simply. It isn’t immigration from Norwegians or British people – it is from Middle Eastern and African Muslims.”




naravno za petama uvek ima zajapurenih takmaca koji pravilno shvataju islam

ISLAMIC vandals were today being blamed for breaking into a church and spray-painting "Allah" on the walls and destroying holy objects.

The attackers smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross during the shocking attack earlier this week.


They stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalucia on Monday morning.


The vandals also spray-painted the word 'Allah' on the church


A spokesman for the Diocese of Malaga said the attack – first discovered by priest Agustin Carrasco – was not representative of all Muslims.


He also said it was committed to maintaining "respect and fraternity between different religious groups".




umesto da štede novac za takse

Non-Muslim inmates in several of Britain's category A prisons are being forced to pay a 'protection tax' to radical Muslim prisoners out of fear of facing violence.


The 'tax', known as 'jizya', was found to be enforced by some Islamist extremist prisoners in four of Britain's largest prisons.  


The shocking findings were uncovered by a team of government investigators, appointed by justice secretary Michael Gove last August to establish the threat posed by Islamic extremists in prisons.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3298842/Islamist-extremists-extorting-infidel-tax-fellow-prisoners-Britain-s-toughest-jails.html#ixzz3qcajdQ39
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koje su kao i sve na ovom topiku potpuno u skladu sa Zakonom :fantom:


Qur'an (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Edited by Hella
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naravno opet mentalno oboljenje šta bi uopšte drugo moglo da bude :fantom: 


The man who went on a stabbing rampage Wednesday at the University of California, Merced, praised Allah in a two-page manifesto recovered from his body, the Merced County Sheriff said Thursday.


    Sheriff Verne Warnke said the document was recovered from his pocket by the coroner as an autopsy was being performed on the body of Faisal Mohammad. The 18-year-old student stabbed four on the university campus before authorities shot and killed him, police said.

    Warnke said the document indicated Mohammad was upset after being kicked out of a study group. His manifesto included a “detailed list” of targets and plans to tie students to desks in an effort to lure police into the room. From there, the computer science and engineering student wanted to take the officer’s gun and shoot people.


    The manifesto indicated Mohammad “intended to kill a lot of people,” authorities said, according to the Merced Sun-Star. Investigators had said night vision goggles, duct tape and zip tie had been found in his backpack.


    The document also included several references to Allah, the sheriff said. Warnke, however, stressed that there was “still nothing to indicate” Mohammad’s Muslim religion had anything to do with his motive. He compared the references made to Allah to a Christian making references to Jesus before carrying out a life-changing decision…. 




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