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koji si moj onda došo u rišćansku zemlju care  :fantom:


ja bih njega osudio zbog seksualnog uznemiravanja pripadnica druge vere. Što rekoše sestre, običan narkoman  :misko:

Edited by slow
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He is a 20-stone savage who has amassed a bloody reputation as one of ISIS's most unsightly executioners.


The obese extremist known only as 'The Bulldozer' has beheaded unarmed men and amputated young children as part of the terror group's so-called 'Chopping Committee'.

And just like Jihadi John, the ISIS executioner who was eventually unmasked as Mohammed Emwazi, the coward has never dared to show his face on camera.




steve, carlisle, 5 hours ago

no doubt will end up in this country one day claiming asylum and demanding a gastric band

+1936 -45



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Assyrian Christians Under Siege by Pro-ISIL Sentiment in Sweden


A recent investigation by Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter has found that the Assyrian community in the city of Gothenburg, southwestern Sweden is being threatened by ISIL-inspired messages to "convert [to Islam] or die."

On Tuesday, when Swedish Assyrian Markus Samuelsson arrived at his restaurant in southwest Gothenburg, he found the walls outside covered in graffiti featuring fundamentalist Islamist messages of "Convert or Die" and "The Caliphate is Here." 

The graffiti also featured the letter 'N' for 'Nazarene', known to have been written by ISIL terrorists on the doors of Christian families in Mosul prior to the Islamic State's capture of the city last year.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/europe/20151014/1028511723/assyrians-diaspora-sweden-threatened-isil.html#ixzz3omBc4Pxt

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plašim se da evropski lideri neće odobriti dalji uvoz imigranata ako se nastavi s ovakvim načinom kulturnog obogaćivanja potenciranja različitosti i razvoja zajednice :fantom:



mlakomudići iz levičarskih tzv medija i dalje šute u stravi i užasu od etikete islamofoba


Roughly 500 members of the Islamist organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) gathered in Denmark’s capital city of Copenhagen on Friday, calling for Shariah law for European countries, as well as “jihad” to “free” the Palestinian territories. The march, which took place on Friday, appears to have garnered little media attention, as has the shooting which took place in the same location just 24-hours later at a Shia Muslim ceremony.



Edited by Hella
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plašim se da evropski lideri neće odobriti dalji uvoz imigranata ako se nastavi s ovakvim načinom kulturnog obogaćivanja potenciranja različitosti i razvoja zajednice :fantom:


mlakomudići iz levičarskih tzv medija i dalje šute u stravi i užasu od etikete islamofoba



danci su presrecni sa ovim performansima po svojim ulicma. kada kazu multikulti, to se odnosi na humus, durum, balkavu, kadaif itd. ostali spojleri multikulti razvoja zajednice se kaznjavaju na izborima u vidu glasa za stranek koje imaju planove da se prave blindirani vozovi. demokratija

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