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izgleda da remove kebab pokret jača po ojropi :fantom:


A kebab shop owner in southern France has been arrested on suspicion of condoning terrorism for serving meals named after guns or explosives.


The first letter of the eatery’s name, Toubib Burger (Doc Burger), is also in the shape of an assault rifle.

According to Europe 1 radio, the kebab diner in the southern French town of Bézeris offered a string of menus with rather disturbing names.


There is an AK-47 menu of kebab and chips for €7 (£5), as well as a Gunfire offer for the same price. Other "explosive" meals include the Grenade or C-4, referring to plastic explosives, – both at €6.5.

As for the customer loyalty card, it features sniper targets.


The unnamed 44-year old owner, arrested on Wednesday after a complaint, also reportedly stuck fake assault rifles on the shop’s walls.


When asked by police about the provocative meal names, he played down their significance, saying it was “just a bit of marketing” to attract a younger clientele. The restaurant has been in operation since 2006.


However, it reportedly transpires he is an acquaintance of a brother of Mohamed Merah, the Islamist who gunned down seven people in Toulouse before being shot dead in 2012, and is on an intelligence “S” watchlist for potentially dangerous Islamists. He was ordered to move out of Toulouse.


The man is also reportedly known to regularly sport a T-shirt with “Daesh”, the Arabic name of Isil, on it, as well as an empty gun cartridge.






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ajde ko je ovuda pričao kako muslimanska mlađarija hrli u ekstremizam jer je siromašna i neobrazovana nek se sam javi nećemo mu ništa :fantom:


The Islamic students’ society at Jihadi John’s former university is dominated by hardline, ultra-conservative believers who refuse to even speak to female Muslim staff, a report has found.


But, despite this, a series of complaints about the University of Westminster Islamic society – many from Muslims – were ignored or underplayed over fears of appearing Islamophobic.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3242617/Radical-alert-Jihadi-John-s-university-report-finds-Islamic-students-society-dominated-hardline-believers.html#ixzz3mMmK2Ba7


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stalno neki dokazi da nema boga :fantom:



A British woman and her five children who travelled to parts of Syria controlled by the Islamic State terror group have been rescued by a Syrian rebel militia.


Shukee Begum left the UK last year and was smuggled into Syria through Turkey - although she claims it was only to persuade her ISIS fighter husband, Muftah el-Deen, to come home.


Last month Begum pleaded for help to return to her native Manchester, declaring ISIS 'not Islamic' :isuse: and saying that having her house bombed by US-led coalition warplanes was the final straw.


The mother-of-five's wish now appears to have been granted after militants fighting for the Al Qaeda-allied Levant Front rebel group revealed that she had been rescued by 'kidnappers'.



Edited by Hella
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stalno neki dokazi da nema boga :fantom:




declaring ISIS 'not Islamic'  :isuse:



Volođa ti poručio da nemaš pojma  :fantom:




"Važno je da se muslimanska omladina vaspita na tradicijama islamskih vrednosti, kako bi se presekli pokušaji nametanja nama tuđih postulata pogleda na svet, koji nemaju ničega zajedničkog sa pravim islamom", kazao je Putin, ističući da je suprotstavljanje fundamentalizmu naročito važno danas, kada se pokušava "cinična upotreba verskih osećanja u političke svrhe".


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Niko da pomene da je u toku priprema za egzekuciju momka koji je imao 17. godina kad je uhapsen u toku demonstracija i pod torturom priznao da je clan "kriminalne organizacije"...


Detalji su ogavni : ima mu se odrubiti glava, telo zakucati na krst (!?) i ostaviti na trgu dok ne istrune...


Nije ISIS...

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Nije ISIS...


nije valjda u pitanju ona divna zemlja mirisnog naprednog i umerenog islama u kojoj su naši građanisti onoliko letovali pa zbog prijaznih ličnih iskustava tvrdili kako su ta država i njeni stanovnici sposobni da preko noći iz srednjeg veka upadnu u parlamentarnu rodnoravnopravnu i sekularnu demokratiju :fantom:

Edited by Hella
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brojka se popela na 717 mrtvih i 805 ranjenih, izgleda


takodje, ovo je bilo pre nekoliko dana



Fury after Saudi Arabia 'chosen to head key UN human rights panel'

The United Nations has been criticised for handing Saudi Arabia a key human rights role - despite the country having “arguably the worst record in the world” on freedoms for women, minorities and dissidents.

KSA predsedava odborom za ljudska prava Lige naroda, pardon UN  :0.6:

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