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Ne, u pitanju je prilicno neobican sarlatan. Ali sarlatan u svakom slucaju. 


Smiri se malo čoveče, nije ti dobro...

Edited by FERNOUX H
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meni bio jači onaj saudijski učenjak koji je rekao da burka mora da pokrije jedno oko jer oba mogu da zavedu muškarca pa će je jadan silovati




kakve to veze ima s islamističkim terorom nad jevrejima u francuskoj :fantom:

Edited by Hella
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američki trafikanti objašnjavaju očigledno pc udarnici ako pogledate video skontaćete od koga domaći građanisti prepisuju pismene zadatke iz lepršave i nehajne budalastosti :fantom:


Florida Gun Supply owner Andrew Hallinan is instituting a ban on selling guns to Muslims who interpret the Koran literally. In making the announcement, he declared his store a “Muslim-free zone.”


His ban also covers any training or services Muslims might have otherwise received.


Hallinan announced the ban in front of a Confederate flag and told CNN he wanted the announcement to “offend as many people as [possible]” in hopes of “[starting] a conversation about the political correctness that has become overly extreme here in the United States and [is] causing loss of life that we could prevent if we looked at Islam for what it is.”


CNN’s Carol Costella responded by saying, “I’m all for conversation, alright, but you’re going one step farther–you’re banning Muslims who follow the Koran from your store. How do you determine which Muslim follows the Koran?”


Hallinan responded by admitting that it is going to be a difficult ban to enforce at all times, precisely because of the difficulty of ascertaining who follows the Koran literally and who doesn’t.




He then said:


I can’t, by law, ask each and every person who comes through my doors what their religious background is. But the ATF expressly gives me the right and authority to deny service to anybody that I feel is a threat for any reason. And it happens on weekly basis that we have people come through the gun shop [and] they pass their background check but they seem a little off. And we make a determination on a case by case basis whether or not we’re going to arm and train these people.


Costella asked Hallinan if he would deny services to “white supremacists” as well, and Hallinan said he “won’t arm and train anyone from the KKK” or “someone from a white supremacy movement or anything like that.”



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stvarno ovaj vaš pravi islam nema baš nikakvih sličnosti s neonacizmom sem svih sličnosti s neonacizmom


zamislite recimo čerčila kako šalje svoje pc tupadžije da objasne bonton esesovcima  :fantom:


A group of Christian asylum seekers in Sweden were subjected to bullying tactics by Muslim neighbours for wearing the symbol of the cross.


The group consisted of two Christian families who lived in an asylum house of approximately 80 individuals – the majority of whom were Syrian Muslims. Described as “fundamentalist Islamists” by major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, the other residents told the Christians they were not to wear their symbols of faith in the building, and they would not be allowed to use the communal areas while they were in use by Muslims.


After being threatened and harassed on a number of occasions the small group of Christians, which are likely to have been Syrian Christian refugees fleeing the Islamic State, packed and left “fearing for their own safety”. A spokesman for the government migration agency responsible for the centre they had been staying in said:


“They dared not stay. The atmosphere became too intimidating. And they got no help… They chose themselves to organize new address and moved away without our participation because they felt a discomfort”.


Remarkably, the incident has not been reported to the police.


Instead migration agency officials visited the home to “provide information about Swedish law” to the “fundamentalist Islamists” there in the hope of preventing them from acting unkindly towards Christians again. :isuse:



Edited by Hella
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konačno je došao kraj ugnjetavanju jadnih muslimana koje su srbski nacisti zarobili samo zato što su bili kulturno različiti i imali drugačije mišljenje  :fantom:


Ovog vikenda na slobodi bi trebalo da se nađu i poslednji pripadnici vehabijske grupe koja je pre osam godina pokušala da ubije sandžačkog muftiju Muamera Zukorlića, a u planu su imali i napade na javne i kulturne objekte i strane ambasade u Beogradu, kao što je Ambasada SAD, te zgrade "Beograđanke" i Narodnog pozorišta. 





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- Kod Ramovića procena rizika upućuje na visoku verovatnoću da ponovi slična krivična dela. On u budućnosti namerava da nastavi džihadističku borbu, a u KPZ Niš je širio radikalne stavove među ostalim zatvorenicima, govoreći da njegov život nema smisla ako ne postane "šehid", tj. onaj koji umire boreći se za Alaha. Ramović je pred drugim zatvorenicima i dalje pretio likvidacijama pripadnicima srpske bezbednosti, ali i pojedinim istaknutim predstavnicima islamske zajednice na teritoriji Srbije - otkriva izvor "Alo!" blizak srpskim bezbednosnim strukturama.

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pa neka ga prate jbg

Ko ?  :fantom: 

Vidis da su ih cak ostavili da svi zajedno robijaju,i to u zatvoru sa najvisim procentom muslimana zatvorenika. 

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