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da su u nekoj evropskoj zemlji preventivno potrovali religiozne mirovnjake olovom ne bi se moglo živeti od kuknjave o islamofobiji  :fantom:


Five Islamic extremists on the verge of carrying out another terrorist attack on holidaymakers in Tunisia were yesterday shot dead.

The five men were killed by Tunisian special forces as thousands of Britons fled the North African country after a security alert.

Holiday companies started flying home 3,000 people yesterday after the Foreign Office warned that another ISIS attack was 'highly likely'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3157237/Second-terror-attack-British-tourists-Tunisia-foiled-Five-Islamic-extremists-shot-dead-thousands-holidaymakers-evacuated.html#ixzz3fgiH4W37



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ej građanisti kako ide dijalog i objašnjavanje pravog islama ovim silnim hodžama imamima i mujezinima što nisu u fazonu mir brate mir nego ubi ubi ubi ćafira slabo nešto a :fantom:


The former chairman of the biggest mosque in Leeds owned a company linked to a DVD that glorified suicide bombings targeting Israelis.


The singalong video showed a young girl vowing to follow the same path in life as her mother, shown blowing herself up at an army checkpoint.


A bookshop owned by Firas al-Rawi, the ex-chairman of Leeds Grand Mosque, was identified as the 'sole UK distributor' on the DVD's cover.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3157374/Mosque-linked-children-s-suicide-bombing-DVD-Former-chairman-owned-company-distributed-chilling-singalong-film-glorified-terror.html#ixzz3fkfrBmyw


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Ima u pola deset na rbgd3 zizek o islamu

A jel ima negde zizeka o kolicini top spina kod Novakovog bekhenda ili o tome da li je masa Higsovog bozona u skladu sa supersimetrijom ili možda njegovo misljenje o Margrabeovoj formuli za cene opcija i fjucersa, da li je bolja od Black-Scholesovog modela ili nije?


Mislim, uvek je divno cuti misljenje objektivnih, racionalnih, neostrascenih ljudi koji se izvrsno razumeju u sve detalje materije o kojoj govore...

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Insinuiras da je u pitanju jedan obican sarlatan, lekar opste prakse sa kupljenom diplomom, lazni alhemicar iz Svetih planina ili mozda samo pokusavas da budes duhovit?

Ako je ovo prvo skoro pa da slazemo, a ako je ovo poslednje mora jos malo da se potrudis

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ne trolujte nego nazad na temu  :fantom:


The number of reported anti-Semitic incidents in France increased exponentially during the first quarter of 2015, compared to the corresponding period the year before, a French watchdog group found. The country has seen an 84 percent uptick in anti-Semitic hate crimes since four Jewish shoppers at a kosher supermarket in Paris were killed by an Islamist gunman after the Charlie Hebdo murders, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.


The watchdog, Service de Protection de la Communauté Juive (SPCJ), counted 508 anti-Semitic incidents between January and May this year, compared to just 276 incidents the year earlier. Almost a quarter of those attacks were classified by the organization as violent. Most of the other incidents were reportedly death threats, JTA said.



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doduše ramazan je pa se u kulturno obogaćenom rimu praznuje malo drukčije :fantom:




A tourist was forced to her knees at knifepoint at Rome's Colosseum in a terrifying attack that recalled an ISIS-style execution.


Hundreds of horrified visitors to the Italian landmark looked on as the attacker held a kitchen knife to the neck of a 26-year-old woman and yelled 'Allah is great' and 'It is God that sends me'.


The man held Chiara Frisco hostage for several minutes as he yelled religious fanaticism at the crowd with police powerless to act.


One witness said: 'It seemed like a scene from ISIS.


'He made the girl get down on her knees like you see in the terrorists' videos, while he held a knife to her throat.


'The only thing missing was the orange jumpsuit.'


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3160876/Knifeman-shouting-Allah-great-forces-tourist-knees-holds-blade-neck-Rome-s-Colosseum-terrifying-random-attack.html#ixzz3fwMQfyLY


Edited by Hella
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mislim da ne moraš da se trudiš na domatjem forumu


izgleda da ima dovoljno vesti po medijima koje farbaju situaciju u ružičasto


pita me pre neki dan ćerka - tata, a šta ćemo kada dođu mudžahedini


neće ćero, ne radi nam lift

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