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E, al pazi ovo:



A Melbourne man who expressed support for terror organisations and threatened to kill police officers via his Twitter account has had his bail extended.

Khodr Taha had complied "100 per cent" with his court-ordered treatment program and supervision conditions since first being granted bail in early January, Melbourne Magistrates Court was told.
The 35-year-old from Brunswick pleaded guilty last month to 10 offences, including using his Twitter account to menace Victoria Police, weapons offences, and attacking his mother.


I, tko ga uslovno pustio?



In what became a controversial decision, Deputy Chief Magistrate Jelena Popovic granted bail to Taha at his first court appearance last month.

Police opposed bail at the time and the Victorian Government announced it would review the case.
Mr Abbott (Prime Minister) also commented publicly on the case.
"It does seem a very questionable bit of judicial judgement," he told Fairfax Radio.


Ha! I bilo je dobro da je uslovno na slobodi, jerbo se popravio!  ^_^



Today, Magistrate Popovic praised Taha for complying with his court treatment program.

"You've thoroughly embraced this opportunity and ensured you've complied," she said.
"There won't be too many who've engaged as openly and thoroughly as you have."
Magistrate Popovic told Taha he had earned "the big tick" from her and she encouraged him to reach his rehabilitation goals.
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taj Abot se najopuštenije meša u rad pravosudja?

Evo šta on kaže na to:




Now, I accept the separation of powers doctrine but you really want to see a bit of common sense on the bench.


Inače, upravo je objavio nove i strožije zakone protivu terorizma. Čak i njemu skloni mediji (tj. Murdoch) prenose komentare da se odlučio na to zbog sve lošijeg rejtinga.

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a sad nešto potpuno neočekivano :fantom:


The Swedish convert Michael Skråmo, 29, in 2009, were SVT's expert on Islamophobia.


The Muslim the convert Michael Skråmo, in 2009 were invited to SVT, where he told Swedish viewers how Muslim phobia (Islamophobia) and hatred was spread around Europe. Now he has traveled to Syria with his wife and children to wage war for the brutal terrorist organization Islamic state.


The 29-year-old Swede, who today calls himself "Abdul Samad al Swedi", grew up in Gothenburg. He converted to Islam during a field trip to Egypt about ten years ago and has since been engaged in a series of tax-funded Muslim organizations.


Last fall, he decided to go a step further with his faith. Skråmo took his wife and four small children and traveled to Syria to fight for the terror group IS, engaged in genocide, mass rape and commit other types of bestial abuse of non-Muslim minorities in the region.


In pictures published on Facebook the 29-year-old is posing with AK-47s, and in a propaganda video he sits outside the Syrian city Kobane and calls upon all Muslims in Sweden to follow his example and join him in armed jihad.


- We need you to come down here and give support to the religion of Allah, Skråmo says in the video.


Previously, the Swede have been heavily involved to counter what he described as a misleading picture of Muslims as violent fanatics. In an episode of SVT debate, which can be seen on Youtube, he attacked the malicious picture of Muslims spread in Europe.


- This fear is based on ignorance of Islam, Michael Skråmo said, only to prove all the critics right a few years later.


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kako beše ključ za istrebljenje fanatizma je žestoka edukacija i još besplatnih para obespravljenim manjinama jel tako rekoste drugovi građanisti :fantom:

The Islamic State executioner known as 'Jihadi John' was today identified as a university graduate from London.


Mohammed Emwazi, 27, of Queen’s Park, west London, who studied computer programming at the University of Westminster, is believed to have travelled to Syria in 2012 and later joined ISIS.


Jihadi John has featured in the execution videos of U.S. journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, aid worker David Haines, 22 Syrian soldiers and Japanese reporter Kenji Goto.


Arabic speaker Mr Emwazi, who first moved to Britain aged six, was said to have been raised in a middle-class family and occasionally prayed at a mosque in Greenwich, south-east London.



Edited by Hella
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  • 3 weeks later...

Evo na HRTu sjajna emisija o nekakvim muslanskoj hipsterici.

Kako pomiriti burku i seks i grad.

Vrh :Hail:


E: emisija se zove Kauch surferica. Dokumentarna. Odlično.

Edited by steins
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kako beše ključ za istrebljenje fanatizma je žestoka edukacija i još besplatnih para obespravljenim manjinama jel tako rekoste drugovi građanisti :fantom:



aj ti predlozi resenje kad si toliko pametan. i hajde vec jednom, reci iskreno da se zalazes za masovnu deportaciju imigranata, da se bar zna na cemu smo. a ne ovaj pasivno agresivni karneval baljezgarija koje tako nabrijano i nadmeno priredjujes ovde

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učiti od najboljih - Sadam, Moamer, Hosni, Bašar i ekipa su to radili manje/više uspešno, sa mnogo boljim odnosom učinkovitost/vreme x energija. Doduše, oni nisu imali promenljivu u jednačini zvanu demokratizacija

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i hajde vec jednom, reci iskreno da se zalazes za masovnu deportaciju imigranata


pa ja sam se otvoreno zalagao za to dok ti nisi znao gde ti je apstinent a gde glava :fantom: 


Боме, ја сам и раније за преговоре с њима био таман толико колико се у исламским земљама преговара с хришћанима и атеистима. Како време пролази све више сам за опцију да се господи којој се у Европи нешто не допада - покаже пут до једног лепог места с пуно великих авиона на ком ће својевољно одабрати обећани рај на земљи. Сигуран сам да би нам били до небеса захвални на савршеној срећи коју би доживели, лишени свакодневне хришћанске тортуре, у неком Авганистану, Сомалији или Јемену.



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