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ima i to da je Boris Johnson rekao da za ljude koji putuju u Irak ili Siriju treba ukinuti pretpostavku nevinosti i tretirati ih kao teroriste.

tek sad videh.  :ph34r:


ako je cilj džihadista da razruše sve ono dobro u anglosaksonskoj civilizaciji, razni borisi džonsoni su im u tom poduhvatu solidni saveznici.

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Forumska Celomudrenost je upozoravala razne zanesenjake da sns mandat nije ostvariv bez ratova ali oni su rekli da je za pzd svak ko misli da se tomo nije promenijo


sada pak panično rade na bežaniji u bezbednost pečalbe i moguće je da će neki od njih izbeći posledice svojih ubeđenja  :fantom:

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ej ćao građanisti jeste čuli da je u islamskoj državi koja nikako nema veze s pravim islamom još jedan novinar preklan kako niste čuli bilo na svim vestima a imam osećaj da vi baš pratite vesti  :fantom:

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danas videh za  humanitarca


 Islamic State extremists released a video showing the beheading of British aid worker David Haines, who was abducted in Syria last year, and British Prime Minister David Cameron late Saturday condemned his slaying as "an act of pure evil."


British media have reported that Haines, the father of two whose second wife is Croatian, was educated in Perth, Scotland, and spent 11 years serving in the British military before becoming an international aid worker.

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evo još jednog koji se uspešno integrisao šta je tek s onima koji nisu :fantom:


Syria jihadist was 'integrated' in Italy

Published: 12 Sep 2014 15:12 GMT+02:00

A 25-year-old man who is believed to have gone to fight alongside jihadists in Syria was “integrated” in Italy, his father has told Italian media.


Munifer Karamaleski, originally from Macedonia, had lived in Italy for around seven years when he hastily left late last year.


The 25-year-old reportedly quit his job in Chies d’Alpago, close to Belluno in north-east Italy, and left along with his wife and three young children.


“He was doing well here, he had a great construction job, he had a salary, he had friends who he met at the village bar in the evening. He was integrated,” his father Musafer Karamaleski told Corriere della Sera.

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Like it or not, Isis are Muslims. Calling them ‘monsters’ lets us off the hook

There are various pieties that politicians observe in the wake of some barbarity committed by Islamic fundamentalists and duly David Cameron observed them in his statement yesterday about the murder of David Haines. Of the perpetrators, he observed:
    ‘They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people – Christians, Muslims, minorities across Iraq and Syria. They boast of their brutality. They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters.’
I really wish he wouldn’t. It doesn’t add anything whatever to our understanding of Isis to say that they are not Muslims but monsters. They may not be our preferred kind of Muslims – my own preference is for the C of E sort you used to get in the former Yugoslavia ^_^ – but they are, unquestionably Muslims of a particularly unattractive stamp. Calling them monsters is an impolite way of abnegating any effort to understand them.

Bosna je fina!

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They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace


koja prpa da se opravda višegodišnje dovlačenje imigranata iz bliskoistočnih pripizdina :fantom:

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posle ovoga očekujem skoro predavanje dejmijena hersta u lokalnoj medresi  :fantom:


Zukorlić: Uniforme su performans

Izvor: B92 ponedeljak 22.09.2014 | 09:45 -> 10:15


Beograd -- Parada uniformisanih mladića u pohodu na Hadžet bila je jedan performans, a to se sada koristi protiv mene, rekao je u Kažiprstu muftija Muamer Zukorlić.


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The artist Damien Hirst said last night he believed the terrorists responsible for the September 11 attacks "need congratulating" because they achieved "something which nobody would ever have thought possible" on an artistic level.


Hirst, who is no stranger to controversy, said many people would "shy away" from looking at the event as art but he believed the World Trade Centre attack was "kind of like an artwork in its own right".



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Brother of British Woman Jailed in Iran Over Volleyball Match Pleads for Her Release
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By Ben Bryant

September 26, 2014 | 8:15 pm

The brother of a British law graduate imprisoned in Tehran after trying to enter a men-only volleyball match has appealed to UK politicians to do more behind the scenes to secure his sister's release.

Iman Ghavami told VICE News that "nothing has changed" for his sister Ghoncheh, despite interventions by the UK prime minister and the delivery of a 375,000 signature petition to Iran's United Nations mission.

"I want the UK government to put as much pressure as possible on at the same time as maintaining a healthy relationship with the Iranian government," he said.

"I think maybe behind the scenes they can do more. More lobbying, negotiations."

Iman Ghavami's comments come at the same time as the UK is negotiating a delicate rekindling of diplomatic relations with Iran.

British Prime Minister David Cameron met the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, in New York on Wednesday for the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution — a landmark moment in strained relations between the two countries.

Cameron raised concerns about the imprisonment of Ghoncheh Ghavami in Iran during his meeting with Rouhani.

A statement from Downing Street said: "The Prime Minister ... raised the treatment of dual UK/Iranians nationals, in particular the case of Ms Ghoncheh Ghavami, underlining the impact that such cases had on Iran's image in the UK."


Ghoncheh Ghavami was initially released but rearrested when police discovered she was a dual citizen

Iman Ghavami, 28, who lives in London, said he hoped that the warming of relations between the countries could expedite his sister's release.

He said: "I know the politicians are kind of limited when they're in public, but I'm sure behind the scenes they can do much more."

Ghoncheh Ghavami has been held in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison since June 30 and has spent nearly 50 days in solitary confinement.

The 25-year-old was arrested after trying to watch a volleyball match at the Azadi stadium on June 20, flouting the country's ban on women attending sporting events.

She was questioned for four hours and then released, but rearrested days later while attempting to collect her belongings from the police station, after officers discovered she was a dual British-Iranian citizen.

She was formally charged for the first time on Tuesday with "propaganda against the regime," which carries a possible prison sentence of several years.

Her parents have been able to visit her four times since her detention.

Imam Ghavami said: "Each day that goes by is a day of agony for them."

"They have no control over when she calls. For the first few weeks my mum was just there by the phone all day hoping they would call. And early on the pattern of the phone calls were kind of irregular."

Imam Ghavami attempted to hand-deliver two full boxes of signatures petitioning for his sister's release to Iran's United Nations mission in New York, but was turned away by security guards.

The petition on Change.org, which has since grown to more than 440,000 signatures, will be sent by email instead.

Follow Ben Bryant on Twitter: @benbryant

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