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za ovo su krivi englezi koji im nisu poklonili dovoljno velfera za kvalitetnije integrisanje :fantom:


Documents purportedly from disaffected Muslim parents, being described as a small group of fundamentalist Salafists, are being investigated by a Midlands council after they apparently urged a Muslim "takeover" of failing schools.


The Sunday Times reported that Birmingham city council is deeply concerned about 'Operation Trojan Horse' strategy documents which allegedly outline plans oust to headteachers in Muslim areas of the city, and turn the schools into faith-based academies run on Islamic principles.


The documents, leaked to the Sunday Times, call for an end to “corrupting children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children say Christian prayers and mixed swimming and sports."


They say parents should:

  • Parachute in Muslim governors to "drip-feed" ideals for a Muslim school
  • Have an "English face" to campaigns to turn secular schools into faith-based academies
  • "Wear down" the resolve of a headteacher at a targeted school “so they eventually give up”

One school mentioned in the Sunday Times report was Regents Park Primary, where headmistress Tina Ireland was given an “outstanding” Ofsted report but resigned last year after questions were raised on exam performance. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/03/02/muslim-school_n_4884020.html?



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Evo nešto za Hellino uživanje.



A MAN accused of marrying a 12-year-old girl in a religious ceremony has been granted bail despite telling authorities he is keen to see his “wife’’ again and insisting he has done nothing wrong.


The 26-year-old was charged with 25 counts of sexual intercourse with a child after they “married” in the girl’s living room in the Hunter region after meeting at a mosque earlier this year. The crown opposed bail at Burwood Local Court yesterday saying the man — a university student — had told police “he feels like he has done nothing wrong” by courting and marrying the now 13-year-old.

The court heard there was a real danger of him reoffending as he was keen to continue to the relationship with the teen.

But his lawyer said his client was a talented mathematics student who was in Australia on a student visa and hadn’t even held a female’s hand before marrying the girl.

The court heard he had arrived from a remote part of Lebanon five months ago. His lawyer told the court the girl’s father had supported the marriage with the wedding taking place in her family home.

Magistrate Beverley Schurr gave the man strict conditional bail but said this case was a warning to others. “There is one marriage law in Australia and it must be strictly complied with,” she said.

Under his bail conditions, the man is not allowed to contact the girl or her family.

The teenager is in the care of the Department of Community Services.

He is to live with his brother in Sydney, his student visa will be replaced with a criminal justice visa and a curfew will bans him from leaving the house between 8pm and 6am.

He is also banned from visiting two NSW mosques, his family will need to provide a $20,000 surety, he cannot leave NSW, he has to surrender his passport and not approach any point of departure.

“These are very strict bail conditions,” Magistrate Schurr said via an interpreter. “If you breach these conditions you will end up back in prison for as long as this case takes.”

The 61-year-old Muslim convert father of the girl was charged with procuring his young daughter for sex. The imam who allegedly performed the ceremony, Riaz Tasawar, 35, was also charged.


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Bio bi siguran da je u Viktoriji.  :s_c:



  (3)     Subsection (1) does not apply to an act of sexual penetration if—


        (a)     the child is aged between 12 and 16; and 


        (b)     the persons taking part in the act are married to each other.

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okej to ali ne zaboravimo da je islamofobija najgora :fantom:


A new law being considered in Iraq could lead to girls as young as eight getting married and wives having to submit to sex at their husband's every request.


The controversial proposals have provoked outrage from activists both within Iraq and around the globe, who see it as a huge step backwards for women's rights.


The measure, aimed at creating different laws for Iraq's majority Shiite population, could further fray the country's divisions amid some of the worst sectarian bloodshed since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2581098/Iraq-considers-allowing-girls-young-nine-marry-new-laws-force-wives-submit-sex-husbands-whim.html#ixzz2w1hlyS8T 


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Slamnati čovek ponovo? Gde su to "iskreno zgražanje i zabrinutost" rezervisani za OBL-a? Koješta. EDIT. Osim ako ne misliš na komentare ispod vesti, što je već neozbiljno.

Edited by Indy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pustite virus da radi svoj posao.



Salma Farooqi was tortured and repeatedly shot after involvement in Peshawar's battle against polio for four years
The unusual night-time kidnapping and brutal murder of a female polio vaccinator in the troubled Pakistani city of Peshawar has heightened fears among health workers struggling to stamp out the virus in the face of violent opposition from militant groups.



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  • 4 weeks later...

da ovo rade dveri u srbiji bilo bi strašno a ovako ćemo da ehnemo i hmnemo te odemo da se zezamo po šopingu i fragmentsima  :fantom:


An investigation into Birmingham schools at the centre of a plot to introduce hardline Islamist teaching has found pupils were illegally segregated and non-Muslim students were discriminated against.

Inspectors also revealed that the GCSE syllabus was restricted to conform with 'conservative Islamic teaching', with lessons in sex education banned and evolution only covered 'briefly'.

Department for Education inspectors were ordered into Park View School and its sister schools, Golden Hillock and Nansen, after a letter dubbed 'Trojan Horse' was uncovered apparently outlining a plot by Muslim hardliners to drive moderate headteachers out of schools.


Shiekh Shady al-Suleiman, a known al-Qaeda sympathiser who has previously said gay people should be stoned to death and espoused anti-semetic views, was also invited to speak to children.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2608354/Girls-ordered-sit-classes-Christian-pupils-left-teach-state-schools-feared-centre-Trojan-Horse-plot-inspectors-say.html#ixzz2zLWqD0S4


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  • 1 month later...

juce sam na cnn gledo divan prilog o ovome.

jedna od jezivijih stvari ikada.

naravno sam cin pre svega, ali i izrazi njihovih lica dok su nesto trtljali, liseni ama bas svake emocije.

Edited by ToniAdams
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