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što histeričan? ukazao je na probleme sa stereotipovima, dosta efikasno.hella, pismen si, imaš tekst pred sobom, nećemo sigurno da ti ovde vršimo egzegezu jednostavne kolumne.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Tokom citanja treceg pasusa sam naglas rekao - ne znam sta mu ovo treba.Kad ono...
:lolol:Same here. Što pokazuje koliko je metoda efikasna. Edited by Syme
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što histeričan? ukazao je na probleme sa stereotipovima, dosta efikasno.
pa zato sto tretira nerve-wrecking temu na isti takav nacin. uopste ne bezi od njene volatilnosti vec je iskreno zabavlja iskoriscavajuci njen potencijal za dokazivanje njegove poente. pocev od aksiomatskog naslova ('muslimani primitivni'), pa preko kompulzivnog navodjenja primera do kulminacije sa 'kolko jos treba da guglam' - dezulovic ga prvo ga dobro zakuva i onda na kraju - nasanka sa kontraprimerima.a reko sam da mislim da je to dobro, jer se tekstovi koji se kriticno bave islamofobijom uopste ne bave njenim emotivnim nabojem, a ovaj nas populisticki tribun tu briljira.
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hella, pismen si, imaš tekst pred sobom, nećemo sigurno da ti ovde vršimo egzegezu jednostavne kolumne.
Ja uopste nisam vise siguran da mu nije potrebno objasnjavati. Jedino, taj nezahvalan posao cu prepustiti nekom drugom.
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kada zločinačka jutjub bagra obriše dokazni materijal o veseljacima koji šire Umerenost, uvek ga možete pronaći na memri portalu.http://www.memritv.o...lip/en/4027.htmlepa vest je da su se, inače sporopaleći, antifašisti okrenuli protiv Umerenjaka. :thumbsup:

Leader in Anti-Racist Centre, Rune Berglund Steen, has gone hard against Islam Net in the debate. He gets upset when he sees the video from Islam Net.- Qureshi promotes the death penalty for many other people. It is a message marked by hatred, and it is both outrageous and sad, Steen writes in an email to Dagbladet.Steen is concerned that Islam Nets attitude will spread to more young Muslims in Norway.- It is natural to distinguish those who are active in Islam Net from those that simply attending a conference, and we are not looking to label everyone as extremists. But in the case of extreme and problematic attitudes that must be opposed. We wanted to focus on a negative trend, where Islam Net has been recruiting members fairly undisturbed, writes Steen.
http://translate.goo...iw=1680&bih=856 Edited by Hella
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