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[off]Greška. Na poluostrvu Jukatan žive Maje, a ne Asteci. I dan danas imaju svoj jezik i običaje, koji su doduše pod udarom Gvatemalanske desnice.Nad Astecima nije izvšen nikakav genocid, i u Meksiku ne postoji Actekofobija.Kortes je imao svesrdnu podršku plemena potlačenih od strane Acteka, prvenstveno Tlakskale a i njegova žena je bila majanska princeza. Od njegove vojske 1000 je bilo evropljana, a 10.000 ratnika i nosača, hrane i vode, dobio je od Tlakskale i svojih meksičkih saveznika.Novija istraživanja smatraju da su masovna žrtvovanja zarobljenika imala funkciju zastrašivanja potlačenih plemena i bila politički alat terora.Može se reći praktično da Meksiko nije osvojen od strane Španije, nego oslobođen od brutalne Astečke tiranije.Ideološka levičarska matrica koja svodi sve na "belački imperijalistički kolonijalizam" prosto ne funkcioniše u Meksičkom slučaju. Možda je to bio slučaj negde drugde (Kubanski indijanci, Pizaro u carstvu Inka), ali ne i u Meksiku.[/off]
jeste a i kralj dahomeja je takodje trgovao robovima. svi su krivi i uzas istorije. dakle, ne trabunjaj i ti. kakva levicarska matrica? domorodacko stanovnistvo je prepolovljeno i svedeno na status maloletnika u najboljem slucaju a na robove u najgorem slucaju u roku do jedne generacije. o tome pise i bartolomeo de la casas. ukoliko bi ti se evropljani pojavili na vratima u periodu od 15 do 20 veka mogao si da ocekujes samo izrabljivanje, koncentracione logore i smrt. samo to je onda tocak istorije a ne zaostalost. drugim recima ukoliko se grozis nad astecima trebalo bi da malo razmislis i o onima koji su njihovo tributarno carstvo srusili.
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Устав је слово на папиру?
Ako ne odgovara stvarnosti, ili se ne primenjuje - onda da, slovo na papiru. Al eto, neka ti bude. Danska je nije sekularna drzava, al je sekularno drustvo.
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sveta dogma različitosti ne sme biti narušena ni po koju cenu.

Teachers at an Islamic school have complained that they are being ordered to wear the hijab – even if they are not Muslim.Employees at the Al-Madinah free school say they are ‘concerned’ by its practices, which include banning non-halal food and forcing female pupils as young as four to sit at the back of the class away from boys.Female members of staff, some of whom are not Muslims, say they have been told to sign new contracts which force them to wear the hijab.These also ban them from wearing jewellery or bringing non-halal food on to the school’s premises in Derby.One woman, who had been interviewed for a position, claimed she was told she was not allowed to shake hands with male teachers to avoid ‘insult’. Another staff member, speaking anonymously to the Mail, said the school was ‘like being in Pakistan’.She said: ‘Girls are treated very separately from boys, the girls sit at the back of the classroom. ‘Boys go and eat first at lunchtime and then the girls are allowed to go.‘It is like being in any school in Pakistan. That is why it was founded, that is the idea.’

Edited by Hella
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pohvala savremenog islama:

article-0-18240A6100000578-520_964x649.jpgThe Police Reserve Officer in a black and white checked shirt,rescuing the little girl and also providing cover in other photos has been identified as Abdul Haji, and happens to be an ethnic Somali and muslim, but was ready to fight against ethnic somali muslim extremists.- jim, Vladivostok, 23/9/2013 1:18Rating +1585
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O tome smo vec razgovarali. Sekularnost se odnosi na formalni odnos Crkve i Drzave i na uticaj Crkve na zakone i na poboznost stanovnistva.
Секуларна држава се односи на оно прво.Друго и треће су варијабиле које су +/- могуће како у секуларним државама тако оним које имају државну цркву/религију. Као што смо видели, не постоји некаква законитост. Да не враћамо диксусију назад на почетак.
Vidis i sam da si u stanju da pravis razliku izmedju slova na papiru i stvarnosti, jer bi inace napisao da je Kosovo deo Srbije, tacka, bez preciziranja da je to tako za ustavnopravni poredak Srbije.
Па ми овде причамо о секуларној држави односно о уставноправном поретку, не?
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Па ми овде причамо о секуларној држави односно о уставноправном поретку, не?
Ne iskljucivo. Na moju primedbu, upucenu Indiju, da je Tunis zemlja sa sekularnom tradicijom, ti se ubacio sa pricom o ustavu, samo ustavu i nicem drugom osim ustavu.
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Ne iskljucivo. Na moju primedbu, upucenu Indiju, da je Tunis zemlja sa sekularnom tradicijom, ti se ubacio sa pricom o ustavu, samo ustavu i nicem drugom osim ustavu.
Пардон, ја мислио да се секуларно односи на државу (и устав тј. уставноправни поредак), нисам знао да си ти мислио на секуларно као прилог у пљескавици...
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More than a quarter of young adults in Britain 'do not trust Muslims' because of terror attacks

A survey has revealed that many young people distrust Muslims and feel Britain would be better off if there were less of them in the country.

Of the 1,000 young people questioned in a BBC survey, 27 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds said they didn't trust Muslims, while a similar number said Britain would be better off with fewer Muslims.It also emerged that 60 per cent thought the British public had a negative image of Muslims and 44 per cent said Muslims do not have the same values as the rest of the population.A total of 16 per cent said they didn't trust Hindus or Sikhs, 15 per cent said they didn't trust Jewish people, while 13 per cent and 12 per cent said they didn't trust Buddhists and Christians respectively.Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2fzz3CG00

svakako, uvek postoji dobar način da se izborite s ničim izazvanom islamofobijom:
The Archbishop of Canterbury today urged Christians around the world to pray for the terrorists who brutally killed at least 67 in Nairobi.Justin Welby told worshippers not to forget 'the captors' in their prayers, so they can see that violence 'won't have the last word'.

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