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Znaci da ima, znaci da moze. Inace, i u nekim zapadnim zemljama se ne tolerise setanje u kupacim kostimima van plaze. (EDIT. Dodao bih, obzirom da vecina nas nismo modeli, i ne treba da se tolerise. :D)

Edited by Indy
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Znaci da ima, znaci da moze. Inace, i u nekim zapadnim zemljama se ne tolerise setanje u kupacim kostimima van plaze. (EDIT. Dodao bih, obzirom da vecina nas nismo modeli, i ne treba da se tolerise. :D)
+1no fat chicks!
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ne opiri se
Dakle, ako je 40 i više celzija, onda tek ima smisla da se pokrije golotinja. Ne (samo) zbog ružnoće, nego zbog toga što se lakše trpi, a zaštitu kože od sunca da ne pominjem.

T1OximXatbXXXUxAwY_030246.jpgIspravno opremljeni za leto. (Njemu fali šešir, doduše).

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Dakle, ako je 40 i više celzija, onda tek ima smisla da se pokrije golotinja. Ne (samo) zbog ružnoće, nego zbog toga što se lakše trpi, a zaštitu kože od sunca da ne pominjem.

Ispravno opremljeni za leto. (Njemu fali šešir, doduše).

ma ok to, nego pricamo da li je zakonom dozvoljeno/sire drustveno prihvaceno iz razloga koji nemaju veze sa zastitom od sunca,tu itekako ima razlike
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To se tolerise turistikinjama, na mestima za turiste ( u Tunisu istina i domacim, ipak je to zemlja sa sekularnom tradicijom).
Тунис није секуларна држава, ако је судити по Уставу a мислим да је и претходни био сличног сарджаја, што је иначе 1 стандард у арапско-исламском свету.Свеједно, по правној и политиколошкој дефиницији ово није 1 секуларност. :D
PreambleIn the name of God, the Merciful, the CompassionateWe, the representatives of the Tunisian people, meeting as members of the Constituent National Assembly, proclaim the will of this people, who freed themselves from foreign domination thanks to their strong cohesion and their fight against tyranny, exploitation and regression,• to consolidate national unity and remain faithful to the human values that constitute the common heritage of the peoples attached to human dignity, justice and liberty and who are striving for peace, progress and free cooperation among nations;• to remain faithful to the teachings of Islam, to the unity of the Greater Maghreb, to its membership of the Arab community, and to cooperation with the peoples who struggle to achieve justice and liberty;• to establish a democracy founded on the sovereignty of the people, and characterized by a stable political system based on separation of powers.We proclaim that the republican regime constitutes :• the best guarantee for the respect of human rights, for the establishment of equality among citizens in terms of rights and duties, and for the achievement of the country's prosperity through economic development and use of the nation's riches for the benefit of the people;• the most effective way of protecting the family and ensuring the citizens' right to work, health care and education.We, the representatives of the free and sovereign Tunisian people, do, by the grace of God, proclaim this Constitution.The Constitution of the Republic of TunisiaCHAPTER ONEGeneral ProvisionsArticle 1Tunisia is a free, independent and sovereign state. Its religion is Islam, its language is Arabic and its type of government is the Republic.
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Znaci da ima, znaci da moze. Inace, i u nekim zapadnim zemljama se ne tolerise setanje u kupacim kostimima van plaze. (EDIT. Dodao bih, obzirom da vecina nas nismo modeli, i ne treba da se tolerise. :D)
na braču se može videti tabla"čedna zona" koja opisuje upravo tu zabranu (a odnosi se i na decu). nemam fotku ovde, ali je posedujem!
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Article 1Tunisia is a free, independent and sovereign state. Its religion is Islam, its language is Arabic and its type of government is the Republic.Тунис није секуларна држава, ако је судити по Уставу a мислим да је и претходни био сличног сарджаја, што је иначе 1 стандард у арапско-исламском свету.Свеједно, по правној и политиколошкој дефиницији ово није 1 секуларност. :D
Ustav Grcke:
Article 31. The prevailing religion in Greece is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ. The Orthodox Church of Greece, acknowledging our Lord Jesus Christ as its head, is inseparably united in doctrine with the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople and with every other Church of Christ of the same doctrine, observing unwaveringly, as they do, the holy apostolic and syn- odal canons and sacred traditions. It is autocephalous and is administered by the Holy Synod of serving Bishops and the Permanent Holy Synod originating thereof and assembled as specified by the Statutory Charter of the Church in compliance with the provisions of the Patriarchal Tome of June 29, 1850 and the Synodal Act of September 4, 1928.2. The ecclesiastical regime existing in certain districts of the State shall not be deemed contrary to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.3. The text of the Holy Scripture shall be maintained unaltered. Official translation of the text into any other form of language, without prior sanction by the Autocephalous Church of Greece and the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople, is prohibited.
Ustav Danske:
Section 4 [state Church]The Evangelical Lutheran Church shall be the Established Church of Denmark, and, as such, it shall be supported by the State. Section 6 The King shall be a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Ustav Argentine:
Section 2.- The Federal Government supports the Roman Catholic Apostolic religion.
Ustav Islanda:
Article 62The Evangelical Lutheran Church shall be the State Church in Iceland and, as such, it shall be supported and protected by the State.
Da li su ove drzave sekularne?
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Наравно да нису. Зар не видиш шта им пише у уставима?
Naravno da jesu, zato sto su im zakoni manje-vise slobodni od verskog uticaja, pa se u praksi ne razlikuju od drzava bez takvih ustavnih odredbi. Tunis kao drzava je krsila ljudska prava - ali ne u ime religije, vec zarad ocuvanja diktature, dok je polozaj zena, iako daleko od idealnog, bolji nego u ostalim drzavama arapskog sveta (i regulisan je zakonima koji su cesto u direktnoj suprotnosti sa sharijom, odnosno njenim konzervativnim tumacenjem, - po pitanju prava na razvod i slicno).
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Naravno da jesu,
Жалим случај али Исланд, Данска, Грчка и Енглеска приде нису секуларне државе. Норвешка је је развластила државну цркву па се квалификовала за секуларну државу по тој дефиницији мада не и по твојој (закони мање-више слободни од верског утицаја).http://www.patheos.com/blogs/geneveith/2012/05/norway-disestablishes-the-state-lutheran-church/
zato sto su im zakoni manje-vise slobodni od verskog uticaja, pa se u praksi ne razlikuju od drzava bez takvih ustavnih odredbi.
Појма немаш колико појма немаш o томе (и колико је та изјава нетачна) али није тема.
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