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Isto to je Papis Sise probao u Njukaslu da trazi jer im je sponzor neka zelenaska firma, pa su mu advokati Njuce nasli snimke iz kazina gde vrlo neislamski ulupava hiljade funti. Eno ga sada, djuska fucu sve u 16.

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Isto to je Papis Sise probao u Njukaslu da trazi jer im je sponzor neka zelenaska firma, pa su mu advokati Njuce nasli snimke iz kazina gde vrlo neislamski ulupava hiljade funti. Eno ga sada, djuska fucu sve u 16.
ako me secanje ne vara, i Kanute je (nakon sto je otkrio da je vernik) lepio neku crnu izolir traku preko dresa (Sevilje), jer im je sponzor bila kladza? (888.com)
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Не памтим то са црном траком, али док је играо у Вест Хему звали су га Фредерик Кан'тшуте. :D

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More than 2,100 victims of female genital mutilation have been treated in London hospitals since 2010, it emerged today.Almost 300 women needed surgery to help them recover from the brutal ritual, new figures have revealed.Among those treated in the capital's hospitals included 12 children, including one girl who had been left with an 'open wound' following the criminal act.Despite being illegal in the UK, female genital mutilation is on the rise with an estimated 66,000 women dealing with the after-effects and more than 20,000 young girls thought to be at risk.The procedure is associated with communities in Africa, particularly Mali, Somalia, Sudan and Kenya, as well as some parts of the Middle East.Many girls living in Britain are taken to these countries for be 'cut', and some will be as young as five.But it is becoming more prevalent in the UK and experts say today's figures are 'truly shocking' but there are 'far more victims' than the data shows.In the majority of cases the clitoris is removed because it gives sexual pleasure.A total of 2,115 FGM patients were seen between 2010 and now, the Evening Standard has revealed.Dr Comfort Momoh, a specialist in dealing with these injuries at St Thomas’ Hospital, said: 'These statistics show a very significant number of women are being treated for FGM.

Edited by Hella
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sećate se one sirotice koja je pobegla od kuće, pa su je optužili da izmišlja i da u jemenu nema organizovanog silovanja devojčica?

Jemen: Osmogodišnja nevesta preminula od povreda zadobijenih u prvoj bračnoj noćiDM | 10. 09. 2013. - 12:04h | Komentara: 67Osmogodišnja devojčica po imenu Ruhan, iz plemenske oblasti Hard na severozapadu Jemena, preminula je od unutrašnih povreda polnih organa zadobijenih tokom prve bračne noći sa pet puta starijim “mladoženjom”.Ova zemlja je u februaru donela zakon kojim se kao minimalna starost za udaju određuje 17 godina, ali on je morao da bude povučen nakon žestokog napada konzervatinih poslanika, koji su ga osudili kao “neislamski”. :ohttp://www.blic.rs/V...oj-bracnoj-noci
naravno, pravi krivac je negde drugde:
Prema rezultatima svetske studije objavljene u martu, zbog sve većeg siromaštva i svetske krize broj dece u ugovorenim brakovima sve više raste.
:fantom: Edited by Hella
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Majku mu možda su ti Bošnjaci baš baš Srbi zapravo, identična interpretacija religije. Tzv. vjerska nesnošljivost je spor o pravo na blasfemiju prema Allahu dž.š. vs. starom Jahvetu i Sv. Savi.

Edited by king louie
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