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Jos jednom se pokazalo tacnim pravilo da su ksenofobi i ini branioci civilizacijetm u sustini kukavice. Kao, ima covek vremena da mesecima prati sve moguce vesti i prenosi ih ovde, ali nema vremena da o jednoj od njih razgovara. :lol: Dobro, odgovoricu sam na svoje pitanje: jedina veza izmedju mladih kriminalaca sa snimka, suda u Kataru, masakra u Riu, bicevanja silovane devojcice u Bangladesu, napada na hriscane u Egiptu i arapsko-francuskih velova je sto se radi o losim stvarima koje su pocinili ili cine muslimani. Ne o stvarima uradjenim u ime islama, jer to nije slucaj u svim navedenim vestima, nego od strane muslimana. I to ne samo u Evropi, pa ni na "Zapadu", (znaci nije rec o problemima sa integracijom muslimanskog zivlja), nego u citavom svetu.Sto ce reci da je tema topika, ako se moze suditi po sadrzaju (a trebalo bi da moze, posto moderacija uklanja postove koji su promasili temu), ne dzihadska, nego muslimanska najezda. Dzihadizam je ovde eufemizam koji kukavice koriste kad prenose vesti o muslimanima, jer ne smeju da otvoreno priznaju da im muslimani predstavljaju problem i kad im postupci nisu vodjeni religijom. Steta je, a i zbunjuje ljude, da naslov ne odgovara temi, pa predlazem da se preinaci u muslimanska najezda, ili muslimanska posast. Jos par, istorijom inspirisanih, predloga: Die muslimische weltpest (muslimanska svetska kuga), Wann ist die muslimische Gefahr beseitigt? (kad ce muslimanska opasnost biti gotova?) Der Muslim als Weltparasit (musliman kao parazit sveta).
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kako samo tanjug vaspita javno mnjenje u skladu s duhom pc vremena. ni džihad ne bi bio pomenut da je doku umarov sklon korišćenju verbalnih oblandi kao ovaj novinarski šljam. :)

Lider islamističkih pobunjenika u severnom Kavkazu Doku Umarov izjavio je da je nakon smrti Osame bin Ladena Rusija "bojno polje". Umarov je pre par meseci pretio da je ovo "godina krvoprolića za Rusiju", a u novoj poruci isitče da ubistvo Bin Ladena neće zaustaviti islamističke pobune."Po svemu sudeći je jasno da se svet nalazi u poziciji u kojoj smrt lidera džihada neće zaustaviti preporod Islama“, naglasio je čečenski vođa.Deceniju nakon što su ruske snage svrgnule s vlasti u Čečeniji separatiste, Doku Umarov predvodi pobunjenike koji se bore za stvaranje "Kavkaskih Emirata“ koji bi uključili Čečeniju i druge muslimanske regione na severu Kavkaza, navodi agencija Rojters.Umarov je preuzeo odgovornost za napade širom Rusije, uključujući bombaški napad samoubice u kojem je ubijeno 37 osoba na moskovskom aerodromu u januaru, kao i za eksploziju dve bombe u moskovskom metrou u martu 2010, kada je poginulo 40 ljudi."Danas bojno polje nisu samo Čečenija ili Kavkaski Emirati, već cela Rusija“; rekao je Umarov u intervjuu objavljenom u utorak za sajt blizak pobunjenicima.U ranijoj video-poruci od februara, Umarov je kazao da će se Rusija suočiti sa "godinom krvi i suza“ ako odbije da napusti severno-kavkaske teritorije.
Edited by Hella
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Sto ce reci da je tema topika, ako se moze suditi po sadrzaju (a trebalo bi da moze, posto moderacija uklanja postove koji su promasili temu), ne dzihadska, nego muslimanska najezda. Dzihadizam je ovde eufemizam koji kukavice koriste kad prenose vesti o muslimanima, jer ne smeju da otvoreno priznaju da im muslimani predstavljaju problem i kad im postupci nisu vodjeni religijom. Steta je, a i zbunjuje ljude, da naslov ne odgovara temi, pa predlazem da se preinaci u muslimanska najezda, ili muslimanska posast. Jos par, istorijom inspirisanih, predloga: Die muslimische weltpest (muslimanska svetska kuga), Wann ist die muslimische Gefahr beseitigt? (kad ce muslimanska opasnost biti gotova?) Der Muslim als Weltparasit (musliman kao parazit sveta).
Topić je križarski speaker's corner, frajer umislio da je Charles Martel, Jan Sobieski mu nije ravan. Recite mu neko da Turčin nije pod Sigetom.
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kako samo tanjug vaspita javno mnjenje u skladu s duhom pc vremena. ni džihad ne bi bio pomenut da je doku umarov sklon korišćenju verbalnih oblandi kao ovaj novinarski šljam. :)
A show on French Gypsies under the German Occupation censored by the European Commission Liaison Owffice (ECLO) in Kosovo.by Shkelzen Maliqi on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 11:45pmA show on French Gypsies under the German Occupation censored by the European Commission Liaison Owffice (ECLO) in Kosovo."Mérignac-Beaudésert, Tsiganes français sous l’Occupation" is an adaptation based on historical documentation dealing with the internment and deportation of French Gypsies during the Second World War. The text has been published by the French publisher l'Espace d'un instant, in partnership with the Voix des Rroms, the Nouvelles alternatives transeuropéennes et the Fédération nationale des déportés et internés, résistants et patriotes. It was put on stage under the direction of Christophe Sigognault, following a residency at the Maison d'Europe et d'Orient in Paris. The performance opened the festival Le Printemps de Paris on the 9th of May 2011 at the occasion of the Fête de l'Europe (European Day).The show was programmed by the festival "Festival of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian culture", supported by ECLO and organised by the KFOS (Soros Foundation in Kosovo).ECLO then considered that the content of the performance was "inappropriate" and asked KFOS for the show should not to be taken off the programme of the festival.When asked to explain their decision, ECLO replied that it was not a case of "censorship" but a case of a "change to the programme", the reason being their wish to "put the emphasis, with this festival, on the promotion of the rich cultural heritage of these communities within Kosovo and to contribute to facilitate their integration within the Kosovan society and promote exchanges between its various communities". ECLO added that "it does not want to question the importance of these tragic historical events nor the quality of the performance", but that " [its] partners implementing the festival are requested to consult [ECLO] and give them a full presentation of the programme for approval before any of its programme can be confirmed", and that ECLO would have wished to be able to "discuss [it] beforehand and to inform its colleagues at the French Embassy in Kosovo".We would like to express our righteous anger in the face of such behaviour. We know too well what such a position underlines: to present Rromani culture in a folkloric and preconceived manner, one of largely desperate musicians flanked by lascivious women dancing on tables, and to essentially ignore historical and memorial issues in order to please a few diplomats. We also know well what fuels the will to subjugate the content of a work of art to its funding. We can clearly see that ECLO considers this memorial work as counterproductive to exchange and integration. The worse being that -knowing that ECLO considers the case as a simple "misunderstanding"- it shows that ECLO cannot even question the content of its own policy. We can imagine how a proposal to screen Tony Gatlif's feature film "Liberté" would have been received in such a context.We believe that the very fact that artists and cultural operators in France and in Kosovo decide to undertake and support this memorial work concerning the rromani community, should be considered with pride and honour by France, Kosovo and Europe as a whole. We believe that it is those who cannot see it this way that, unfortunately, give the image of Europe as a Banana Republic.We invite all of those who share our views to let it be known to the head of ECLO (Khaldoun.SINNO@eeas.europa.eu), as well as to the Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship (viviane.reding@ec.europa.eu), and to circulate the present message as widely as possible.The show will be presented in Prishtina, outside of the official programme, thanks to the determination of the signatories below. Marcel Courthiades, Commissioner for language and linguistic rights of the International Rromani Union,Dominique Dolmieu, Associate artist at the Maison d’Europe et d’Orient, ParisSaimir Mile, President of La voix des Rroms,Jeton Neziraj, Artistic director National Theatre of Kosovo,Christophe Sigognault, Artistic director of the company Saudade.
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samo za hellu :wub:

First Annual SIOA/SIOE International Summit: Place de la République at 1 p.m. FEC 17 rue Saint Etienne at 3 p.m Saturday, July 2, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Sioa:sioe unitedSIOA/SIOE Demonstration: "Stop Mosque and Minaret building in Europe."SIOA/SIOE First Transatlantic Conference at FEC 17 rue Saint Etienne at 3 p.m "Stop the Islamization of the West"The world's leading human rights organizations, defending free societies and free people from Sharia and Islamization, will hold their first-ever international summit in Strasbourg, France on July 2. Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) will come together to demonstrate against the construction of mega-mosques and minarets in the European Union. The demonstration will be followed by a conference featuring some of the world's leading spokesmen for the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law -- all principles denied by Islamic law (Sharia).
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posle "dobrovoljnih" francuskinja, nek se spreme Ruskinje :

Kuwaiti woman activist suggests non-Muslim sex-slaveryAn activist from Kuwait has provoked public outrage after calling for the legalization of sex slavery. She suggested that non-Muslim women war captives be sold as concubines to keep men in their families, making them less likely to commit adultery.Salwa Al-Mutairi, a former parliamentary candidate, said in an online TV show she hosts, that the sex slave market is the way to protect wealthy Kuwaiti men from being seduced and committing sin, Kuwait Times reports.She gave the example of Haroun Al-Rashid, the fifth Abbasid Caliph in Iraq, who ruled from 786 to 809 and was said to own hundreds or even thousands of girl slaves.The activist added that Muslim clerics she had talked to in Mecca had said nothing against the idea. “There was no shame in it and it is not haram (forbidden) under Islamic Sharia law,” she claimed.The supply would come from war zones where non-Muslim captives can be taken, she suggested.For example, al-Mutairi said, there must be Russian women captured in Chechnya who could be sold in Kuwait. If not forced into sex, they would “just die of hunger over there”.Kuwaiti politicians did not explain why she imagined that the Russian Chechen Republic, which has been successfully rebuilding after the two campaigns, would have many prisoners of any gender or nationality.Al-Mutairi envisions a service offering girls for sex operating in the same way as recruiting agencies do now.The suggestion drew fierce criticism from fellow Kuwaitis, disgusted by it and loathing the idea that foreigners may take al-Mutairi’s words as representing mainstream political ideas in the country.One person tweeted to her: "you're a disgrace to women everywhere."“Wonder how Salwa al-Mutairi would’ve felt if during occupation by Iraqi forces, she was sold as ‘war booty’ as she advocates…” another tweet said.Al-Mutairi insisted: “I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all”.
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I ja sam cuo da jedan pravoslavac u Rusiji predlaze da se svi nepravoslavni Kavkasci proteraju iz Moskve. To je apsolutno u vezi sa odnosom grcke drzave sa hilandarskom vladom u Kareji.

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E pa vidis, ja u francuskom "dobrovoljnom" ninja maskiranju i ovom gore vidim isti sablon, istu ideju vodilju : zene su obicni predmeti. Jeste, zena (hej, ovo sve izjavljuje zena !!!!) je izolovana lujka, ali lujka koja nije u ludnici, nego ima svoju TV emisiju. I niko je posle ovoga nije prozvao, koliko ja znam, nego su je sasvim ozbiljno saslusali u Meki, nisam siguran da su bas potvrdili kao sto ona kaze, ali ipak, pobogu...Pokusaj na sekund da zamislis da je Patrijarh Pavle za vreme rata u Bosni primio TV voditeljku koja mu objasnjava da je ok i da "nije greh" da se na ratistu nahvata malo zena, koje bi se onda prodavale kao seksualno roblje, da srpski domacini ne bi sarali okolo? Ma koliko ja ne mirisao SPC, toliko ludi ipak nisu.P.S. Nemoj da te buni sto je vest sa Russia Today, tu sam doleteo indirektno sa FSTDT, evo clanak iz Al Arabije :http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/06/06/152054.html

Salwa Al Mutairi is very concerned about male adulterers. And why should she not be given the scandals to have rocked the western world in the last few months—be it the former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn charged with sexually assaulting a hotel housekeeper in New York City or California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger who admitted to infidelity and having a child out of wedlock as the reason behind the dissolution of his marriage. This is but just two examples of high profile marriages going bust which even prompted the bastion of weekly newsmagazines Time to ask why men cheat.While Ms. Al-Mutairi’s worries may not concern matters on Western shores—she is a Kuwaiti activist—she does offer a novel proposition to curb the cheating of men: legalize sex slavery. No, this is not a case of something being lost in translation, nor am I making it up. The one-time candidate for Kuwaiti Parliament and TV show host said that a legislative act sanctioning enslaved female concubines would “protect” men from committing adultery or corruption. I thought concubine was struck out of the dictionary because Oxford had to make room for couch surfer, la-la land and muffin top to name but a few—I am also not making this up—but it’s alive and well. But there’s nothing funny about slavery. And I’m not the only one who thinks that Ms. Al Mutairi does no great service to her gender with such preposterous views. Twitterverse was outraged, disgusted and tweeple keen to point out that she does not represent all Kuwaitis. Ms. Al Mutairi would have us believe that men’s desires need to be constantly catered to—so much for women’s liberation. She also said—and rather seriously too in her online video broadcast which was reported by Kuwait Times on Sunday—that she’d been informed that “affluent Muslim men who fear being seduced or tempted into immoral behavior by the beauty of their female servants, or even of those servants ‘casting spells’ on them, would be better to purchase women from an ‘enslaved maid’ agency for sexual purposes.”Since there are agencies to help us find domestic staff, the “activist” wants to see something similar for concubines. Hey, maybe we can throw in summer specials: Buy one-get-one-free. Maybe GroupOn wants to get in on this. Ms. Al Mutairi’s genius knows no bounds because she suggests that maids/concubines could be “brought as prisoners of war in war-stricken nations like Chechnya to be sold on later to devout merchants.” I’m pretty certain the Chechens have a thing or two to say about this offer. “Errr, no thanks” pretty much should sum it up. Or, as Mona Eltahawy tweeted: “Wonder how Salwa Al Mutairi would’ve felt if during occupation by Iraqi forces, she was sold as “war booty” as she advocates 4 [sic] Chechen women.” The icing on the cake is when Ms. Al Mutairi says that the idea doesn’t go against the tenets of religion. Perhaps she skipped class the day they taught the story about how the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) freed slaves. Or laid down pretty strict rules against adultery, like don’t do it. It’s easy to dismiss Ms. Al Mutairi as a “joke”—I’m assured that many Kuwaitis see her as an embarrassment, as “our own Ann Coulter” tweeted one man—but it’s still baffling that she would espouse such notions in this day and age. How does sex slavery prevent adultery? (I thought wanting to stay in a monogamous marriage prevented adultery.) How can there be anything remotely dignified about the word slavery in this day and age? The only connection one can even make with slavery is rape—and there’s plenty of evidence to attest that girls and women are being sold into slavery and forced into all sorts of professions against their will. For Ms. Al Mutairi to even suggest that owning a concubine would prevent a man from becoming corrupt is downright irresponsible and simply shameful. It is almost as idiotic as the Malaysian venture, “The Obedient Wife Club,” launched on June 3 to teach women how to care for their husbands better so they don’t—you guessed it—stray. Apparently these women are concerned by the increase in divorces in Malaysia and feel that by asking women to be more obedient to their husband, they will have fewer problems in society. Why do women like Ms. Al Mutairi and the Malaysians behind the wives club feel the onus of adultery or men behaving badly lies with women? Why is there no responsibility placed on the man? Why are disobedient husbands like Mr. Strauss-Kahn or the Egyptian banker who is alleged to have assaulted a maid in New York City too last month get treated with a “wink wink, nudge nudge” locker room like applause from other men? It’ll be nice for men to step forward and rubbish such views in a public domain. Until then I’m happy to keep poking fun at the likes of men and women who want us to return to antiquated and warped values packaged in the name of religion. Feel free to join in the fray. (Muna Khan, Editor of Al Arabiya English, can be reached at: muna.khan@mbc.net)
Edited by braca
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Pa zato sam na Moderaciji predlozio da se topic preimenuje u "Islamsko zlo", posto je ovakva postavka teme suvise uzana.

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primećujem ironiju u tvom postu, ne mora baš tako, mogao bi da se preimenuje u 'Stranputice islama'. ne znam što bi zatvarali oči pred činjenicom da u sadašnjoj religijskoj ponudi islam dominira kada su u pitanju razna zastranjivanja na teorijskom i praktičnom planu.

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primećujem ironiju u tvom postu, ne mora baš tako, mogao bi da se preimenuje u 'Stranputice islama'. ne znam što bi zatvarali oči pred činjenicom da u sadašnjoj religijskoj ponudi islam dominira kada su u pitanju razna zastranjivanja na teorijskom i praktičnom planu.
Ako na ovom topicu pronadjes jedan post od 2009. do danas u kome Hella ili Braca pominju islam u bilo kom pozitivnom kontekstu, onda to moze!Inace ja uopste nisam ironican. Ovaj topic govori o islamskom zlu, i treba da se tako zove, ne znam otkud odjednom tolika nelagoda u nazivanju stvari njihovim pravim imenom: zaostali PC refleksi?Imam i kompromisan predlog, malo blazi:"Jihad and Immigrant Watch", sa podnaslovom: Na braniku vrednosti zapadne civilizacije.
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Ako na ovom topicu pronadjes jedan post od 2009. do danas u kome Hella ili Braca pominju islam u bilo kom pozitivnom kontekstu, onda to moze!
Vazi. Nadji ti meni jednu relevantnu vest na svetskom ili bar regionalnom nivou od 2009. do danas u kojoj se pominje islam u bilo kom pozitivnom kontekstu, i priznacu ti javno da sam debelo pogresio.
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Ako na ovom topicu pronadjes jedan post od 2009. do danas u kome Hella ili Braca pominju islam u bilo kom pozitivnom kontekstu, onda to moze!Inace ja uopste nisam ironican. Ovaj topic govori o islamskom zlu, i treba da se tako zove, ne znam otkud odjednom tolika nelagoda u nazivanju stvari njihovim pravim imenom: zaostali PC refleksi?Imam i kompromisan predlog, malo blazi:"Jihad and Immigrant Watch", sa podnaslovom: Na braniku vrednosti zapadne civilizacije.
a otkad na forumu važi to srednjeputaško pravilo da forumaši moraju da doziraju pozitivne i negativne komentari o nekoj pojavi? pa spc topik bi izgledao identično histerično, da nije mučenog savindana koji pokušava da im objasni neke stvari. to što nemamo tako revnosnog muslimanskog vernika koji bi ovde uzvraćao na kritike i pokušavao da ponudi i neko alternativno viđenje, nije helin i bracin problem. ti bi mogao po znanju preuzeti ulogu, samo problem je što kao stari satanista nisi dovoljno strastven :P.šalu na stranu, topik može da se preimenuje i da mu se da neki širi opseg, ali je svakako potrebno mesto gde bi se raspravljalo o islamu i njegovom mestu u današnjem svetu.
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Vazi. Nadji ti meni jednu relevantnu vest na svetskom ili bar regionalnom nivou od 2009. do danas u kojoj se pominje islam u bilo kom pozitivnom kontekstu, i priznacu ti javno da sam debelo pogresio.
Uopste ne ulazim u polemiku o tome da li je to tako, samo objasnjavam Gonzu zasto treba preimenovati topic u "Islamsko zlo", hvala na podrsci koju si mi dao ovim postom.
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