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Da ludilo! Ne znam sta je tvrdjava samoce, prvi put cujem. Jos je taj lik savetovao nekog ortaka da se obuce u zenu da bi ubio nekog protivnika, pa je ovaj na kraju govorio o tome na sudu, pricao kako mu je dao ideju da uzme stikle, periku i sminku da bi mu prisao skinuo ga... kao da gledas The Wire hahaha.

Da nije neko od vas ranije slucajno provodio vreme na pokojnom rivu? Pre svega sumnjam na EmptyClipa i jos par vas tu :) Govoreci o rivu, neverovatno mi je da vidim na ovako nekom forumu da ljudi pricaju toliko o bombama, pozitivno sam iznenadjen. Jos sam se iznenadio kad sam video da pune nastupe i kolike preglede imaju na tjubu, bas su stvorili jaku bazu. Secam se ko da je juce koliko sam sa Dakijem pricao o domacem repu i sranjima dok jos nisu ni poceli da repuju i znao sam da mnogo dobro zna da ima veliko poznavanje muzike i ideje, on je tu idejni tvorac, ali nisam ocekivao da na kraju stvarno naprave nesto ovako posto se rep ekipice klasicno raspadnu u kratkom roku. Voleo bih da tek sad naprave nesto profitabilno od tog repa iako ja licno ne mogu to da slusam, sad dolazi u obzir samo rep koji prati moj zivot a price o gudri me smaraju, plus je trep poceo da me gusi opasno i ne slazem se oko mnogo toga sa filozofske strane al dobro, ne zahteva svako od nas isto od repa. Evo Daki je oziveo svoj blog o rep muzici, ima mnogo dobre tekstove, napisao je novi o Gucci Maneu http://dizelgorivo.blogspot.com/2015/04/zasto-je-gucci-mane-najvazniji-reper.html


Fortress of Solitude je knjiga o muzici i odrastanju u Bruklinu. Dešava se u ovom kvartu. Počeo sam da čitam i super je ali sam morao da obustavim usled nekog raspoloženja u koje sam upao nevezano za knjigu.


Bombe su meni okej tehnički ali imam neke issues i zato nisam fan. Poštujem ali ne prepoznajem se. 


E, a pazi ovo:



Podvešćemo je pod obradu. :)

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Mimi Mercedes u ZG kao predgrupa Kiši Metaka.. Na fejsu kadar nevera, moraće malo da se naviknu :D

hahaha, sad sam overio. a dobro



inače mimi počela da isplivava i gde se ne nadaš


Could you give an example of a song which you consider to be inspirational for the women’s struggle?
Mimi Mercedez, is a very recent artist, a very controversial one, indeed, from Belgrade’s poor, deindustrialized ghetto suburbs. A rapper in her early twenties, she has established herself in a predominantly male sphere, singing about basically the same themes as her male fellows: money, drugs, ‘devious’ ways of making money, street life, she attracts a lot of ferocious negative criticism. While male rappers are being touted for their ingeniousness, their objectification of women, utter coolness and alpha maleness, she, on the other hand, draws massive moral indignation in a traditionally very patriarchal country. She is often called a “slut/cunt”, accused of having a “sick, twisted mind” and the target of a host of other negative epithets. But on the other hand, has also gained quite a lot of positive, welcoming recognition among her peers (male and female), who have taken to calling her “Mimi mama”.
Although at first her lyrics may seem to comprise of the traditional male tough-life-clichés of the rapper’s vocabulary, there is at least a hint of subversiveness in her songs. A verse in one of her songs, titled “MMM” (“Mimi making money”) is very telling: “Everybody wonders whether our nation is decaying because of the likes of me; or is it the decaying nation which creates the likes of me”. Scantily clad, she sings about having earned her money, “the new god”, in just one of the ways, available to “her kind”: through working in the nightclubs (she has “money maker” tattooed on the back of her thighs), but has earned it nevertheless and now she can live the life her society praises and strives for. She extolls the “beauties” of the “man eat man” world, her motto being “If you’re a have-not, steal. Never beg”. Her act (she says of herself that she is of “German quality, Serbian mentality”) and her songs (basically a contemporary dystopian post-socialist version of “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”) brilliantly reflect the state of affairs in which her country has found itself. It is a state, which creates “the likes of her” (especially women in the re-patriarchal zed society), the lost generation, the underprivileged class, robbed of the legal, traditional ways of getting by and, ultimately, their future.




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Mimi Mercedes u ZG kao predgrupa Kiši Metaka.. Na fejsu kadar nevera, moraće malo da se naviknu :D


do jaja. gde si to saznao? i ko ne veruje, pa dječaci već neko vreme pecaju da sarađuju s njom...

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imaš na fb-u kiše metaka. ne da ne veruju, nego komentari ljudi koji je čuju i vide prvi put su blago rečeno iznenađeni. kao i ovde, prva asocijacija je verovatno svima da više liči na atinu ferari, a tek posle se skonta da tu ima neka priča

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sramim se priznati, ja ovo cujem tek sada (mislim na ovu tunjevinu)






necu da ulazim u kvalitet i tematiku teksta, previse sam dodgy muzike slusao u zivotu a nemam to knjiski moljac znanje da bih mogao da palamudim o socijalnim momentima i zasto-oni-pevaju-to-sto-pevaju. posle Marlonove "Favele" ovo je jedna od najjacih matrica koju je domaci hip-hop milieu iznedrio. koji kurac Mimi i Bombe Devedesetih, ovo je kvalitet.

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