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Dekriminalizacija i legalizacija


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da li ti uopste znas sta je HEROIN, il si samo dosao da prosipas neke lib gluposti? heroin je PEC-PEC, mnogo opasniji od sveg ostalog, ne racunamo li ajs. ozbiljan covek zabranu dilovanja/ posedovanja ne moze da poredi sa prohibicijom. pojednostavljeno: popijes deset piva, nikom nista. ubodes se 10 puta, najverovatnije si se sjebo za ceo zivot. dekriminalizacija bi zasigurno dovela do sire rasprostranjenosti istog, a time i povecanog broja navucenih. a jebo onda te pozitivne nusefekte. jesil gledo trainspotting?
Otkud znas da bi povecala.Trainspotting je odlicna edukacija.Zasto tretirate ljude kao bizone a ne racionalna bica koja ne umeju da preponzaju ralziku izmedju piva i igle?
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Ima li neka statistika da to potkrepi?Sto se edukacije tice - takva vec postoji. Doduse, ne nuzno kroz skolski sistem (mada mozda i tu postoji, ne znam). Kao sto deca znaju da treba biti pazljiv kada se prelazi ulica, isto tako znaju da je droga nesto stetno. Ponavljam nije rec o znanju/neznanju vec o motivima.
Pronaci cu neku sigurno, ali x puta sam na tv-u chuo ili negde prochitao kako sve mladji i mladji ljudi prvi put zapale cigaretu, marihuanu,...
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Pronaci cu neku sigurno, ali x puta sam na tv-u chuo ili negde prochitao kako sve mladji i mladji ljudi prvi put zapale cigaretu, marihuanu,...
Ovde se rasprava vodi o heroinu.
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Nisam siguran u cemu je razlika izmedju dekriminalizacije i legalizacije.Nisam siguran da je legalizacija = drustvena prihvatljivost. Stavise, nekada prvo prethodi drugom. Da li je homoseksualizam opste drustveno prihvacen? Nije, ali jeste legalan.Da teoretisem jos dalje, drustvena prihvatljivost nije isto sto i drustvena pozeljnost odredjenog nacina ponasanja.
Razlika je npr. shto bi i korisnici bili kazhnjavanji za posedovanje droge iz nelegalnih tokova.Homoseksualci se ne kazhnjavaju po zakonu zbog svoje homoseksualnosti. Da bi bio drushtveno prihvatljiv dovoljno je da budesh nekaznjiv po zakonu i prihvacen od veceg dela drushtva...
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S tim što za društvenu prihvatljivost, ovaj zakonski deo uopšte nije ni bitan ... al' nema ni veze Koliko ja kontam te stvari, legalizacija bi bila da svako može da gaji, prodaje, i sl., a dekriminalizacija znači da nije zabranjeno posedovati 0,5g heroina i da se možda može kupiti u ovlašćenim drogerijama.

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dekriminalizacija bi zasigurno dovela do sire rasprostranjenosti istog, a time i povecanog broja navucenih. a jebo onda te pozitivne nusefekte.
Zasto "zasigurno"? Dekriminisanje droge nije isto sto i legalizacija. Mala kolicina "za licnu upotrebu" je OK. To znaci da ne teras na sud coveka kod koga si nasao paketic heroina. Covek koji ima nekoliko paketica i dalje ide na sud. Kako takva situacija "zasigurno" dovodi do sirenja narkomanije? Onaj sto ima paketic za sebe ce da podeli sa nekim ko nema pa ni jedan od te dvojice nece da se uradi kako treba?
jesil gledo trainspotting?
Jesi gledo Barselona - ManU?
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Po čemu? Različite supstance,različit mehanizam nastanka zavisnosti,pri tom ne branim nimalo alkohol i alkoholizam samo hoću da kažem da su obe zavisnosti dva entiteta sa svojim specifičnostima zbog kojih znak jednakosti izmedju njih nije primeren.
Dobro, objasni nam onda po kom osnovu se zavisnost od alkohola grupise drugacije od zavisnosti od heroina, kokaina, amfetamina i drugih zabranjenih supstanci? Sta je to zajednicko u molekularnom mehanizmu delovanja ovih supstanci u odnosu na alkohol sto ih odvaja od istog?
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Otkud znas da bi povecala.
gledo u bob. mislim, zar nije logicno? dekriminalizacija bi znacila laksu nabavku, kako na malo, tako i na veliko. prilicno je lako navuci se, a veoma zajebano skinuti (sto i pise na topiku- neki ljudi isli dobrovoljno da ih pop lema, pa ti vidi onda).
Zasto tretirate ljude kao bizone a ne racionalna bica koja ne umeju da preponzaju ralziku izmedju piva i igle?
evo, pogledaj, nekima je i ovde potrebno tu razliku objasnjavati. a tinejdzeri su, npr, gori od bizona.
Zasto "zasigurno"? Dekriminisanje droge nije isto sto i legalizacija. Mala kolicina "za licnu upotrebu" je OK. To znaci da ne teras na sud coveka kod koga si nasao paketic heroina. Covek koji ima nekoliko paketica i dalje ide na sud. Kako takva situacija "zasigurno" dovodi do sirenja narkomanije? Onaj sto ima paketic za sebe ce da podeli sa nekim ko nema pa ni jedan od te dvojice nece da se uradi kako treba?
ako se to smatralo pod dekriminalizacijom, onda nemam nista protiv. samo se time ne resava nijedan problem (sem sto narkoman ne mora u zatvor za mic). ako se prodaja i uvoz "liberalizuju", ili +\- tolerisu kao vutra u holandiji, onda je to sasvim druga stvar.
Jesi gledo Barselona - ManU?
jok. Edited by Miralem
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Ovde se rasprava vodi o heroinu.
Naci cu ti josh (poshto ovo nije bash statistika za koju si se uhvatio, ne znam zashto), ali za pochetak vidi da ima 12 godishnjih korisnika heroina. Ako 11 godishnjaci nisu za edukaciju, ja ne znam tko jeste.Link.According to the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the number of current (past-month) heroin users in the United States increased from 136,000 in 2005 to 338,000 in 2006. The corresponding prevalence rate increased from 0.06 to 0.14 percent. There were 91,000 first-time users of heroin aged 12 or older in 2006, down from 108,000 reported in 2005. Among persons aged 12 to 49, the average age at first use of heroin was 20.7 years.edit: StatisticsBetween 1991 and 1996, heroin-related ED episodes more than doubled (from 35,898 to 73,846). Among youths aged 12 to 17, heroin-related episodes nearly quadrupled. Osim toga, valjda je jasno da su lake droge najcheshce samo stepenica ka teshkima. Edited by cedo
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gledo u bob. mislim, zar nije logicno? dekriminalizacija bi znacila laksu nabavku, kako na malo, tako i na veliko.
Aha, znaci ipak si gledo Barselona - ManU. Kul.
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Dobro, objasni nam onda po kom osnovu se zavisnost od alkohola grupise drugacije od zavisnosti od heroina, kokaina, amfetamina i drugih zabranjenih supstanci? Sta je to zajednicko u molekularnom mehanizmu delovanja ovih supstanci u odnosu na alkohol sto ih odvaja od istog?
Pre nego što postaviš pitanje dobro pročitaj odgovor,ko je rekao da se grupiše drugačije,obe su zavisnosti a razlikuju se u MEHANIZMU NASTANKA ZAVISNOSTI,kliničke slike,lečenje..
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Naci cu ti josh (poshto ovo nije bash statistika za koju si se uhvatio, ne znam zashto), ali za pochetak vidi da ima 12 godishnjih korisnika heroina. Ako 11 godishnjaci nisu za edukaciju, ja ne znam tko jeste.
Da li znamo zasto su uzeli heroin?Zato sto nisu znali ili zato sto su bili u takvom okruzenju?Moja je intuicija da se insistiranjem na obrazovanju kao kljucnom mehanizmu smanjenja narkomanije nece mnogo daleko otici. Naprosto, kroz masovnu kulturu (pominjani trainspotting) je narkomanija tretirana kao nezeljeni fenomen. Kontrast sa tretmanom cigareta do 1980-ih ne bi mogao biti veci. Takodje postoji i razlika u tretmanu heroina i kokaina (kokain je za bogate, to sve sljasti, heroin su sve neki raspadaci i luzeri).Stoga je i svest o stetnosti heroina daleko razvijenija medju stanovnistvom nego svest o stetnosti duvana (do pocetka osamdesetih, recimo). Onda je i inkrementalni dobitak od pojacanog obrazovanja manji.
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Budja me naterao da trazhim statistike , nije loshe da oni koji imaju nameru da probaju, prosharaju malo po ovom site-u:Cocaine Statistics1 of 4 surveyed Americans of the age range 26-34 has already taken drugs. Minnesota Institute for Public Health and drug prevention resource center informs that 5,000 grown-ups in America take cocaine for the first time daily. (1985) The statistics shows that 22-25 million people have already taken cocaine at least one time. Different interrogation data tell that there are more than two million cocaine-takers in America nowadays. In comparison with old estimation a large amount of cocaine taken is subjected to detection from 10 to 22 days after the use. Cocaine is the reason of over the half of visits for emergency rooms where drug taking is concerned. Every year the number of cocaine addicts has been gradually growing for the recent time. For 1975 this number was 30,000. In 1986 it has grown to 300,000 and to 361,000 in 2000. The per cent of drug-users among the students over the recent 5 years has increased from 2% in 1994 to 4,8% in 2000. 8,2% of high school pupils surveyed in 2001 told they have already taken cocaine. In the period between 1997 to 2000 the deals relating with cocaine were the most popular in emergency rooms. Men take cocaine twice as much as women take it. Special informal agencies for the office of National Drug Control Policy tell that the amount of constant cocaine addicts is over 3,6 million people. Juveniles from 18 to 25 is the group with which the using of cocaine is the most popular. The amount of people, who have taken marijuana before using cocaine is 90%. About 300,000 babies were born in 1988 spoiled with cocaine. Ecstasy StatisticsIn July, 2000 16 boxes including 2,1 million ecstasy pills, the cost of which is approximately $41 million, were taken by the US Customs Service at Los Angeles International Airport. The examinations show that individuals who have taken ecstasy at least 25 times decreased the contents of serotonin in their organism for a period of a year after the last usage. About 5,5% of 19-22 adults reported they have taken ecstasy this year. Episodes in emergency rooms related with ecstasy grew all over the nation from 250 in 1994, to 637 in 1997, to 1,142 in 1998, to 2,850 in 1999. Denver, Minneapolis/St. Paul and Texas are the places were the amount of individuals subjected to curing of primary MDMA drug addiction is gradually growing. The most MDMA tablets' production is concentrated in Belgium and the Netherlands, but some groups tried to found secret MDMA laboratories in CEWG places as Minneapolis, San Diego, and regions of Michigan and South Florida. The period of 1999 to 2000 the amount of 8-,10-,12 form students who take MDMA have notably grown. For juveniles in 10 and 12 grades this year for increasing level of MDMA usage is already the second one. Last year the usage of MDMA has grown from 1,7 percent in 1999 to 3,1 percent in 2000 among 8th form pupils; from 4,4 percent to 5,4 percent among 10th form pupils; from 5,6 percent to 8,2 percent among 12th form pupils. For 12th form pupils the possibility to find MDMA has increased from 40,1 percent in 1999 to 51,4 percent in 2000. Last year ecstasy addicts surveyed of the age-range from 12 to 25 have already taken other illegal drugs in comparison with the statistics of those who didn't take it. Marijuana StatisticsAccording to UN's statistics, 141 million people all over the world take marijuana. This number is equal to 2,5 percent of people living in the world. Among juveniles from 12 to 17 the average age of first marijuana usage is 14 years old. The information received has revealed that people who are addicted to effective usage of marijuana lack the same amount of coordination as individuals who have taken too much alcohol. Normal coordination reflexes, as driving, for example, are lessened for 41% after having taken 1 joint and for 63% after having taken 2 joints. Among juveniles from 12 to 17 the average age of first marijuana usage is 14 years old. Marijuana contains 421 chemical components, 60 of which are the feature of only this substance. In California marijuana is the largest part of state' income. 600,000 of Canada inhabitants have been accused of criminal affair just for carrying marijuana. For 65% of people who were imprisoned for marijuana related affairs, the reason of arrest was the carrying of the drug. Over 50,000 of Canada inhabitants are imprisoned every year for criminal affairs related with marijuana. Heroin StatisticsIn 1999 heroin and morphine usage was the reason of 51% accidental deaths from drugs, reported Drug Abuse Warning Network, or DAWN. Heroin is a drug to which it's easy to get used. It's taking is an important problem in the US. Statistics shows that over 600,000 people are to be cured of addiction to heroin. Current informal data tell us that people prefer to smoke or to snort heroine because they are sure this form of usage won't cause addiction to the drug. Besides the impact of the drug itself, street-solved heroin may have additional components that don't dissolve completely and result in blood channels' blocking, this can affect the ability of lungs, liver, kidneys or brain to work. This can be the reason for death of some vitally important parts' cells. The amount of visits to ED, relating with heroine/morphine usage has grown for 15 percent, from 84,409 to 97,287 The way of taking drugs among individuals has changed in a way. In 1993, 74% of heroin addicts were those who took the drug with a syringe. By 1999, this number has lessened to 66%. The snorting way to take the drug has grown for 23% in 1993 to 28% in 1999. In 2000, the statistics of DAWN showed that emergency room episodes related with heroine have grown for 15% since last year. As the survey of the University of Michigan's Monitoring Future Study in 2002 says that 1,6% of 8th form pupils, 1,8% of 10th form pupils, and 1,7% of 12th form pupils have already taken heroine at least one time. This survey also revealed that 0,9% of 8th form pupils, 1,1% of 10th form pupils and 1% of 12th form pupils told they have taken heroin this year. Another statistics for high school pupils in 2001, which was the part of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, showed that 3,1% of surveyed juveniles have taken this drug at least once. Male pupils (3,8%) take this drug more as female students(2,5%) do. In 2001 wholesale prices for this kind of drug in South America varied from $50,000 to $250,000 for kilogram. Wholesale prices for heroine in Southwest and Southeast Asia varied from $35,000 to $120,000 for kilogram, the price for Mexican heroin varied from $15,000 to $65,000 per kilogram. Street heroine costs $10 for dose, but the prices are different in different regions of the country. The heroin drug-taker has to pay $150 to $250 a day to support his/her addiction to the substance. Crack Cocaine StatisticsAs the US Sentencing Commission reports, only 5,5% of imprisoned individuals have a large business in selling the drug. Over 100 years after cocaine was firstly taken a new hybrid of drugs became popular. This hybrid, crack, is spread over the world in mid-1980s because of its low price and the easy way to produce and purchase it. Crack is a derivate of cocaine which is easy to get used to and usually taken in form of smoking. The word ?crack? used to name the drug is due to its crackling when it's burnt for the concentration of sodium bicarbonate, which is used in its producing. In 2001 2% of surveyed college pupils and 4,7% of juveniles and young grown-ups (age range 19-28) told they had taken crack cocaine at least one time during their life. 0,9% of college pupils and 1,3% of young grown-ups surveyed they had taken crack last year, and 0,1% of college pupils, as well as 0,4% of young grown-ups surveyed they had taken drug during last month. Cocaine strongly influences individual's nervous system. The impact of cocaine and crack usage is ruined blood channels, high temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Addicts can feel tiredness, anger and anxiety after using it. According to federal law, low-level crack merchants and those who were seized for the first time for selling crack cocaine can pass 10 years and six months in prison.

Edited by cedo
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Pre nego što postaviš pitanje dobro pročitaj odgovor,ko je rekao da se grupiše drugačije,obe su zavisnosti a razlikuju se u MEHANIZMU NASTANKA ZAVISNOSTI,kliničke slike,lečenje..
Pa hajde onda, reci mi zasto su po tim kriterijumima amfetamini zabranjeni a alkohol dozvoljen?
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Pa hajde onda, reci mi zasto su po tim kriterijumima amfetamini zabranjeni a alkohol dozvoljen?
Jedan od mogućih razloga i krajnje simplifikovanih odgovora je što od amfetamina u jednoj dozi neko ( i jako mlada osoba) može da fasuje infarkt i da se pozdravi a od limenke piva (ako je to ekvivalent jedne doze) teško.
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