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Медији, међутим, упорно настављају да хистеришу о идеолошким уверењима савезног полицајца Докмановића, иначе рођеног Аустралијанца.http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/stor...5001030,00.htmlТреба напоменути да је десно крило аустралијске либералне партије већ деценијама блиско са усташким удружењима. Премда су они у ствари маргинална група (већина нормалних либерала не жели да буде идентификована са њима), ипак може бити да имају неког утицаја у медијима.

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Internacionalna štampa, ali...Pas spasava drugog psa na autoputu. Nažalost, članak kaže da ovaj povređeni nije preživeo. Link za videoArgentinski članak i videoArgentinski članak u spoileru.

Un perro chileno se visti? de h?roe y salv? a otro atropellado en una autopista Santiago de Chile.- En una autopista de Santiago de Chile un heroico perro callejero arriesg? su vida para salvar a otro que agonizaba despu?s de ser atropellado. La incre?ble acci?n del perro fue registrada el martes pasado por las c?maras de vigilancia y ya conmovi? a miles de personas que visitan el video en Youtube. Sin importarle las decenas de veh?culos que pasaban a m?s de 100 kil?metros por hora, el animal se lanz? a la ruta y arrastr? a su compa?ero a un costado de la avenida, tal como puede verse en el video. El hecho, registrado el martes pasado, fue captado por las c?maras de vigilancia de la autopista Vespucio Norte, una de las m?s concurridas de Santiago, y reproducido ayer por un canal de televisi?n. Las im?genes mostraron al perro callejero intentando atravesar los tres carriles de la autopista, pero fue atropellado por un veh?culo que pas? a gran velocidad. El can qued? tirado en medio de la v?a mientras decenas de autom?viles que pasaban a gran velocidad lo esquivaban para no pasar tambi?n sobre el animal ya ag?nico. Las c?maras de la autopista siguieron al perro que se lanz? hacia el animal, sin importarle el intenso tr?fico. Lleg? hasta el herido y lo arrastr? por el cuello hasta llevarlo la banquina, mientras los autom?viles continuaban pasando. Ning?n conductor intent? disminuir la velocidad o detenerse. Las c?maras mostraron al perro arrastrando al herido, que por momentos se deten?a para mirar a ambos lados, hasta llevar a su compa?ero herido a la banquina de la autopista. Luego, personal de emergencia de la autopista lleg? para sacar a ambos canes de la carretera. Pero el herido ya estaba muerto.

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Daj sliku :D
Bih, tako mi svega jer to zaista treba videti. Nego to je bilo papirno izdanje koje sam frlila (inace bih skenirala). Naslov je bio odlicna igra reci: Mamma sko-na migsko = cipelaskona= postedeti Znaci "mama, postedi me" :)Inace, na slici je bila beba sa roze cipelicama na stiklu + roze haljina.
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Nema veze sa lokalom, ali...Adolf Hitler denied his birthday cakeThe parents of a toddler named Adolf Hitler have been angered after a shop refused to inscribe his name on a birthday cake. By Chris IrvineLast Updated: 9:33AM GMT 17 Dec 2008Hitler_cake_1207358c.jpgHeath Campbell, 35, and his wife Deborah, 25, attempted to buy their son a cake inscribed "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" at a ShopRite supermarket in New Jersey, USA.The shop however described the request as "inappropriate" and refused to make the cake for young Adolf, who has just turned three.The Campbells, who also have two daughters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, and Honsylynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell (named in reference to the SS Heinrich Himmler), were offered a cake with enough room for them to write their own inscription but they refused.ShopRite has also refused to make a cake for Adolf's sister Aryan Nation, who turns two in February.Mrs Campbell, from Holland Township, New Jersey, said: "ShopRite can't even make a cake for a three-year-old. That's sad."Regarding their controversial names, Mrs Campbell added: "I just figured that they're just names. They're just kids. They're not going to hurt anybody."Mr Campbell told a New Jersey newspaper: "They say, 'He (Hitler) killed all those people.' I say, 'You're living in the wrong decade. That Hitler's gone."They're just names, you know. Yeah they (the Nazis) were bad people back then. But my kids are little. They're not going to grow up like that."But others, such as Barry Morrison, director of the Anti-Defamation League, said: "Might as well put a sign around their neck that says bigot, racist, hatemonger. What's the difference?" :blink:

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Covek je plivao, velika riba bila gladna i... :( ...i to je Australija.
A zar nema mogućnosti da se u zonama gde se ljudi kupaju razvuku one mreže? Ne bih nikad ušla u more kad znam da je nekad tu nekog ščepala ajkula :(
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