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Ivo Petović

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F1 commits to ground effect for new-look 2021 car


Formula 1 is committed to ‘ground effect’ for the new 2021 car, with the sport’s chiefs convinced that the return of the aero concept is key to helping cars race closer together.


With discussions now underway between F1, the FIA and teams to finalise new regulations aimed at overhauling grand prix racing, the first firm details about the plans for the 2021 have emerged.

As Giorgio Piola’s illustration of what a 2021 car could look like shows, the new rules revolve around a complete change of approach to how a car produces downforce. The idea is to rid the sport of the complex aerodynamic devices that are dominant nowadays, especially in the wing and bargeboard area. There will be, for example, a much simpler and less sensitive front wing.

But the biggest change is taking place underneath the car – with a series of Venturi tunnels feeding a deep twin diffuser that will produce much of the car’s downforce. The concept is similar to what we previously saw in F1, pioneered by Lotus in the late 1970s, before being banned in 1983.

The FIA’s head of single-seater technical matters Nikolas Tombazis said: “We want to make it more possible for cars to race each and follow each other and to have more exciting battles. We want to have tyres that enable people to fight each other without degrading or only giving a short interval for the person attacking to attack.

“They are simpler than the current cars because a lot of the small components have been removed: especially in front of the sidepods, the front wings are simpler. There is a diffuser going right under the car – a venturi channel type manner. There are tunnels under the sidepods from the front to the back.”

The belief is that the combination of ground effect, simpler aerodynamics and front wheel deflectors will all work together to help cars to follow each other much closer.

The current generation of cars lose around 45% of their downforce when they are two car lengths behind a rival. The latest simulation data of the 2021 idea puts the loss at between 5-10%.



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Ja bih se potpuno otarasio prednjeg krila ako se vec ide na generisanje prianjanja patosom. Ono, definises maksimalnu sirinu nosa bolida da ne sme da bude sire od sirine gde se spaja sa sasijom (a to je vec definisano u pravilima o bezbednosti kokpita), prakticno samo kres strukturu zadrzis i to je to.


Naravno tu bi bilo kreativnih resenja pa bi se ipak generisalo i neko aero prianjanje ali mnogo manje nego danas. Sto znaci da ako bolid koji prati gubi 70% aero prianjanja na prednjem krilu danas, tih 70% bi u ovoj varijanti cinilo mnogo manji procenat od ukupnog, sto znaci da se ne bi ni osetilo.


A bila bi tu jos jedna posledica - ako bi sve ostalo isto kao do sada samo se uklonilo prednje krilo, bolidi bi jezivo podupravljali jer je aero pritisak pomeren sasvim unazad. Sto bi znacilo da bi timovi morali da do maksimuma smanje i zadnje krilo cisto da povrate balans bolida - zamisli Monako sa zadnjim krilom iz Monce, a negde ga ne bi ni vozili - sto bi dodatno smanjilo turbulencije iza bolida.

Verujem da bi se liberalizacijom pravila oko dizajna patosa bolida vrlo brzo stiglo na ukupan nivo aero prianjanja slican danasnjem tako da brzina po krugu ne bi patila, a bolidi bi mogli da se prate kroz krivine mnogo lakse nego danas. Jedini problem je gde bi strpali sponzosrke logoe ako nemaju zadnje krilo.

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Ja sam se navikao na ovakav dizajn bolida (s izuzetkom halo-a, tu sam za aeroscreen varijantu), tako ne bih nista drasticnije menjao. Ako vrate dolivanje goriva, smanjice se i rezervoari, to mi je isto OK..

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Pazi - ako cemo strogo funkcionalnost da gledamo, onda sa efektima tla nema potrebe za prednjim krilom. Doduse, nema potrebe ni za erboksom kad se koristi turbomotor pa ih opet imamo na bolidima. Meni je F1 uvek bila minimalizam, sve podredjeno funkcionalnosti, efikasnost do maksimuma da se iscedi sto vise performansi, na bolidu imas samo ono sto bas moras i nista vise od toga - ali eto u zadnje vreme ljudi poceli da pate od forme pre sustine pa tako sada imamo turbo bolide sa erboksima jer bozemoj gde ce timovi da ture sponzorski logo (a vecina ni nema sponzore).


Mator sam, jebiga. :)



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Moje najranije je ovo:



Nisam siguran da mi je bas omiljeni bolid mada ga i dalje jako gotivim, ali vozac je definitivno glavni razlog zbog kojeg sam fanaticno zavoleo F1. :)

Za mene je taj prelazak 70-tih u 80-te sa ludilom razlicitih koncepcija u dizajnu, nekih uspelih nekih ne bas, najzanimljiviji period u istoriji F1. Sto se tice rivaliteta na stazi to bi bilo nekih 10 godina kasnije sa Prostom, Senom, Pikeom, Menslom i nadolazecim Sumaherom. Onda su zaredjale ere dugogodisnjih dominacija i sad smo tu gde smo.

A vidi samo ovo:









Psihodelija brate! :D

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