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Lord Protector

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Zaista pravi momenat za zatvaranje Nisan postrojenja u Barseloni, preko 28.000 ostaje bez posla. Troskovi zatvaranja fabrike premasuju milijadru evra.

A u febrauru je Sanchez sav ponosan tvrdio, da je naporima Vlade obezbedjen kontinuitet rada fabrike.

Ovo se moglo pretpostaviti nakon dogovora alijanse Reno-Nisan-Mitsubisi, da se zbog kresanja troskova, Evropa komercijalno ostavi Renou.

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The Barcelona plant directly employs about 3,000 workers and some 20,000 other workers indirectly depend on the manufacturing there, a spokesperson for the Spanish government told CNN.


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2 hours ago, borris_ said:

Fabrika zaposljava 3 000 ljudi. Kako se doslo do 28 000? 

Auto industrija je cudo, mozes misliti. Zasto se svaka zemlja trti da ih dovode?

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  • 2 months later...

Bivši kralj Huan Karlos, otac trenutnog, zapalio iz zemlje zbog istrage vrhovnog suda o njegovoj korumpiranosti. Spekuliše se da je u Dominikanskoj Republici.



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Питам се да ли је напунио галију ћуповима са златом. Иде злато у супротном смеру него у 16 веку. :nobles:

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Gde će ako ne kod sebi sličnih... :dry: a ima se, pa i to.


King Juan Carlos would now be in Abu Dhabi, according to the newspaper ABC this Friday. In this way, the Dominican Republic and Portugal would be ruled out as destinations for the emeritus king, which were the options that were being considered after announcing his departure from Spain.


Don Juan Carlos traveled to Vigo on Sunday, where he spent the night, and at 10 in the morning he took a private plane to Abu Dhabi, accompanied by five other people, four escorts and the person of maximum confidence of King Juan Carlos.


The king emeritus, according to ABC, would be staying at the Emirates Palace, one of the most luxurious hotels in the world, with a private beach and six presidential suites. Apparently, Don Juan Carlos did not rule out traveling from Abu Dhabi to the Dominican Republic, but he has been advised against due to the coronavirus situation in the Caribbean country and because it is now hurricane season:laugh:


At the moment, neither the Royal House nor the Government had given information on the fate of King Juan Carlos after announcing his departure from Spain on Monday. However, through his lawyers, the emeritus king showed his willingness to the Spanish Justice for any matter that is required of him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Državljanin Srbije, koji se sumnjiči da je jedan od članova međunarodne kriminalne grupe "Pink panter", uhapšen je na Tenerifima, javljaju španski mediji.




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4 minutes ago, koksy said:





Ako se cudis padezu, to se odomacilo kod nas - kao da je Tenerife mnozina, a ne jedno ostrvo. Pravilno je, naravno, Tenerifeu, ali da ne trazimo previse.


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Tenerifima nikako nije pravilno, a ni to tvoje Tenerifeu.


Iz važećeg pravopisa:



Тенерифе (Тенерифа-Тенерифама) и Тенерифа (Тенерифе-Тенерифи)


Edited by vememah
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