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Trump - hoće li biti impeachment ili 8 godina drugačijeg predsednikovanja?


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But as Darroch collects his things in a cardboard box and exits the British Embassy, his most substantive insights have been largely ignored by the press. Several inches down in the Mail on Sunday blockbuster, the piece lays out strategies Darroch recommended to British politicians and officials for staying on Trump’s winning side. Far more damaging to Trump than the standard trash-talking he receives every day, Darroch’s strategies portray the president as an emotionally frail child-man who can easily be manipulated. The method he suggests is to pay constant attention to Trump, dose him with flattery, and suck up to his friends and staff. Darroch, in the Mail on Sunday article, provides a road map for how journalists, politicians, diplomats and adversaries can manipulate Trump. Here’s a recap.


Flood the Zone. Because Trump spends so much time in the Oval Office asking everybody for advice, the best way to sway Trump is to sway his familiars. “It's important to ‘flood the zone’: you want as many as possible of those who Trump consults to give him the same answer,” Darroch wrote. “So we need to be creative in using all the channels available to us through our relationships with his Cabinet, the White House staff, and our contacts among his outside friends.” Darroch bragged about having “cultivated” many of Trump's friends to influence him directly.


Be a Phone Buddy. Trump’s fondness for telephone chat makes the shortest path to the Oval Office a quick call. Darroch instructed Prime Minister Theresa May to capitalize on Trump’s phone devotion by calling him more often. “In a perfect world, they would be speaking two or three times a month, if not more,” he wrote.


Stroke Him. Then Stroke Him Some More. “You need to start praising him for something that he's done recently,” Darroch wrote. “You need whenever possible to present them as wins for him.”


Keep It Simple, Stupid. In making points to the president, Darroch insisted, be “blunt,” as Trump doesn't do subtlety or ambiguity. This confirms what White House briefers have said about the president’s inability to concentrate on anything more complicated than a couple PowerPoint slides.


How to Criticize Trump. Carefully! “Arguably, you get more respect from this President if you stand up to him occasionally — provided the public comments do not come as a surprise and are judicious, calm and avoid personalizing,” Darroch counseled.


When In Doubt, Toss Him a Glitzy Party. The British slathered Trump with pomp and circumstance and paved his path with gold leaf during his three-day state visit in June. It started with a ceremonial welcome at Buckingham Palace hosted by Queen Elizabeth. That was followed with a lunch with Prince Harry, a state banquet at the palace attended by royals, British politicians and executives, a breakfast with Prime Minister May and Prince Andrew, and a dinner with Prince Charles. And, he got to bring his entire family! Trump was “dazzled” by the visit, Darroch wrote, which was the Brits’ intent. “This was a wonderful visit, and U.K.-U.S. relations are now in the best state ever,” Trump told Darroch, who served as Trump’s glorified escort during the trip, as he departed.


Every president insists on having his ring or choice parts of his anatomy to be kissed, but there’s something infantile about the quality of fawning that Darroch says Trump requires. Reading his tips on Trump maintenance, I couldn't help but think of Dan Drezner’s brilliant #ToddlerinChief Twitter thread that has cataloged the 800-plus times the press described a Trump ally or subordinate treating him as if they were babysitting a petulant child. To prevent Trump meltdowns, we must all bow to him and make him the center of the world.


As an actionable piece of political intelligence, the Darroch memoranda will be shared by politicians, diplomats, spies — basically anybody who is keen on getting inside Trump’s skull and throwing his switches. For giving us this 100-proof Trump distillation, Ambassador Darroch shouldn’t have gotten the sack. He should have gotten a promotion to foreign minister.


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Auh glupe li metafore :isuse: 


Kavanaugh i Gorsuch su trideset srebrnjaka.

Evanđelisti su Juda Iskariotski. 

Trump je Pontije Pilat.

RNC je Isus.



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Nista ja tu ne bih menjao.


Pre mesec dana sam citao ispovest americkog Mileta™. Juznjacki baptista iza Alabame, video je on da Trump nije cvecka, ali mu je bilo jako bitno da dodje novi kadar sudija u Vrhovnom sudu da se konacno zabrani abortus. To ga je zuljalo najvise, kosi se se njegovom verom, i nas lokalni Mile je zapusio je nos i glasao za manje nemoralnog™, jer je ona druga opcija prodavala decu pedofilima u njujorskoj piceriji, citao je to negde i verovao u to.


E sad ima jedan mali twist, sto bi rekli Amerikanci. Americki Mile se zaljubio, ali ne u americku Milevu, nego u americku Nadu, to jest Esperansu. Ilegalnu Meksikanku koja je 2x ilegalno presla granicu. To mu nije smetalo, pa su se vencali i izrodili decu. Esperansa je iza vreme prethodnih administracija izboksovala odlaganje deportacije na neodredjeno vreme + dozvolu za rad,  i to je tako funkcionisalo besprekorno. A onda je dosao Tramp, za koga je Mile glasao. Mile racunao da ce Tramp da izbaci iz zemlje ove sto siluju kradu i ubijaju, a da njegovu Esperansu nece da dira jer je Esperansa postena, vredna, radi kod njega u fabrici po ceo dan, placa porez, nema ni kaznu za brzu voznju a kamoli nesto gore od toga. 


Medjutim, kada su sledeci put otisli da produze papire, Esperansu su uhapsili i rekli da ide nazad za Meksiko o trosku drzave. Mile kadar nevera. Kako bre ovo. Tako lepo, ode Esperansa nazad u svoje selo, dzabe su pisali kongresmenima i kome vec. Mile sada uredno za raspust vodi decu u Meksiko a tokom skolske godine je deci i mama i tata u svom selu u Alabami.


Mileta sad jebu sa obe strane. Levo krilo se kikoce i trlja ruke od srece sto je konacno jedan evangelista najebao, a desnokrilni mamojebaci mu kazu "tako ti je to kad se ozenis sa kriminalcem". Kada ga je novinar pitao da li je sansa da se ukine abortus bila vredna ove zrtve koju sada podnosi, Mile gleda tupo u daljinu i kaze (ovo se ne zajebavam, stvarno sam procitao da je to rekao i verujem da je to rekao jer prosto to je takve sorta):


"God has a plan for me"



Edited by ObiW
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valja pročitati sve, prilično dobar pregled sa konzervativne strane.



But we also know Trump has a species of low cunning, so we can see his purpose with these tweets. On the pretext of taking Nancy Pelosi’s side, he is making things harder for her. It will be much more difficult for her to oppose Ocasio-Cortez’s “squad” now that Trump has anointed them as victims of his bigotry.


He is deliberately raising their profile, because he knows they are beginning to define the Democratic party nationally, to its detriment. “‘If all voters hear about is AOC, it could put the [House] majority at risk,’ said a top Democrat who is involved in 2020 congressional races. ‘he’s getting all the news and defining everyone else’s races.’” Trump needs that to happen so he can campaign as the only alternative to socialism.


But notice that this strategy has deleterious effects on the right, too. The presidential appeals to prejudice and xenophobia have stopped being dog whistles and are now being shouted through a bullhorn. This has prompted people on the right to twist and weave and bend their brains in an effort to defend it. Witness a dignified elder statesman like Brit Hume, for example, making logic-chopping differentiations between “xenophobia” and “racism.”

Edited by Gandalf
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