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Distopije i utopije (u filmu, knjizevnosti, filozofiji i stvarnom zivotu)


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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marinaleda,_SpainMarinaleda is a town and municipio of the province of Seville, Andalusia, Spain. The town is a self-identified social-democratic and cooperative municipality.For over 30 years the mayor of Marinaleda has been Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo of the United Left Party. Gordillo has annoited Marinaleda a "utopia for peace", which has no municipal police (saving $350,000 a year). Additionally, political murals and revolutionary slogans adorn the town’s whitewashed walls and streets are named after Latin American leftists. Every few weeks, the town hall declares a Red Sunday over a bullhorn and volunteers clean the streets or do odd jobs.Marinaleda has been ruled by CUT-BAI (Collective for the Unity of Workers - Andalusian Left Bloc) since 1979 until 1986 when CUT joined United Left that has since then been the ruling party (whilst most of the composition of IU's Local branch is basically members of CUT-BAI).
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Mondragon je federacija radnickih kooperativa i sedma najveca firma u Spaniji koja ima svoj univerzitet, svi radnici su istovremeno vlasnici kompanije i ucestvuju u donosenju odluka; proporcija plata menadzera i radnika je fiksna:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NORmQ8zaL1chttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation

Edited by noskich
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http://wagingnonviolence.org/feature/the-zapatistas-first-escuelita-for-freedom-begins-today/#13763714130151&action=collapse_widget&id=8619787Thousands of people from around the world are descending on Chiapas for the Zapatistas’ first organizing school, called la escuelita de libertad, which means the little school of liberty. Originally the group allotted for only 500 students. But so many people wished to enroll that they opened an additional 1,200 slots for the weeklong school, which begins on August 12.Just as the Zapatistas have, for two decades, rejected hierarchical systems, the escuelita will also eschew traditional teaching models. Instead, it will be an open space for the community to learn together.“There isn’t one teacher,” wrote Subcomandante Marcos, the spokesperson for the Zapatista movement. “Rather, it is the collective that teaches, that shows, that forms, and in it and through it the person learns, and also teaches.”
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http://www.submedia.tv/stimulator/2013/08/11/vieques-resiste/Vieques is a small Caribbean island that boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It is home to generations of men and women, who survive from the bounty of the ocean and the land. It is also the stomping ground to thousands of feral horses. Vieques is a municipality of what is now known as Puerto Rico, a colony of the United States of America.In the 1940′s the US Navy forcibly evicted the people of Vieques out of the east and west sides of the island and installed naval bases and used its pristine beaches, as heavy weaponry target ranges.After 50 plus years of bombings, abusive behaviors by US servicemen, and general disinterest by the Puerto Rican government, the people Vieques had had enough. They launched a campaign of civil disobedience and sabotage that was joined by thousands of international sympathizers, with the departure of the navy as the main objective.On May first 2003, As US President George W Bush boasted of a victory over Iraq aboard a Navy aircraft carrier, the same Navy was quietly closing its doors on Vieques. This year people in Vieques are supposed to be celebrating the tenth anniversary of this victory
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The workers at the Vio.Me. Factory in Thessaloniki, Greece have quickly grown into a symbol of self-management internationally. After going on strike and occupying their factory, on February 12, 2013 they re-opened the factory and started production under worker's control. For many, the factory represents a new potential way forward for unemployed workers in Greece – seizing the means of production, running factories without bosses, producing only goods that are needed, and distributing them through solidarity networks.“Every extra profit we make will be given out to people who need it. Our plan is to offer help to unemployed people or others who are in great need,” says Dimitrios Koumasiouras, a worker from Vio.Me.This film tells the story of how the worker's re-opened the factory under self-management and looks to where the factory is headed now.http://vimeo.com/67236882

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Прелистао сам целу тему, и видим да је прескочена демархија (демократска анархија).Анархији су пришили значење хаоса, помањкања система, међутим она само значи безвлашће, тј непостојање апарата власти.Демархије има две врсте - представничка и директна. Код представничке постоје тела која одлучују, а попуњавају се насумице из редова грађанства, нешто попут оног како се бирају поротници (тј има да идеш и одужиш своју грађанску дужност, осим ако се довољан број њих изјасни против тебе; у неким варијантама је довољно да желиш да будеш представник па да те избаце - ко жели власт, не треба му је дати). Код директне нема представника, него се о свему одлучује директно, за шта, наравно треба некаква технологија да би сви знали о чему то одлучују, и да се обезбеди неповредивост самог процеса гласања.Једну варијанту директне демархије описује, прилично детаљно, Алистер Рејнолдс (Alastaire Reynolds) у роману "Префект", и донекле у суседним романима из те серије. Она се спроводи у десетак хиљада засебних заједница у разним грађевинама у орбиталном прстену око планете (на самој планети је нешто сасвим десето). Постоји полиција, и то заједничка за цео прстен, која има овлашћење да чува неповредивост гласања; за све остало мора да тражи одобрење од месне демархије, па ако их пусте, пусте.То сам читао пре неку годину, и прилично ме се дојмило као замало изводљиво. Технологију скоро да имамо - Србија већ има више бројева мобилних него што има становника, дакле алатка за информисање и гласање је практично сваком у џепу. Прц је, наравно, у јемству да ће информације битне за гласање стићи како треба (неискривљене, без прећутаних битних делова, без пропагандних марифетлука) и да ће гласови да се броје тачно. Тај део је данас неизводљив. Други део, где припадник надгласане мањине може било кад да спакује крпице и оде у неку другу државу која му је више по вољи, је данас практично неостварљив (некако ми се чини да су људи лакше путовали у средњем веку - није било тих пасоша, виза, печата и папира).Појединости се сећам штогод мутно, што ће рећи да ми је Рејнолдс на реду за поновно читање.

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Прелистао сам целу тему, и видим да је прескочена демархија (демократска анархија).
Kako je preskocena? Ja sve vreme i pisem o direktnoj demokratiji sto je ista stvar. U malim zajednicama i radnickim kooperativama se odlucuje po takvom sistemu konsenzusa i kolektivnog glasanja/odlucivanja i delegiranja. Sasvim izvodljivo na mikronivou.Poenta i jeste da se odluke donose bottom-up i da vrlo malo toga bude dato u nadleznost federalnim predstavnicima zajednica i kolektiva kako bi se sprecilo otudjivanje i koncentracija moci.Lepo si sam napisao da je anarhija nepostojanje aparata vlasti. Ako razmisljas o predstavnickoj demokratiji kao osnovi za anarhiju onda otvaras vrata upravo formiranju takvog aparata sto (vise) nije anarhija.To je lepota anarhije sto svako moze da se organizuje kako hoce, i istovremeno mogu ne samo postojati, vec i saradjivati potpuno razlicita ustrojstva od kolektiva bez privatne svojine do teokratija.To je sad sasvim zasebna tema kako bi sistemi predstavnicke demokratije i centralnog planiranja mogli da iskoriste internet i mobilnu telefoniju kako bi postali demokraticniji i efikasniji. Zamisli da su u SSSR-u svi gradjani mogli da dostave centralnom birou sasvim precizan spisak potreba svakog gradjanina? Pa da se zna da u selu X ove godine treba tacno 113 cetkica za zube. Ili da gradjani mogu preko interneta da glasaju direktno za predloge zakona.Medjutim to nije anarhija, to su samo tehnoloski usavrseni sistemi koje dobro poznajemo. Edited by noskich
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Lep tekst. Ova distopija u kojoj zivimo ce eksplodirati negde oko 2040. Kada nestane nafte, stanovnistvo se poveca na 10 milijardi, a podela bogatstva bude najnepravednija ikada. Danasnji Egipat je samo najava kako ce gotovo cela planeta izgledati u to vreme.http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/18223-murdering-the-wretched-of-the-earthWhat is happening in Egypt is a precursor to a wider global war between the world’s elites and the world’s poor, a war caused by diminishing resources, chronic unemployment and underemployment, overpopulation, declining crop yields caused by climate change, and rising food prices. Thirty-three percent of Egypt’s 80 million people are 14 or younger, and millions live under or just above the poverty line, which the World Bank sets at a daily income of $2 in that nation. The poor in Egypt spend more than half their income on food—often food that has little nutritional value. An estimated 13.7 million Egyptians, or 17 percent of the population, suffered from food insecurity in 2011, compared with 14 percent in 2009, according to a report by the U.N. World Food Program and the Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Malnutrition is endemic among poor children, with 31 percent under 5 years old stunted in growth. Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent.The belief systems the oppressed embrace can be intolerant, but these belief systems are a response to the injustice, state violence and cruelty inflicted on them by the global elites. Our enemy is not radical Islam. It is global capitalism. It is a world where the wretched of the earth are forced to bow before the dictates of the marketplace, where children go hungry as global corporate elites siphon away the world’s wealth and natural resources and where our troops and U.S.-backed militaries carry out massacres on city streets. Egypt offers a window into the coming dystopia. The wars of survival will mark the final stage of human habitation of the planet. And if you want to know what they will look like, visit any city morgue in Cairo.

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http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/may/31/siberia-cabin-lake-baikal-russiaIn the outposts of Baikal the authority of Moscow holds hardly any sway. The urban liberal, leftist, revolutionary and upper-middle-class citizens all pay money for bread, gas and taxes. The hermit asks nothing from the state and gives nothing to the state. He disappears into the woods and thrives there. His retreat constitutes a loss of income for the government. Becoming a loss of income should be the objective of true revolutionaries.
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WinCo: worker-owned grocery chain that pays benefits, pensions, living wages -- and has lower prices than WalMarthttp://boingboing.net/2013/08/12/winco-worker-owned-grocery-ch.htmlPrices are kept low through a variety of strategies, the main one being that it often cuts out distributors and other middle men and buys many goods directly from farms and factories. WinCo also trims costs by not accepting credit cards and by asking customers to bag their own groceries. Similarly to warehouse membership stores like Sam’s Club and Costco, and also to successful discount grocers with small stores like Trader Joe’s and Aldi, WinCo stores are organized and minimalist, without many frills, and without the tremendous variety of merchandise that’s become standard at most supermarkets. “Everything is neat and clean, but basic,” Hauptman told Supermarket News. “Though the stores are very large, with a lot of categories, they lack depth or breadth of variety.” While all of these factors help WinCo compete with Walmart on price, what really might scare the world’s largest retailer is how WinCo treats its employees. In sharp contrast to Walmart, which regularly comes under fire for practices like understaffing stores to keep costs down and hiring tons of temporary workers as a means to avoid paying full-time worker benefits, WinCo has a reputation for doing right by employees. It provides health benefits to all staffers who work at least 24 hours per week. The company also has a pension, with employees getting an amount equal to 20% of their annual salary put in a plan that’s paid for by WinCo; a company spokesperson told the Idaho Statesman that more than 400 nonexecutive workers (cashiers, produce clerks, and such) currently have pensions worth over $1 million apiece.

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