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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)


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As a former practitioner of the dark arts described in this film, I attest to the verisimilitude of a lot of the matter of the film.In particular, the seedy, shoddy government premises that were characteristic of such establishments before the GWOT scattered money far and wide seem very familiar and "real." Anyone who remembers the dilapidated temporary buildings that housed much of the CIA on the Mall along Constitution Avenue or the god awful collection of similar buildings that sheltered DIA at Arlington Hall Station must agree.The film is set in 1973 at the height of the Cold War. The underlying plot feature is a search for a "mole" put in place at the top of the "Circus" (MI-6). This is clearly based on the Kim Philby story as well as that of a lot of other dastards in the British services of that time. The mole is uncovered at the end and dealt with appropriately. He tells George Smiley, a wonderful and endearing character, that he "had to make a choice because the West is just so rotten." That motivation seems to have been true of many of the Cambridge University "Apostles" who were recruited by Arnold Deutsch. Deutsch was possibly the greatest espionage recruiter of all time in any service, in his case the NKVD. When Deutsch recruited them, they stayed recruited for life. He was, of course, killed in the Blood Purges of he late '30s. Stalin did not believe such recruitments were possible.For me the best parts of the film are faithful reproduction of the internal bueaucratic struggle among the mandarins of the Circus. I still have the scars....No, the very best part of the film is the manic Christmas party that is shown in snatches throughout. At one point a Santa Claus appears wearing a mask with Joe Stalin's face. He leads the standing assembled British spooks in singing the Soviet national anthem. It gave me chills and brought back a Christmas party to which I was invited just after the fall of the USSR. At this party the assembled US spooks, all of them Russian specialists, sang "We're dreaming of a Red Christmas, just like the ones we used to know." They were finished. They knew it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Patrick_LangDuring the Vietnam War, he served in the Special Forces and Military Intelligence. At the Defense Intelligence Agency, he was the Defense Intelligence Officer (DIO) for the Middle East, South Asia and counter-terrorism, and later, the first Director of the Defense Humint Service.At the DIA, he was a member of the Defense Senior Executive Service. He participated in the drafting of National Intelligence Estimates. From 1992 to 1994, all the U.S. military attachés worldwide reported to him. During that period, he also briefed President George H. W. Bush at the White House, as he had during Operation Desert Storm. Lang was responsible for all the human intelligence "HUMINT" in the Department of Defense "DOD".He was also the head of intelligence analysis for the Middle East for seven or eight years at that institution. He was the head of all the Middle East and South Asia analysis in DIA for counter-terrorism for seven years.

Edited by Gandalf
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  • 7 months later...
Meni se film svideo, posebno zbog Firtha i Oldmana. Ne može se porediti sa serijom pre svega zbog razlike u trajanju, a samim tim i detaljnosti itd.
eto, konačno sam se setio/smilovao da odgledam film. ni firt ni oldman nisu ništa posebno dali a konačan utisak mogu da svedem na to da ne mogu da uguram svoje stopalo u cipelu veličine 40. ko ne zna o čemu se u kareovom delu radi bolje da ne troši vreme. sve je dato površno.
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  • 11 months later...

iju, koliko sve suprotno mislim od svih ovde. zbog takvih misljenja sam i odlagala godinu dana da gledam film. kad ono, odlicnost. smesne su i zamerke na preteranu stilizaciju, a tek na oldmana, pih. scena kad se vraca u stan dirljivija od bilo cega vidjenog u poslednje vreme. cak mi je i kolin firt kog inace ne volim odlican.to je ona depresija koja izbija iz svake le kareove reci. alek ginis je maestralan smajli, bez sumnje, ali je oldman usisao to uzasnu melanholicnu pomirenost u vezi sa zenom. koja u filmu uopste nikad ne vidimo, sto je sjajno. novo citanje i smajlija i le karea, i to odlicno. u pravcu u kojem i le kare pise u 21. veku.riki tar je losiji nego u seriji, to priznajem. tamo je mnogo ljudskiji, otprilike ko neki stevica markovic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meni je super kako je Sidni Lamet preko Kristofera Marloa sugerisao diskretni problem špijuna iz Kembridža, kao i to da Mejson zbog autorskih prava nije imao mogućnost da se kvalifikuje za najboljeg Smajlija u filmu u kome je Maksimilijan Šel pretekao pravog izdajnika, koji će tek godinama kasnije osvanuti kod Le Karea, u romanima...Ali, ti si mislila na drugo, otuda si mi i lupila sve warning pointe koje imam...Ma, samo se šalim :)

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iju, koliko sve suprotno mislim od svih ovde.
To ti je samo zato sto volis Oldmana. Najbolja je knjiga, pa onda serija... a dobra stvar oko filma je da sa pricom upozna nas koji smo to nekako ranije propustili.PS. I ja obozavam Oldmana, ali film mi je ipak suvise sazet.
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Meni je super kako je Sidni Lamet preko Kristofera Marloa sugerisao diskretni problem špijuna iz Kembridža, kao i to da Mejson zbog autorskih prava nije imao mogućnost da se kvalifikuje za najboljeg Smajlija u filmu u kome je Maksimilijan Šel pretekao pravog izdajnika, koji će tek godinama kasnije osvanuti kod Le Karea, u romanima...Ali, ti si mislila na drugo, otuda si mi i lupila sve warning pointe koje imam...Ma, samo se šalim :)
zahvaljujem ti se na informaciji. uvek me kopkalo zabog čega smajli nije smajli kada je en en, mendel je mendel a munt munt.
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To ti je samo zato sto volis Oldmana. Najbolja je knjiga, pa onda serija... a dobra stvar oko filma je da sa pricom upozna nas koji smo to nekako ranije propustili.PS. I ja obozavam Oldmana, ali film mi je ipak suvise sazet.
nije, majke mi :Dknjiga jeste uvek najbolja, i bas sam bila sveza sa ponovnog citanja (pokusavala sam da utvrdim tezu da se le kare takodje usavremenio pisanjem, pa sam isla jednu od skoro, jednu od davno i uzivala u svemu, preporucujem), pa mi opet bio takav utisak. doduse, nisam ekstremni hardkoras kada se radi o filmizaciji knjiga, sem kad se radi o nepotrebnom preterivanju u skretanju sa osnovnog puta. ok da smeta sto nije cehoslovacka nego madjarska, ali ne mislim da je to nesto zbog cega treba odbaciti film.
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ma, jeste. sažet/zbijen/nedorečen.......za tu priču je malo 127 minuta. ako pre toga nije pročitano štivo, gledana serija. što reče indi, dobar je kao info, za dalja proučavanja. po meni, šestica (6) je dovoljna. hendikep filma je što je neminovno poređenje sa prethodnim no, svako ko se laća rimejka, to mora da ima na umu. ne mogu da se setim rimejka boljeg od prethodnice.

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ako cemo tako, za svaku pricu je malo 127 minuta. meni je, izmedju ostalog, bitno da u tih 127 ili koliko god minuta nema vredjanja (dela, inteligencije) sto originalnog autora, sto gledaoca, a ovde toga nema.

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film je korektan prema knjizi, publici, nije sporno. ponavljam dobar je kao pobuda da se latiš knjige ili potražiš 3 puta dužu seriju. da sažeto/preskočeno bude jasnije. gledam iz mog matorog ugla. ništa drugo. što se tiče 127 minuta, nagledao sam se filmova koji su mogli da budu bar pola sata kraći, na uštrb tabačine, jurnjave kolima ili krevetske gimnastike.

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Pa, malo je 127 minuta za priče i Denija Bojlera, ali slika govori više od hiljadu reči i nisu svi u stanju da kao Krleža napišu Ledu za 7 dana, iako je ona mnogo lošija od prva dva dela trilogije Glembajevi...

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