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Christopher Hitchens


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Zbogom, Hitch. Meni će nedostajati tvoja elokvencija. :( ____Christopher Hitchens dies at 62 after suffering cancerHe died from pneumonia, a complication of the oesophageal cancer he had , at a Texas hospital.Vanity Fair magazine, which announced his death, said there would "never be another like Christopher".He is survived by his wife, Carol Blue, and their daughter, Antonia, and his children from a previous marriage, Alexander and Sophia.Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter described the writer as someone "of ferocious intellect, who was as vibrant on the page as he was at the bar"."Those who read him felt they knew him, and those who knew him were profoundly fortunate souls."Hitchens was born in Portsmouth in 1949 and graduated from Oxford in 1970.He began his career as a journalist in Britain in the 1970s and later moved to New York, becoming contributing editor to Vanity Fair in November 1992."Prospect of death makes me sober, objective"'Cynical contrarian'He was diagnosed with cancer in June 2010, and documented his declining health in his Vanity Fair column.In an August 2010 essay for the magazine he wrote: "I love the imagery of struggle."I sometimes wish I were suffering in a good cause, or risking my life for the good of others, instead of just being a gravely endangered patient."Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight programme, in November that year, he reflected on a life that he knew would be cut short: "It does concentrate the mind, of course, to realise that your life is more rationed than you thought it was."Radicalised by the 1960s, Hitchens was often arrested at political rallies and was kicked out of the Labour Party over his opposition to the Vietnam War.Continue reading the main story“Start QuoteHe could throw words up into the sky, they fell down in a marvellous pattern”Denis McShane MPHe became a correspondent for the Socialist Workers Party's International Socialism magazine.In later life he moved away from the left. Following the September 11 attacks he argued with Noam Chomsky and others who suggested that US foreign policy had helped cause the tragedy.He supported the Iraq War and backed George W Bush for re-election in 2004.It led to him being accused of betrayal: one former friend called him "a lying, opportunistic, cynical contrarian", another "a drink-sodden ex-Trotskyist popinjay".But he could dish out scathing critiques himself. Bill Clinton he called "a cynical, self-seeking ambitious thug", Henry Kissinger a war criminal and Mother Teresa a fraudulent fanatic.'A great voice'He also famously fell out with his brother, the Mail On Sunday journalist Peter Hitchens, though the pair were later reconciled.Hitchens could be a loyal friend. He stood by the author Salman Rushdie during the furore that followed the publication of his novel The Satanic Verses.Writing on Twitter after the announcement of Hitchens' death, Mr Rushdie said: "Goodbye, my beloved friend. A great voice falls silent. A great heart stops."The MP Denis McShane was a student at Oxford with Hitchens.Continue reading the main story“Start QuoteChristopher Hitchens was everything a great essayist should be: infuriating, brilliant, highly provocative and yet intensely serious”Nick CleggDeputy Prime MinisterHe said: "Christopher just swam against every tide. He was a supporter of the Polish and Czech resistance of the 1970s, he supported Mrs Thatcher because he thought getting rid of the Argentinian fascist junta was a good idea."He was a cross between Voltaire and Orwell. He loved words."He could throw words up into the sky, they fell down in a marvellous pattern."Prolific writerThe publication of his 2007 book God Is Not Great made him a major celebrity in his adopted homeland of the United States, and he happily took on the role of the country's best-known atheist.He maintained his devout atheism after being diagnosed with cancer, telling one interviewer: "No evidence or argument has yet been presented which would change my mind. But I like surprises."The author and prominent atheist Richard Dawkins described him as the "finest orator of our time" and a "valiant fighter against all tyrants including God".He said Hitchens had been a "wonderful mentor in a way".Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who once worked as an intern for Hitchens, said: "Christopher Hitchens was everything a great essayist should be: infuriating, brilliant, highly provocative and yet intensely serious."He will be massively missed by everyone who values strong opinions and great writing."Hitchens wrote for numerous publications including The Times Literary Supplement, the Daily Express, the London Evening Standard, Newsday and The Atlantic.He was the author of 17 books, including The Trial of Henry Kissinger, How Religion Poisons Everything and a memoir, Hitch-22.A collection of his essays, Arguably, was released this year.

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Чврсто верујем да је тренутно јако, јако изненађен.
Cak i da je tako kao sto ti verujes i zamisljas, siguran sam da ga, u tom slucaju, i dalje zabole kurac! A bogu licno citira Bertranda Rasela: "Lord, you haven't given us enough evidance!"
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Чврсто верујем да је тренутно јако, јако изненађен.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLg5gWIhJg8Premotaj na oko 3:45 da ti sam Hitch odgovori direktno na taj komentar....Well, I don't think much of your GodBecause if there is such a personAnd I spend my life arguing that there isn'tAnd I do my bestWhen I check out, which I sure willAnd if I find out that I'm mistaken and I am confronted with the guy [God]I would hope that He will be able to say:"At least I admire your honesty"
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Извини, али не видим зашто би то био одговор на мој коментар: ја сам написао да мислим да је тренутно веома изненађен, а не да је лагао да не верује у Бога. Боље да си прозвао ове што RIP-ују. Какав одмор у каквом миру? Ваљда је атеистима приличније "трулило ти тело у ковчегу док ми форумашимо о теби". Али, ево ја ћу у име нас који мислимо другачије него што је он говорио да му вечерас нешто лепо зажелим, пошто верујем да је свако ко оволико труда и енергије и очигледног интелекта уложи у размишљање о Богу - Боготражитељ. Штета само што је отишао не завршивши посао. Јадан човек.

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Mislim da jeste odgovor na tvoj komentar, pošto opisuje kako bi taj hipotetički susret izgledao u Hitchensovoj vizuri. Tipično za ubeđene vernike, ti ne misliš da si samo izneo tek svoj stav, nego nekakvu neporecivu činjenicu koja ti se ukazala (valjda u kristalnoj kugli, ili proviđenjem, ili nekim drugim potpuno subjektivnim "metodom spoznaje"). Uvek ma je fascinirala ta maljava nadobudnost, ta agresivna uobraženost, gotovo jedan kulturni fašizam, koji samoproglašeni zastupnici religije iskazuju prema "jadnicima" koji nisu progutali (istu) bajku. Sećam se čitanja "Pravoslavlje i ekumenizam" od Justina Popovića, gde je sa svake stranice curio isti prezir prema svakome ko i samo malo drugačije veruje (a da ne pričam ko ne veruje). Mojtipajtonovski take na ljubav prema bližnjem.Slažem se da je Rest in Peace neprimereno za Hitchensa (i za bilo koga drugog) kada se neverujući otpraštaju od umrloga.

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У праву си, на нету најчешће оду овакви разговори у правцу надобудности (мада, маљаве? :lol: ) и то са обе стране, ако ћемо право. Уздржавам се већ годинама да овде коментаришем било шта у вези са вером баш из тог разлога, па ћу се после ове пацке и даље тог златног правила придржавати.Фашизам си морао да убациш, јебига, што да не - најјефтина је то реч на овом форуму, давно смо то утврдили. Уосталом, сам сам крив пошто сам изнео тај очигледно фашистички став да ми је жао што је умро. Али да повучем реч нећу. Остаћу фашиста до фашистичког краја и фашистички ћу да поновим фашистичку изјаву правог фашистичког фашисте коју си тако добро прозрео да је фашистички фашизам: жао ми је човека!

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Извини, али не видим зашто би то био одговор на мој коментар: ја сам написао да мислим да је тренутно веома изненађен, а не да је лагао да не верује у Бога. Боље да си прозвао ове што RIP-ују. Какав одмор у каквом миру? Ваљда је атеистима приличније "трулило ти тело у ковчегу док ми форумашимо о теби". Али, ево ја ћу у име нас који мислимо другачије него што је он говорио да му вечерас нешто лепо зажелим, пошто верујем да је свако ко оволико труда и енергије и очигледног интелекта уложи у размишљање о Богу - Боготражитељ. Штета само што је отишао не завршивши посао. Јадан човек.
draskovicizam na forumu, to mi se svidja. :Dmoram da nastavim tradiciju rip topika i da podsetim da, ma koliko mi je bio drag, nisam mogao da ga podnesem kada je pricao o iraku.
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